Draft Environmental Impact Report - East Bay Municipal Utility District

Draft Environmental Impact Report - East Bay Municipal Utility District

Draft Environmental Impact Report - East Bay Municipal Utility District

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Estates Reservoir Replacement <strong>Draft</strong> <strong>Environmental</strong> <strong>Impact</strong> <strong>Report</strong>SummaryENVIRONMENTALIMPACT MITIGATION MEASURES<strong>Impact</strong> 3.4-2: Disturbances tonesting raptors or special statusnesting birds.Measure 3.4-2: EBMUD will avoid disturbing active nests of special-status nesting birds byperforming preconstruction surveys and creating no-disturbance buffers. If construction activities(i.e., ground clearing and grading, including removal of trees or shrubs) are scheduled to occurduring the non-breeding season (September 1 through January 31), no mitigation is required.SIGNIFICANCEAFTERMITIGATIONLess than Significant.If construction activities are scheduled to occur during the breeding season (February 1 throughAugust 31), EBMUD will implement the following measures to avoid potential adverse effects onnesting raptors and other special-status birds:EBMUD will retain a qualified wildlife biologist to conduct preconstruction surveys of all potentialnesting habitat within 500 feet of construction activities where access is available.If active nests are found during preconstruction surveys, EBMUD will create a no-disturbancebuffer (acceptable in size to the California Department of Fish and Game, CDFG) around activeraptor nests and nests of other special-status birds during the breeding season, or until it isdetermined that all young have fledged. The size of these buffer zones and types of constructionactivities restricted in these areas will be based on existing noise and human disturbance levels atthe Estates Reservoir Project site. Nests initiated during construction are presumed to be unaffectedby the activities occurring, and no buffer would be necessary.<strong>Impact</strong> 3.4-3: Loss or damageto special – status plants andsensitive natural communities.If preconstruction surveys indicate that nests are inactive or potential habitat is unoccupied duringthe construction period, no further mitigation is required. Trees and shrubs within the constructionfootprint that have been determined to be unoccupied by special-status birds or that are locatedoutside the no-disturbance buffer for active nests may be removed.Mitigation Measure: None Required: The Estates Reservoir site is within a large-scale, wellestablished residential neighborhood and has been maintained as a manicured landscape for severaldecades. Ornamental vegetation on the site and in the surrounding neighborhood has decreased (ifnot eliminated) the value of on-site vegetation for native wildlife habitat. The Estates ReservoirProject will therefore not have a significant adverse impact on biological resources, or to specialstatus/sensitive plants and communities. Because of the extensive grass, shrub and tree plantingproposed as part of the Project, the Project will, in fact, increase the potential for habitat for nativespecies with the planting of native coast live oak, California Sycamore and California buckeye.This impact is considered beneficial and no further discussion is offered nor are mitigation measuresrequired.sb09_001.doc S-9 7/22/2009

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