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HP Security Research | Cyber Risk Report 2015Tlock was not the only Android ransomware family in 2014. New families also included Kolerand Simplelocker. Simplelocker was written for the Russian and Ukrainian markets andattempted to encrypt some file types on the external memory card using the AES encryptionalgorithm with a hard-coded phrase to initialize the algorithm, which allowed for easyrecovery of encrypted data. In addition to that, Simplelocker uses the TOR .onion domain forcommunications to its command-and-control (C&C) center, which makes it the first Androidmalware to actively use TOR.One of the mitigation factors for apps attempting to encrypt documents is Google’s introductionof constraints for accessing apps on the external memory card in Android 4.4 (KitKat). The newaccess permissions prevent third-party apps from writing outside their own directory, similarto how a sandbox prevents apps from accessing another application’s data on the main internalmemory card.However, even without the ability to encrypt documents, Android ransomware has the potentialto prevent users from accessing their devices, simply by employing screen-locking techniques.This chart shows an increase in the number of Android ransomware samples discoveredmonthly from the moment in April when the first Android ransomware was discovered.Figure 15. Number of Android ransomware samples discovered per month by ReversingLabs ; note January-March absence200150High183100500Low0Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov37

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