Draft Environmental Impact Report - East Bay Municipal Utility District

Draft Environmental Impact Report - East Bay Municipal Utility District

Draft Environmental Impact Report - East Bay Municipal Utility District

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Estates Reservoir Replacement <strong>Draft</strong> <strong>Environmental</strong> <strong>Impact</strong> <strong>Report</strong>SummaryENVIRONMENTALIMPACT MITIGATION MEASURES<strong>Impact</strong> 3.2-4: Projectconstruction could affect viewsfrom the surrounding area,including public roadways, publictrails and open space andresidential areas.SIGNIFICANCEAFTERMITIGATIONMeasure 3.2-4: Implement Measures 3.3-2, as detailed above. Less than Significant.<strong>Impact</strong> 3.2-5: Projectconstruction could generate newsources of light and glare.Measure 3.2-5: EBMUD will ensure that stationary lighting used during nighttime construction (ifrequired) is of limited duration and shielded and directed downward or oriented such that little or nolight is directly visible from Estates Drive. No permanent nighttime lights will be constructed onthe site.Less than Significant.GEOLOGY, SOILS AND SEISMICITY<strong>Impact</strong> 3.3-1: New slopesassociated with reservoirconstruction may be potentiallyunstable.Measure 3.3-1: During the design phase, EBMUD will perform geotechnical evaluations and ifrequired, conduct site specific geotechnical investigation/exploration/testing to reduce or eliminatepotential slope hazards. Design and construction specifications will incorporate therecommendations from the geotechnical evaluation for any slope stabilization, which may includesome of the following measures, although this list is not exclusive: Appropriate slope inclination Slope terracing Fill compaction Soil reinforcement Surface and subsurface drainage facilities Retaining walls Buttresses Erosion control measures- Sub drain system- Soil nails or anchorsLess than Significant.sb09_001.doc S-7 7/22/2009

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