Draft Environmental Impact Report - East Bay Municipal Utility District

Draft Environmental Impact Report - East Bay Municipal Utility District

Draft Environmental Impact Report - East Bay Municipal Utility District

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Estates Reservoir Replacement <strong>Draft</strong> <strong>Environmental</strong> <strong>Impact</strong> <strong>Report</strong>SummaryENVIRONMENTALIMPACT MITIGATION MEASURESmethods and findings. The report will be submitted to EBMUD. Once the report is reviewed andapproved by EBMUD, a copy of the report will be submitted to the Northwest Information Center.SIGNIFICANCEAFTERMITIGATION<strong>Impact</strong> 3.5-3: Damage topreviously unidentified humanremains.Measure 3.5-3: Section 7050.5(b) of the California Health and Safety Code will beimplemented in the event that human remains, or possible human remains, are located duringproject related construction excavation. In the event of discovery or recognition of anyhuman remains in any location other than a dedicated cemetery, there shall be no furtherdisturbance of the site or any nearby area suspected to overlie adjacent remains until theCounty Coroner has investigated the circumstances, manner and cause of death inaccordance with Chapter 10 of the Government Code and determined that the remains arenot subject to the provisions of Section 27492 of the Government Code, and therecommendations concerning treatment and disposition of the remains have beencommunicated to the person responsible for the excavation, per Section 5097.98 of thePublic Resources Code. If the remains are recognized as of Native American origin, theCounty Corner shall contact the Native American Heritage Commission within 24 hours, toprovide guidance as to ultimate disposition.Less than SignificantTRAFFIC AND CIRCULATION<strong>Impact</strong> 3.6-1: The constructionphase of the proposed Projectwould generate short-termvehicle trips by trucks andconstruction workers and wouldrepresent an increased trafficload on the roadwayssurrounding the Project site.Measure 3.6-1: EBMUD contract specifications shall require preparation and implementation of aTraffic Management Plan, and collaboration with the City of Oakland and California HighwayPatrol, as appropriate. The Plan will include the following elements: The work hours for each phase of project construction, the process for notifying residents ofconstruction activity, and the means for people to report construction-related problems. A haul route, based on the route shown on Figure 3.6-5 that shall be provided to all trucksserving the site during the construction period. Should the recommended one-way truck accessroute not be implemented and trucks routed to Estates Drive south of the Project site, there issufficient capacity on Estates Drive south of the Project site to accommodate additional trafficvolumes associated with the peak construction period. However, a flagger would be required atthe Estates Drive/Park Boulevard intersection to direct traffic though that intersection, with analternative routing plan. Flaggers at the Project site entrance and at the curve on Estates Drive immediately west of theProject site to improve traffic safety during regular construction hours.Less than Significantsb09_001.doc S-11 7/22/2009

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