Draft Environmental Impact Report - East Bay Municipal Utility District

Draft Environmental Impact Report - East Bay Municipal Utility District

Draft Environmental Impact Report - East Bay Municipal Utility District

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Chapter 4Analysis of Alternatives4.1 Introduction and ApproachThis chapter summarizes the alternatives analysis and screening process, describes andanalyzes the No Project Alternative, compares the environmental impacts of the EstatesReservoir Replacement Alternatives, and identifies the environmentally superioralternative.4.1.1 CEQA Requirements for Alternatives AnalysisThe California <strong>Environmental</strong> Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines require <strong>Environmental</strong><strong>Impact</strong> <strong>Report</strong>s (EIR) to describe and evaluate a reasonable range of alternatives to aproject, or to the location of a project, which could feasibly attain most of the basicproject objectives and avoid or substantially lessen significant project impacts. TheCEQA Guidelines, Section 15126.6, set forth the following criteria for alternatives:Identifying Alternatives. The range of alternatives is limited to those that wouldavoid or substantially lessen any of the significant effects of the Project, arefeasible, and would attain most of the basic objectives of the Project. Factors thatmay be considered when addressing the feasibility of an alternative include sitesuitability, availability of infrastructure, general plan consistency, other plans orregulatory limitations, jurisdictional boundaries, economic viability, and whetherthe proponent can reasonably acquire, control, or otherwise have access to analternative site. An EIR need not consider an alternative whose impact cannot bereasonably ascertained and whose implementation is remote and speculative. Thespecific alternative of “no project” must also be evaluated along with its impact.Range of Alternatives. An EIR need not consider every conceivable alternative, butmust consider a reasonable range of alternatives that will foster informed decisionmakingand public participation. The “rule of reason” governs the selection andconsideration of EIR alternatives, requiring that an EIR set forth only thosealternatives necessary to permit a reasoned choice. The lead agency (EBMUD) isresponsible for selecting a range of project alternatives for examination and mustpublicly disclose its reasons for selecting those alternatives.Evaluation of Alternatives. EIRs are required to include sufficient informationabout each alternative to allow meaningful evaluation, analysis, and comparisonwith the Project. Matrices may be used to display the major characteristics of eachalternative and environmental effects of each alternative. If an alternative wouldcause one or more significant effects not caused by the Project as proposed, thesb09_001.doc 4-1 7/23/2009

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