Draft Environmental Impact Report - East Bay Municipal Utility District

Draft Environmental Impact Report - East Bay Municipal Utility District

Draft Environmental Impact Report - East Bay Municipal Utility District

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Dingee Pressure Zone Improvement Project - Estates Reservoir Replacement ProjectWater Distribution Facilities - Initial StudyENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT CHECKLISTPotentiallySignificant<strong>Impact</strong>Issues (and Supporting Information Sources):V. CULTURAL RESOURCES.Would the project:Less ThanSignificant WithMitigationIncorporatedLess ThanSignificant<strong>Impact</strong>No<strong>Impact</strong> a) Cause a substantial adversechange in the significance ofa historical resource asdefined in section 15064.5b) Cause a substantial adverse change in the significance ofa unique archaeologicalresource as defined insection 15064.5c) Directly or indirectly destroy a unique paleontologicalresource or site or uniquegeologic feature?d) Disturb any human remains, including those interredoutside of formalcemeteries?a) EBMUD proposes to demolish the roof structure as part of the Estates Reservoir Replacement Project. Neitherthe Estates or Dingee Reservoir sites are listed at present on the Federal or California Register of Historic Places(CRHR). The Estates Reservoir roof structure is recommended as eligible for listing on the CRHR byGaravaglia Architecture, Inc., under Criteria 1 and 3. The proposed Project would therefore have a substantialadverse change in the significance of this resource, as defined in CEQA Guidelines, §15064.5(b). Furthermore,the City of Oakland’s Landmark Preservation Advisory Board (LAPB) has initiated a process for designating theEstates Reservoir site as an Oakland historic landmark. As of January 14, 2008, the LAPB has determined thatthe Estates fountains, planter and surface planes of Estates Reservoir roof are eligible for Oakland Landmarkdesignation and has adopted the LPAB Evaluation Sheet for Landmark Eligibility with a rating of “B”. Detailedanalyses, impacts and mitigation measures are contained in the Project <strong>Draft</strong> EIR.b-d) The two project sites are located on developed land that has been subject to extensive prior excavation anddisturbance. All project work will occur in areas that have been previously disturbed. It is unlikely that uniquearcheological, paleontology resources or human remains exist at these three sites. However, if remains orarcheological features are uncovered during demolition or construction at Estates Reservoir site, the standardprotocol will be followed to preserve and protect such features. Generally this will consist of stopping work untilsuch time as a qualified archeologist can determine significance. Mitigation measures to address this potentialare included in the Project D raft EIR.sb09_003.doc 15 12/10/08

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