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HP Security Research | Cyber Risk Report 2015MozartRAM-scraping POS malware that was used in the Home Depot breach in order to steal thedetails of over 56 million debit and credit cards.mTANsA one-time password used by some online banking providers in order to authorize transactions.Private keysWithin a public key cryptographic system, a private key is one only known by its owner. Also, aterm used to represent symmetric key encryption, which is encryption based on a shared secretbetween two or more entities communicating.RAM scrapingRAM scraping occurs when the malware enumerates the processes and virtual memory spaceof the target machine looking for track 1 and track 2 data.RansomwareRansomware is malicious software that locks a user’s computer in some way and then demandsa ransom in order for service to be restored. This locking may include encrypting the user’s filesin some way and then demanding payment for the decryption key, or it could be more simplisticand only rely on giving the user the impression that their computer is locked (even though itmay be easily recoverable).Remote code execution (RCE) vulnerabilityA vulnerability that allows attackers to execute their own code on a target system. Dependingon the vulnerability used, the RCE may be executed with either user- or system-levelpermissions.ROP (return oriented programming)An exploit technique that allows an attacker to execute code while bypassing certain types ofdefense-in-depth measures, such as ASLR.SegfaultA segmentation fault (segfault) occurs when a program attempts to access a memory locationthat the program is not allowed to access. Segfaults may also occur when a program attemptsto access a memory location through a method that is not allowed. An example of this would bea program attempting to write to memory marked as read-only.ShellcodeA small piece of code used as the payload during the exploitation of a vulnerability. While thesetypes of payloads typically start from a command shell, any code that performs a similarfunction is generically referred to as shellcode.ShellshockA family of <strong>security</strong> vulnerabilities in the UNIX® Bash shell, first disclosed in September 2014.SongunA North Korean social ideology that prioritizes the needs and preferences of the KoreanPeople’s Army in affairs of state and in allocation of resources.Spaghetti codeA pejorative term for software that has an overly complex and tangled control structure. Codeof this type is named because the program flow is conceptually like a bowl of spaghetti (e.g.,twisted and tangled).TORFree software designed to allow users to enable online anonymity and resist censorship. Bydirecting traffic through thousands of relays, TOR (The Onion Router) conceals a user’s locationand network usage from those attempting to conduct network monitoring or traffic analysis.73

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