Draft Environmental Impact Report - East Bay Municipal Utility District

Draft Environmental Impact Report - East Bay Municipal Utility District

Draft Environmental Impact Report - East Bay Municipal Utility District

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Estates Reservoir Replacement <strong>Draft</strong> <strong>Environmental</strong> <strong>Impact</strong> <strong>Report</strong>Cumulative <strong>Impact</strong>s, Growth Inducement and Other Topics Required by CEQA5.1.2 Projects with Potentially Related or Cumulative EffectsThis evaluation considers cumulative impacts associated with construction andoperation of the proposed Project based on the geographic scope of the affectedenvironmental resource and the proposed Project schedule. The cumulativeanalysis considers the impacts of the Project described in Chapter 3 incombination with potential environmental effects of other projects proposed forthe Project area.The project sponsors contacted for this chapter include service districts (PG&E), localjurisdictions (Cities of Oakland and Piedmont), responsible and other agencies(California Department of Transportation [Caltrans] and Alameda-Contra Costa [AC]Transit). Proposed EBMUD projects are also considered. Projects were generallyidentified by the planning, community development, and public works/engineeringdepartments of these agencies, as well as through information posted on websites.Projects with a potential for cumulative impact within the proposed construction timeframe are assumed to be those within a one to three mile radius of the Estates Reservoirsite. The complete list of projects provided by jurisdiction and agencies is available forreference upon request.The City of Oakland provided a table of 96 proposed projects, of which 29 areprojects for which a pre-application hearing has been held and 67 are projects thathave been approved. A list of 65 completed projects was also provided. Using aone, two and three mile radius to determine potential cumulative significancerelative to geographic proximity, only two proposed projects are in close proximityto the reservoir site and therefore have a potential for cumulative impact relative totraffic and circulation (travel time, access and haul routes to/from the reservoir site).The City subsequently indicated that one of those projects was indefinitely deferreddue to a lack of financing.The City of Piedmont mentioned three potential projects that were being considered ofwhich two are planning studies, but noted that there is no established schedule orfunding to implement any project. No detail was provided for these projects.Caltrans provided a list of six potential projects. Four are projects that will bedispersed throughout Alameda County with no specific locations provided. Addition ofa fourth bore to the Caldecott Tunnel North side, and storm drain improvements alongthe Warren Freeway (SR-13) between Redwood Road to Carson Street, would bewithin the three mile radius.A review of AC Transit’s website showed dispersed small scale improvement projects inOakland and Alameda County along major arterials in the flatland/downtown area. Noneare within the three miles radius of the Estates reservoir site.sb09_001.doc 5-2 7/22/2009

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