Draft Environmental Impact Report - East Bay Municipal Utility District

Draft Environmental Impact Report - East Bay Municipal Utility District

Draft Environmental Impact Report - East Bay Municipal Utility District

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Estates Reservoir Replacement <strong>Draft</strong> <strong>Environmental</strong> <strong>Impact</strong> <strong>Report</strong>Cumulative <strong>Impact</strong>s, Growth Inducements and Other Topics Required by CEQAAir Quality<strong>Impact</strong> C-6: Cumulative construction emissions.The geographic scope of this resource area is the San Francisco <strong>Bay</strong> Area Air Basin. TheProject would result in temporary increases in criteria air pollutant emissions duringconstruction as well as potential exposure of sensitive receptors to diesel engine exhaustemissions from construction equipment and haul trucks. However, implementation ofmitigation measures, as developed by the <strong>Bay</strong> Area Air Quality Management <strong>District</strong> andthe California Air Resources Board, would mitigate the Project’s contribution to regionalair quality impacts. Therefore, the Project’s contribution to cumulative air qualityimpacts would be negligible.Other projects listed in Table 5-1 also have the potential to result in the same types of airquality impacts as the Estates Reservoir Project, with the extent of impact depending onindividual project characteristics. However, all planned and proposed projects in theregion are subject to BAAQMD regulations and the Clean Air Plan guidelines.Therefore, assuming implementation of appropriate mitigation measures for all projectsin the region, cumulative air quality impacts would be less than significant.Greenhouse Gases (GHG)The geographic scope of this resource area is the San Francisco <strong>Bay</strong> Area Air Basin andthe Earth.As discussed in Chapter 3, the Project would not impede the State’s ability to meet its2020 greenhouse gas emissions goal. Implementation of specific measures to reduceGHG from fuel combustion, in addition to diesel exhaust control measures (Air Quality)would reduce and sequester GHG associated with vehicle and equipment use. On goingmaintenance activities would remain the same, and permanently eliminating water use bythe fountains would also save water and electricity used to operate the fountain pumps.For these reasons, the Project would result in less than significant cumulative impacts onglobal climate change.Noise and Vibration<strong>Impact</strong> C-7: Cumulative construction noise and vibration impacts.The geographic scope of this impact area is the extent of sensitive receptors within a fewhundred feet of the Project’s staging areas/construction site.The Project would result in intermittent and temporary noise above existing ambientnoise levels due to construction activities in the Project vicinity. With implementation ofmitigation measures, outlined in Chapter 3, the Project’s short-term noise impacts wouldbe less than significant, although possibly still periodically and intermittently noticeablesb09_001.doc 5-9 7/22/2009

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