Draft Environmental Impact Report - East Bay Municipal Utility District

Draft Environmental Impact Report - East Bay Municipal Utility District

Draft Environmental Impact Report - East Bay Municipal Utility District

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Estates Reservoir Replacement <strong>Draft</strong> <strong>Environmental</strong> <strong>Impact</strong> <strong>Report</strong>Cumulative <strong>Impact</strong>s, Growth Inducement and Other Topics Required by CEQAwould contribute to cumulative cultural resources impacts for the City of Oaklandspecifically, and for Alameda County and the State of California, secondarily.The potential for impacts to prehistoric or archeological resources or to unearth humanremains exists and is mitigated to a less than significant level by applying standardcontingency procedures. Consequently, the Project’s incremental impact here is notcumulatively significant.Traffic and Circulation<strong>Impact</strong> C-5: Cumulative traffic and roadway disruptions.The geographic scope of potential cumulative traffic impacts includes access routes toarea freeways, and arterial and collector roadways used for haul routes and constructionequipment/vehicle access to the Estates Reservoir site. All of the Project s listed inTable 5.1 could affect traffic and circulation on States Routes 24 and 13, andInterstate 580.As described in Chapter 3, the proposed Project would result in short-term increases in:vehicle trips by trucks and construction workers, traffic on area-wide roads, traffichazards at specific points along Estates Drive, a demand for parking spaces forconstruction employees, and wear-and-tear on designated haul routes. More critically,the Project would also exacerbate existing deficiencies at the Moraga/SR 13/EstatesDrive and La Salle/Moraga Avenue/Mountain Boulevard intersections. While mosttraffic and circulation Project impacts would be reduced to a less than significant levelwith implementation of proposed mitigation measures, impacts to the La Salle/MoragaAvenue/Mountain Boulevard intersection would remain significant even with mitigationsince that intersection is presently at LOS F.As shown in Figure 5.1, the potential for potential cumulative traffic impacts as a resultof known projects is remote to non-existent since, with the exception of the MontclairPumping Plant Upgrade, which is part of the proposed Project, as known projects are notlocated in proximity of the site. However, there could be a significant cumulative effectassociated with the projects listed in Table 5.1 for State Routes 24 and 13, and Interstate580.Prior to construction, EBMUD would coordinate with the appropriate departments of thesurrounding jurisdictions and with other utility districts and agencies regarding the timingof construction projects that would occur near the Estates Reservoir site. Suchcoordination would help to minimize multiple disruptions in the same areas. EBMUDwould also submit plans related to, and comply with the requirements of, encroachmentpermits with local jurisdictions, which would provide further opportunities to coordinatemultiple projects. Specific measures to mitigate significant impacts would be determinedas part of the interagency coordination. Upon completion of the Project, traffic generatedby site construction activity would return to current levels, and the cumulative trafficimpact is considered less than significant.sb09_001.doc 5-8 7/22/2009

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