Draft Environmental Impact Report - East Bay Municipal Utility District

Draft Environmental Impact Report - East Bay Municipal Utility District

Draft Environmental Impact Report - East Bay Municipal Utility District

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Estates Reservoir Replacement <strong>Draft</strong> <strong>Environmental</strong> <strong>Impact</strong> <strong>Report</strong>Traffic and Circulationbe parked on the neighborhood streets for extended periods of time. This impact isconsidered significant but can be mitigated to less than significant.Mitigation Measure 3.6-2: EBMUD shall provide designated on-site parking areas toaccommodate all Project-related parking demand. In the earlier construction phaseswhen there may not be sufficient space on-site to accommodate all parking demand,EBMUD contract specifications will require the contractor to secure private off-siteparking and provide shuttles to bring workers to and from the Project site.Significance after Mitigation: Less than Significant.<strong>Impact</strong> 3.6-3: Project construction would cause increased wear-and-tear onroadways used by construction vehicles to access the Project site.Large trucks would be used to haul material to and from the Project site. Althougharterials such as Moraga Avenue and Mountain Avenue are designed to withstandsubstantial truck volumes, minor residential roads such as La Salle Avenue and EstatesDrive are not. These roadways would likely experience increased wear-and-tear as aresult of Project construction.The residential roadways around the Project site are not designed to accommodate highvolumes of heavy vehicles and the addition of construction traffic could degrade roadwayconditions in the immediate study area. This impact is considered significant but can bemitigated to less than significant.Mitigation Measure 3.6-3: EBMUD contract documents will require that roadconditions shall be documented for all routes that would be used by constructionvehicles both before and after Project construction.Significance after Mitigation: Less than Significant.ReferencesAlameda-Contra Costa Transit <strong>District</strong> Bus System Map, available online athttp://www.actransit.org/Caltrans, Truck Networks on California State Highways, available online athttp://www.dot.ca.gov/hq/traffops/trucks/truckmap/truckmap-d04.pdfCaltrans, Truck Route List, available online athttp://www.dot.ca.gov/hq/traffops/trucks/truckmap/truck-route-list.xlsCity of Oakland, CEQA Thresholds/Criteria of Significance Guidelines, (July 15, 2008)http://www.oaklandnet.com/government/ceda/revised/AttachH.pdfsb09_001.doc 3-6.20 7/22/2009

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