Draft Environmental Impact Report - East Bay Municipal Utility District

Draft Environmental Impact Report - East Bay Municipal Utility District

Draft Environmental Impact Report - East Bay Municipal Utility District

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Dingee Pressure Zone Improvement Project - Estates Reservoir Replacement ProjectWater Distribution Facilities - Initial StudyENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT CHECKLISTPotentiallySignificant<strong>Impact</strong>Issues (and Supporting Information Sources):Less ThanSignificant WithMitigationIncorporatedLess ThanSignificant<strong>Impact</strong>No<strong>Impact</strong>XVII. MANDATORY FINDINGSOF SIGNIFICANCE.a) Does the project have thepotential to degrade thequality of theenvironment, substantiallyreduce the habitat of a fishor wildlife species, cause afish or wildlife populationto drop below selfsustaininglevels, threatento eliminate a plant oranimal community, reducethe number or restrict therange of a rare orendangered plant oranimal or eliminateimportant examples of themajor periods ofCalifornia history orprehistory?b) Does the project haveimpacts that areindividually limited, butcumulativelyconsiderable?(“Cumulativelyconsiderable” means thatthe incremental effects ofa project are considerablewhen viewed inconnection with the effectsof past projects, the effectsof other current projects,and the effects of probablefuture projects)?c) Does the project haveenvironmental effectswhich will causesubstantial adverse effects sb09_003.doc 34 12/10/08

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