Draft Environmental Impact Report - East Bay Municipal Utility District

Draft Environmental Impact Report - East Bay Municipal Utility District

Draft Environmental Impact Report - East Bay Municipal Utility District

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Dingee Pressure Zone Improvement Project - Estates Reservoir Replacement ProjectWater Distribution Facilities - Initial StudyENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT CHECKLISTPotentiallySignificant<strong>Impact</strong>Issues (and Supporting Information Sources):Less ThanSignificant WithMitigationIncorporatedLess ThanSignificant<strong>Impact</strong>No<strong>Impact</strong>XII. POPULATION ANDHOUSING.Would the project:a) Induce substantial populationgrowth in an area, eitherdirectly (for example, byproposing new homes andbusinesses) or indirectly (forexample, through extensionof roads or otherinfrastructure)?b) Displace substantial numbersof existing housing,necessitating theconstruction of replacementhousing elsewhere?c) Displace substantial numbersof people, necessitating theconstruction of replacementhousing elsewhere? a) The project will not induce population growth by making additional water supply available for newdevelopment. The project refurbishes and replaces existing facilities to improve water quality and reliability ofthe existing water distribution system that currently serves customers in the City of Piedmont and Oakland. Onlyplanned growth, approved and permitted by these two cities will be served by these improved facilities.b) No housing presently exists at the project site; therefore, the proposed project would not displace housing.c) The project would not displace people or housing from the site and no relocation would be required.For the reasons stated above (a&b), there are no impacts to Population and Housing and no further analysis and/ormitigation measures are identified in the Project <strong>Draft</strong> EIR.sb09_003.doc 27 12/10/08

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