Draft Environmental Impact Report - East Bay Municipal Utility District

Draft Environmental Impact Report - East Bay Municipal Utility District

Draft Environmental Impact Report - East Bay Municipal Utility District

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Dingee Pressure Zone Improvement Project - Estates Reservoir Replacement ProjectWater Distribution Facilities - Initial StudyENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT CHECKLISTPotentiallySignificant<strong>Impact</strong>Issues (and Supporting Information Sources):VIII. HYDROLOGY AND WATERQUALITY.Would the project:a) Violate Regional WaterQuality Control Board waterquality standards or wastedischarge requirements?b) Substantially depletegroundwater supplies orinterfere substantially withgroundwater recharge suchthat there would be a netdeficit in aquifer volume or alowering of the localgroundwater table level (i.e.,the production rate of preexistingnearby wells woulddrop to a level which wouldnot support existing landuses or planned uses forwhich permits have beengranted?c) Substantially after theexisting drainage pattern ofthe site area, includingthrough the alteration of thecourse of a stream or river,in a manner which wouldresult in substantial erosionor siltation on- or off-site?d) Substantially alter theexisting drainage pattern ofthe site or area, includingthrough the alteration of thecourse of a stream or river,or substantially increase therate or amount of surfacerunoff in a manner whichwould result in flooding onoroff-site?Less ThanSignificant WithMitigationIncorporatedLess ThanSignificant<strong>Impact</strong>No<strong>Impact</strong> sb09_003.doc 21 12/10/08

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