Draft Environmental Impact Report - East Bay Municipal Utility District

Draft Environmental Impact Report - East Bay Municipal Utility District

Draft Environmental Impact Report - East Bay Municipal Utility District

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Estates Reservoir Replacement <strong>Draft</strong> <strong>Environmental</strong> <strong>Impact</strong> <strong>Report</strong>Cultural ResourcesAs the Estates Reservoir roof is recommended eligible for listing in the CRHR, and isslated for demolition as part of the Estates Reservoir Replacement Project, the Projectwill have a significant impact on this cultural resource.<strong>Impact</strong>s and Mitigation Measures<strong>Impact</strong> 3.5-1: Substantial adverse change to the significance of the Estates Reservoir roof.The Estates Reservoir roof structure is recommended as eligible for listing on the CRHRby Garavaglia Architecture, Inc., under Criteria 1 and 3. EBMUD proposes to demolishthe roof structure as part of the Estates Reservoir Replacement Project. The proposedProject would, therefore, have a substantial adverse change in the significance of thisresource, as defined in CEQA Guidelines, §15064.5(b). With implementation ofMitigation Measure 3.5-1, the Project’s adverse effect on this resource would bereduced, but not to a level that would be less than significant. Implementation ofMitigation Measure 3.5-1 will reduce an aspect of the adverse effect (the loss ofhistorical information), however, it will not prevent the physical loss of the resource,and there will remain a residual impact that is significant and unavoidable.Measure 3.5-1: A Historic American Building Survey/Historic AmericanEngineering Record style documentation of the Estates Reservoir roof designed byRobert Royston will be prepared. The level of documentation will be similar to thatdescribed in Historic American Building Survey documentation level II, whichincludes at a minimum measured drawings such as as-builts or original designplans, historic photographs, if available, and current large-format photographs ofsignificant architectural design features, and a written history and description. Thedocumentation will be submitted to the Oakland Heritage Alliance, the OaklandHistorical Archives and the UC Berkeley Historical Archives. The intent is toreduce the adverse effect associated with loss of historical information; it will notprevent the physical loss of the resource and a significant and unavoidable impactwill occur.Significance after Mitigation: Significant and Unavoidable.<strong>Impact</strong> 3.5-2: Substantial adverse changes to the significance of currently unknownhistorical or prehistorical resources, including unique archaeological resources.Although the likelihood of encountering intact archaeological deposits is consideredextremely low, there is the possibility that archaeological material may be located duringconstruction activities. Site preparation, grading, and construction activities couldadversely impact previously undiscovered archeological resources. Implementation ofthe following mitigation measure would reduce potentially significant impacts toundiscovered archeological resources to a less than significant level.sb09_001.doc 3-5.21 7/22/2009

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