Draft Environmental Impact Report - East Bay Municipal Utility District

Draft Environmental Impact Report - East Bay Municipal Utility District

Draft Environmental Impact Report - East Bay Municipal Utility District

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Estates Reservoir Replacement <strong>Draft</strong> <strong>Environmental</strong> <strong>Impact</strong> <strong>Report</strong>Traffic and CirculationThe following assumptions were used in the development of the trip generation estimatesby phase:Less than 3,000 cubic yards of material would be hauled from the site.6,000 cubic yards of fill material would be hauled to the site (4,100 cubic yards ifmost of the concrete is recycled).Concrete lining of existing reservoir would be crushed and re-used on site.Single box trucks with a capacity of 10 cubic yards would be used to and areassumed to have an effective capacity of 5 to 7 cubic yards.1,100 cubic yards of concrete is recycled on site.Based on the anticipated construction schedule summarized in Table 3.6-5, the expectedmaximum number of daily trips would be 150 truck trips and 50 on-site worker trips for atotal of 200. The expected maximum number of peak hour trips would be 22 truck tripsand 17 worker trips for a total of 39. Peak traffic rates related to the demolition andconstruction phases do not extend over the entire duration of each phase. For example,peak traffic conditions associated with concrete deliveries for the floor, roof and wallpours for each tank are each separate one-day events spaced several weeks apart.Each concrete pour for a tank floor or roof would be completed in one day; a tank wallsection (representing about 1/7 of the tank perimeter) would also be poured in a singleday, and spaced about 14 days apart under ideal conditions. Peak traffic rates related tohauling of demolition debris and the importation of fill for site grading and landscapingwould span but a few weeks within the overall duration identified.The traffic generation characteristics for the Project were also determined for a “typical”or average day. This represents the level of activity that the area would experience on aday-to-day basis. The proposed Project is expected to generate 44 daily truck trips and30 daily worker trips for a total of 74 daily trips. The expected peak hour trips would be7 truck trips and 10 worker trips for a total of 17 hourly trips.Trucks behave differently than passenger vehicles as they take longer to accelerate,decelerate, and negotiate turns. Therefore, they also affect intersection and roadwayoperations differently.Montclair Pumping Plant UpgradeConstruction associated with upgrade of the pumping plant would occur once the reservoirreplacement is completed. The construction schedule for the pumping plant upgrade isestimated to be 20 weeks, as summarized in Table 3.6-6. The expected maximum numberof daily trips would be 3 truck trips and 4 on-site worker tips, for a total of 7 vehicle trips(installation of new motors and pumps and equipment testing). The expected maximumnumber of peak hour trips would be 2 truck trips and 2 worker trips. Vehicle and workertrips generated by the pumping plant upgrade would have little noticeable impact on trafficand circulation of the existing street system.sb09_001.doc 3-6.11 7/22/2009

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