Draft Environmental Impact Report - East Bay Municipal Utility District

Draft Environmental Impact Report - East Bay Municipal Utility District

Draft Environmental Impact Report - East Bay Municipal Utility District

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Estates Reservoir Replacement <strong>Draft</strong> <strong>Environmental</strong> <strong>Impact</strong> <strong>Report</strong>Greenhouse Gasescorrespondingly lower emissions. Fuel consumption is the basis for determining dieselexhaust emissions in this section as well as Section 3.7, Air Quality.Off-site Vehicle EmissionsA relatively small source of GHG emissions compared to on-site equipment, off-sitevehicle emissions comprise worker commute trips in light-duty vehicles (passenger carsand light trucks) to and from the Project site, and heavy-duty truck emissions generallyassociated with hauling away debris and transporting materials and equipment to the site.Commuter trip estimates developed by EBMUD were used as the basis, using theemissions estimation methodology given in the BAAQMD CEQA Guidelines Section 3.4,Table 9. Similarly, heavy-duty truck trip estimates developed by EBMUD were translatedinto emissions utilizing CARB’s EMFAC 2007 computer program (i.e., determination ofemission factors), along with light-duty gasoline vehicles. GHG from vehicle use wereestimated following the protocol given in Table A-99, Annex 3 of the Inventory of U.S.Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks: 1990-2006. (EPA 2008)TABLE 3.8-1Estimated Maximum Fuel Consumption for ProjectProject ActivityHourlygal/hrDailygal/dayProjectgallonsDemolition Phase 90 530 15,000Construction Phase 110 580 55,000Project Total 70,000Sources: BSFC = (7,000 BTU/BHP-hr) / (137,030 BTU/gal) = 0.051 gal/BHP-hrAP-42 Table 3.3-1 EBMUD 20093.8.2 Setting/Regulatory FrameworkThe environmental setting for GHG emissions and climate change is larger than theimmediate Project area. The sections below describe the context for climate change asbeing the Earth and the properties of GHGs to affect global climate change.Overview of Climate ChangeUnder the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), thedefinition of climate change is “a change of climate which is attributed directly orindirectly to human activity that alters the composition of the global atmosphere andwhich is in addition to natural climate variability observed over comparable time periods”(USEPA 2008).sb09_001.doc 3-8.2 7/22/2009

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