Draft Environmental Impact Report - East Bay Municipal Utility District

Draft Environmental Impact Report - East Bay Municipal Utility District

Draft Environmental Impact Report - East Bay Municipal Utility District

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Estates Reservoir Replacement <strong>Draft</strong> <strong>Environmental</strong> <strong>Impact</strong> <strong>Report</strong>Air QualityThe Project specifications shall include 17 CCR Section 93115, AirborneToxic Control Measure for Stationary Compression Ignition Engines, whichspecifies fuel and fuel additive requirements; emission standards foroperation of any stationary, diesel-fueled, compression-ignition engines; andoperation restrictions within 500 feet of school grounds when school is insession;A schedule of low-emissions tune-ups shall be developed and such tuneupsshall be performed on all equipment, particularly for haul and deliverytrucks; andLow-sulfur ( 15 ppmw S) fuels shall be used in all stationary and mobileequipment.TABLE 3.7-10Estimated Fugitive Dust Emissions from DemolitionArea Schedule Control Uncontrolled ControlledDemolition PhaseAcres Days Percent lbs/day lbs/yr lbs/day lbs/yrReservoir Area 2.25 100 95% 140 14,050 7.0 702Access Road 0.50 125 95% 26 3,188 1.3 159Building Demolition (cu ft vol) 1,090,000 100 75% 5 458 1.1 114Totals 171 17,695 9.4 976Source: BAAQMD Ref: AP-42 Chapter 13.2.3 “Heavy Construction Operations”Fugitive dust (as PM 10 ) 0.00042 lb/cu ft of building volume unmitigated, BAAQMD CEQA Guidelines, Section 3.3Fugitive dust (as PM 10 ) 51 lb/acre-day unmitigated, BAAQMD CEQA Guidelines, Section 3.3Mitigation Ref. AP-42 Chapter 13.2.3 “Heavy Construction Operations,” Table 13.2.3-2 Wet suppressionMitigation Ref: AP-42 Chapter 13.2.2 “Unpaved Roads,” Figure 13.2.2-2Note: Soil moisture ratio = 5 (for all feasible mitigation measures)TABLE 3.7-11Estimated Fugitive Dust Emissions from ConstructionArea Schedule Control Uncontrolled ControlledConstruction Phase Acres Days Percent lbs/day lbs/yr lbs/day lbs/yrReservoir Area 2.25 310 95% 140 43,554 7.0 2,178Access Road 0.50 340 95% 26 8,670 1.3 434Totals 166 52,224 8.3 2,611Source: BAAQMD Ref: AP-42 Chapter 13.2.3 “Heavy Construction Operations”Fugitive dust (as PM 10 ) 0.00042 lb/cu ft of building volume unmitigated, BAAQMD CEQA Guidelines, Section 3.3Fugitive dust (as PM 10 ) 51 lb/acre-day unmitigated, BAAQMD CEQA Guidelines, Section 3.3Mitigation Ref. AP-42 Chapter 13.2.3 “Heavy Construction Operations,” Table 13.2.3-2 Wet suppressionMitigation Ref: AP-42 Chapter 13.2.2 “Unpaved Roads,” Figure 13.2.2-2Note: Soil moisture ratio = 5 (for all feasible mitigation measures)Because these control measures will be implemented, fugitive dust and particulatematter emissions are reduced substantially, and the impact is less than significant.Significance after Mitigation: Less than Significant.sb09_001.doc 3-7.17 7/22/2009

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