Draft Environmental Impact Report - East Bay Municipal Utility District

Draft Environmental Impact Report - East Bay Municipal Utility District

Draft Environmental Impact Report - East Bay Municipal Utility District

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Estates Reservoir Replacement <strong>Draft</strong> <strong>Environmental</strong> <strong>Impact</strong> <strong>Report</strong>SummaryENVIRONMENTALIMPACT MITIGATION MEASURESconcentrations. might house potentially sensitive persons, but it is probable based on the demographics of personscommenting at public meetings held on Project alternatives.SIGNIFICANCEAFTERMITIGATIONThere would be no emissions from long-term storage tank operations to affect sensitive receptors,and minimal emissions from landscape and facilities maintenance. However, as discussed under<strong>Impact</strong> 3.7-2, demolition and construction activities would cause short-term emissions of NOX,ROC, CO, SO2, PM10, and PM2.5 from diesel-powered equipment and earthmoving (grounddisturbance).The results of the screening analysis contained in the analysis for criteria pollutants show that noexceedence of ambient air quality standards in the Project vicinity would result solely from Projectactivities. Notwithstanding Project-generated impacts, maximum background levels of particulatematter (PM10, PM2.5) already exceed state or federal standards as applicable in the Project vicinity.Diesel particulate matter (DPM) contain substances that are suspected carcinogens, along withpulmonary irritants and hazardous compounds which may affect sensitive receptors such as youngchildren, senior citizens, or those susceptible to respiratory disease. Where construction activityoccurs in proximity to long-term sensitive receptors, there could be a potential for unhealthfulexposure of those receptors to diesel exhaust, including residential receptors. The results of thescreening risk assessment contained in <strong>Impact</strong> 3.7-2, analyses show that the probability ofcontracting cancer from diesel particulate matter, for the Maximally Exposed Individual is about 7.5x 10 -7 , which is less than the 10 in one million (1 x 10 -5 ) BAAQMD CEQA threshold and thus notsignificant.Construction emissions are transient and temporary in nature, and BAAQMD control measureswould be implemented as described previously. <strong>Impact</strong>s on sensitive receptors are anticipated to beless than significant, and no further mitigation would be required.<strong>Impact</strong> 3.7-5: The proposedProject would not createobjectionable odors affecting asubstantial number of people.Mitigation Measure: None Required: California ultra-low sulfur diesel fuel, with a maximumsulfur content of 15 ppm by weight, will be used in all diesel-powered equipment which minimizesemissions of sulfurous gases (sulfur dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, carbon disulfide, and carbonylsulfide). Therefore, no objectionable odors are anticipated from demolition or constructionactivities or normal operation of the Project. The proposed Project would have no significantimpact, and no mitigation would be required.sb09_001.doc S-17 7/22/2009

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