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HP Security Research | Cyber Risk Report 2015The graph represents the median number of scans to fix a critical or high vulnerability in agiven kingdom. As an organization, it would be interesting to verify the frequency of staticscans done on an application during its lifecycle, and in turn to calculate the number of days ittakes to verify a fix for that application. This would also give an idea of the <strong>risk</strong> assumed by theorganization during that period (this only applies to applications in a production environment).We were hoping that critical vulnerabilities would be the fastest to fix. Interestingly, this was notalways the case. One possible reason could be that most organizations tend to fix and verify allcritical and high vulnerabilities first. Hence, the developers could be prioritizing their tasks froma single bucket based on the ease of completing the task, rather than the severity of the issue.The overall data (not represented in the graph above) also showed that environment-relatedissues with lower severities were usually verified after a very long time—as much as 240scans later. This might be acceptable, because typical fixes to environment issues involvetweaking the server or application configuration toward the end of a release to meet the<strong>security</strong> standards of a production environment (while the application is developed in a testenvironment). It could also indicate that some organizations may perform multiple scans withinshort intervals, or have long development periods between releases.While issues generally get fixed after anywhere between two to 12 scans, not all of them getfixed. This could depend on the sensitivity of the application and the <strong>risk</strong> appetite of eachorganization. HPSR was interested to see if there were any patterns that stood out while lookingat the whole picture, agnostic of the application and the organization. Below is the chart thatprovides this data.Figure 34. Issues fixed by kingdom; higher numbers are betterIssues fixed per Kingdom Critical High Medium Low100%100%% of issues fixed90%80%70%60%50%40%30%64%57%43%36%84%81% 82%75%55%67%70%52%32%72%90%68%61% 61%59%57%44%35%30%52%Total issues fixed: 68%20%17%19%10%0%API abuseCode qualityEncapsulationEnvironmentKingdomsErrorsInput validationand representationSecurity featuresTime and state64

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