Draft Environmental Impact Report - East Bay Municipal Utility District

Draft Environmental Impact Report - East Bay Municipal Utility District

Draft Environmental Impact Report - East Bay Municipal Utility District

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Dingee Pressure Zone Improvement Project - Estates Reservoir Replacement ProjectWater Distribution Facilities - Initial Studyproject result in a safetyhazard for people residing orworking in the project area?f) For a project within thevicinity of a private airstrip,would the project result in asafety hazard for peopleresiding or working in theproject area?g) Impair implementation of orphysically interfere with anadopted emergency responseplan or emergencyevacuation plan?h) Expose people or structuresto the risk of loss, injury ordeath involving wildlandfires, including wherewildlands are adjacent tourbanized areas or whereresidences are intermixedwith wildlands?PotentiallySignificant<strong>Impact</strong>Less ThanSignificant WithMitigationIncorporatedLess ThanSignificant<strong>Impact</strong>No<strong>Impact</strong> a) The existing Estates Reservoir roof structure contains wood preservatives including pentachlorophenol. State andFederal Regulations limit reuse of pentachloraphenol treated lumber to the site of origin and for “similar uses”.The proposed landscape plan for Estates Reservoir does not include re-use of any petachloraphenol treated woodfor ancillary landscape features, but there may be potential reuse for temporary forming, bracing and shoringapplications during construction. Any wood not appropriately reused on site will be handled, transported anddisposed of at an appropriate waste disposal site (Keller Canyon). No unregulated hazardous substances will beused or present when new project components are in service.The potential for silicosis exposure (related to demolition, concrete recycling and construction activities) isconsidered less than significant because dust and particulate matter controls utilized by the contractor andrequired as part of the contract specifications (see Air Quality section of the EIR) will ensure that levels of silicaand other particulate materials are not harmful either to workers at the site or sensitive receptors (residents) invicinity of the site. All construction activities would occur in accordance with applicable federal and staterequirements relative to health and safety, including CAL-OSHA requirements.Therefore there is no significant hazard/impact to the public or the environment through the routine transport,use, or disposal of hazardous materials and no further analysis or mitigation measures are proposed in the Project<strong>Draft</strong> EIR.b) Routine maintenance of distribution facilities entails dechlorination of potable water from reservoirs prior torelease into the sewer or storm water system. For reservoir outages, sediment from tanks is containerized anddisposed of in compliance with state and federal regulations. Therefore there is no significant impact to thepublic or the environment significant hazard to the public or the environment through reasonably foreseeableupset and accident conditions involving the likely release of hazardous materials into the environment, and nofurther analysis or mitigation measures are proposed.sb09_003.doc 19 12/10/08

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