Full ecoregional plan - Conservation Gateway

Full ecoregional plan - Conservation Gateway Full ecoregional plan - Conservation Gateway

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AQUATICS APPENDIX 0Figure 1: River Continuum in SizeAQUATICS APPENDIX 1Proposed Aquatic Biota Relationship to Upper Connecticut and Middle Connecticut EcologicalDrainage Units Aquatic Classification Units. Based primarily on Vermont CommunityClassification (Langdon et al 1998, St. Lawrence Ecoregional Aquatics Classification (Hunt2002), and New York Community Classification (Reschke 1990). Compiled by Mark Anderson3/2001.REVISED 7/2003AQUA-13

TYPECHARACTERISTICSELU signatureSIZE 1 STREAMNETWORKSA: SIZE 1, HIGHGRADIENTRiffles (50%) Pools (50%) Occur on all elevation/slope classesCool – cold water, Headward erosion, Minimal deposition,Leaf shredders dominantCold water over eroded bedrock, Energy source is terrestrial leaflitter, Shaded with 75-100% canopy cover, Mosses and Algae, fewrooted plants. Substrate is boulder cobble gravelSIZE 1, HIGH GRADIENT, ACIDIC BEDROCKPlants: acid tolerant bryophytes, non vegetated areasMacroinverts: acid tolerant leaf shredders, low species diversity: Caddisflies (Parapsyche,Palegapetus)-Stoneflies (Capniidae)-Non-biting midges (Eukiefferella), Mayflies(Eurylophella).Other preferential taxa Caddisflies?(Symphitpsyche), Stoneflies (Leuctridae,Taenionema, Chloroperlidae, Peltoperla), Water strider (pools). Possible taxa Alder flies,Beetles (Psephenidae), Mollusca (Elliptio), Mayflies (Heptagenidae).MID to HIGH ELEVATION: very cold, fast moving water, typically found in northernhardwood or spruce fir setting. Fish: Brook troutLOW ELEVATION: cold fast moving water, typically found in Pine-hardwoods, Oak –pine, or Oak –hardwoods setting. Fish: Brook trout, Slimy sculpin, Blacknose daceVERY LOW ELEVATION: cool fast moving streams, typically found in Oak-ericad,Oak hickory, Pine – Oak settings. Fish: Brook trout, Slimy sculpin, Blacknose dace,others?SIZE 1 HIGH GRADIENT CIRCUM-NEUTRAL BEDROCKPlants: circumneutral, acid intolerant bryophytes, non vegetated areasMacroinverts: circumneutral , acid intolerant leaf shredders: Mayflies (Rithrogenia)-Caddisflies (Symphitopsyche?, Glossosoma)-Flies (Simulium, Antocha) Stoneflies(Peltoperla, Chloroperlidae, Malikrekus, Capniidae, Agnetina), Beetles (Oulimnius,Optioservus, Ectopria), Non-biting midges (Crictopus, Polypedilum), Mayflies(Ephemerella, Serratella), Flies (Hexatoma), water striders (pools)MID to HIGH ELEVATION: very cold, fast moving water, typically found in northernhardwood or spruce fir setting. Fish: Brook troutLOW ELEVATION: cold fast moving water, typically found in Pine-hardwoods, Oak –pine, or Oak –hardwoods setting. Fish: Brook trout, Slimy sculpin, Blacknose daceVERY LOW ELEVATION: cool fast moving streams, typically found in Oak-ericad,Oak hickory, Pine – Oak settings Fish: Brook trout, Slimy sculpin, Blacknose dace,others?B: SIZE 1, LOWGRADIENT(MARSHY)STREAMSCool to cold water small brook that flows through a flat marsh,fen, swamp or other wetland. Energy source is leaf litter, may beopen or shaded. Substrate is clay-silt-sand dominated, Sand>silt/clay, cold, usu associated with springs, Complete canopycover of dense veg, alder, willows, dogwood, cedar, marsh veg:SIZE 1, LOW GRADIENT, ACIDIC BEDROCKPlants Potamogeton sp, Brasenia schreberii, Vallisneria sp, Myriophylum spMacroinvert Indicators: Mollusca (Pisidium)-Caddisflies (Polycentropus)-Mayflies(Litobrancha)-Dragon/damselflies (Cordulegaster)MID to HIGH ELEVATION: very cold, fast moving water, typically found in northernhardwood or spruce fir setting. Fish: Brook troutLOW ELEVATION: cold fast moving water, typically found in Pine-hardwoods, Oak –pine, or Oak –hardwoods setting. Fish: Brook trout, Slimy sculpin, Blacknose daceVERY LOW ELEVATION: cool fast moving streams, typically found in Oak-ericad,Oak hickory, Pine – Oak settings. Fish: Brook trout, Slimy sculpin, Blacknose dace,others?SIZE 1, LOW GRADIENT , CIRCUMNEUTRAL BEDROCKPlants: Potamageton spp, Elodia, NymphaeaSize 1 Watershed, 0-30sq. mi.Watershed dominated byslopes > 2% . Features:Sideslopes, steep slopes,cliffs, coves, gentle slopesWatershed composedprimarily of acidic bedrocktypesWatershed mostly above1700 ‘ Conifers prominentWatershed mostly withinthe 800-1700’ elevationzone, Deciduous or Mixed.Watershed mostly withinthe 0- 800’ elevation zone,Deciduous or MixedWatershed composedprimarily of calcareousbedrock typesWatershed mostly above1700 ‘ Conifers prominentWatershed mostly withinthe 800-1700’ elevationzone, Deciduous or Mixed.Watershed mostly withinthe 0- 800’ elevation zone,Deciduous or MixedWatershed dominated byflats < 0-2 %Slopes Features: wet flats,valley bottoms, dry flats,marshes and bogsWatershed composedprimarily of acidic bedrocktypesWatershed mostly above1700 ‘ Conifers prominentWatershed mostly withinthe 800-1700’ elevationzone, Deciduous or Mixed.Watershed mostly withinthe 0- 800’ elevation zone,Deciduous or MixedCalc bedrockSlope 0-2%REVISED 7/2003AQUA-14

AQUATICS APPENDIX 0Figure 1: River Continuum in SizeAQUATICS APPENDIX 1Proposed Aquatic Biota Relationship to Upper Connecticut and Middle Connecticut EcologicalDrainage Units Aquatic Classification Units. Based primarily on Vermont CommunityClassification (Langdon et al 1998, St. Lawrence Ecoregional Aquatics Classification (Hunt2002), and New York Community Classification (Reschke 1990). Compiled by Mark Anderson3/2001.REVISED 7/2003AQUA-13

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