Draft Environmental Impact Report - East Bay Municipal Utility District

Draft Environmental Impact Report - East Bay Municipal Utility District

Draft Environmental Impact Report - East Bay Municipal Utility District

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Estates Reservoir Replacement <strong>Draft</strong> <strong>Environmental</strong> <strong>Impact</strong> <strong>Report</strong>Cumulative <strong>Impact</strong>s, Growth Inducements and Other Topics Required by CEQABased on the CEQA definition above, assessing the growth-inducement potential of theEstates Reservoir Replacement Project involves answering the question: Willconstruction and/or operation of planned improvements remove an obstacle to growthand thus directly or indirectly support more economic or population growth or residentialconstruction?The purpose of the Estates Reservoir Replacement Project is to improve water quality bydownsizing storage volume and restoring operational flexibility and redundancy in theDingee Pressure Zone, including eliminating storage at the Dingee Reservoir andreducing the total storage complement at the Estates Reservoir by more than 50 percentof its existing capacity. Proposed improvements will also address seismic issues relatedto the reservoir embankment in response to a 2004 letter request by the Division of Safetyof Dams (DSOD) for seismic study and remediation of the Estates Dam.Implementation of the proposed Project would allow EBMUD to continue to providequality water service to existing customers in the Dingee Pressure Zone and to eliminatepotential seismic hazards associated with the existing reservoir. This Project's purposeand the implementation of the proposed Project have no potential to directly or indirectlyfoster population growth or to result in the construction of additional housing.The Project would contribute to local economic growth from construction expendituresfor labor and materials. Construction contracts will go to bid in 2010, and it is expectedthat firms that bid will rely on a construction labor force already present within commutedistance to the site. Additional housing will not be constructed in the Project vicinity forthe maximum 50 on-site workers. These workers may purchase goods and serviceslocally; however, nearby retail services are provided at the Montclair Village withinproximity of the site.5.4 Other Topics Required by CEQA5.4.1 Population and HousingConstruction activities would occur on EBMUD property, and no housing exists on theProject site. The proposed replacement of Estates Reservoir would continue to serve thesame existing customers within the Dingee Pressure Zone. Since the proposed Projectwould not induce any population growth, displace substantial numbers of existinghousing, or displace substantial numbers of people, there would be no impact topopulation and housing.5.4.2 Significant Irreversible <strong>Environmental</strong> ChangesSection 15126.2(c) of the CEQA Guidelines states the following:Uses of nonrenewable resources during the initial and continued phases of theProject may be irreversible since a large commitment of such resources makessb09_001.doc 5-11 7/22/2009

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