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HP Security Research | Cyber Risk Report 2015Other interesting Linux malwareLinux, just like Windows, runs not just the kernel and standard OS tools but a number of otherthird-party applications. This holds especially true for Web servers, which are used to runmany Web applications and open source content management frameworks such as Wordpress,Joomla, and Drupal.In addition to that, the developers of Web applications often use these open-sourceframeworks as base platforms for their own applications. Modifying standard frameworks canprevent easy updating of the underlying framework when a vulnerability is discovered. Thismakes many applications on the Internet vulnerable to attacks, allowing attackers to modifyapplications so that they serve malicious content to website visitors.The malicious content usually takes the form of additional JavaScript routines generatedby server-side code uploaded by attackers. The server-side code can be implemented in ascripting language, such as PHP or Perl, or by modifying the server binary code, if access tothe Web server user account has been obtained through a system exploit or by using stolenuser credentials.The most popular language for script malware on non-Windows platforms is PHP, and wehave discovered thousands of new samples in 2014. The majority of samples are used forone of three main purposes. The first, as seen in the Redirector family for example, serves toredirect Web browser applications to other sites in the Web malware infection chain. The secondpurpose, as seen in C99shell and Webshell, is to allow backdoor access to the affected serverthrough a Web user interface. The third category belongs to PHP scripts planted to recruit thehost system into a botnet for spamming or launching DDoS attacks. Spambot, Pbot, and Ircbotbelong to this category.Figure 12. Top PHP malware noted by ReversingLabs in 2014, by family1%2%2%2%5%6%11%13%11%13%34%AgentRedirectorAlterC99shellWebshell13%FaketoolSpambotIrcbotPbotSiggenOthers5%6%The most interesting publicly known case of a wide server side compromise is known asOperation Windigo. 88 Windigo operators affected over 30 thousand servers using a combinationof Ebury, 89 ssh credential-stealing malware, and Cdorked 90 —modified Apache HTTP daemonbinaries that redirected to malicious content and exploit toolkits designed to silently install andrun several Windows malware families.The operators behind Windigo made their money by sending spam from infected Linux serversand Windows systems. The Linux spamming side was implemented by a Perl-based malwarecalled Calfbot. 9188http://www.welive<strong>security</strong>.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/operation_windigo.<strong>pdf</strong>.89http://www.welive<strong>security</strong>.com/2014/02/21/anin-depth-analysis-of-linuxebury/.90http://www.welive<strong>security</strong>.com/2013/04/26/linuxcdorked-new-apache-backdoor-in-thewild-serves-blackhole/.91http://www.virusradar.com/en/Perl_Calfbot.A/description.The <strong>security</strong> of Linux servers has a direct influence on the <strong>security</strong> of Windows desktops, asthe Web is one of the main vectors for delivering malicious content. The greater the number ofLinux servers compromised, the higher the probability that attackers will succeed in attackingusers visiting compromised websites. In addition to this, if awareness of the need to protectLinux servers is not better developed, attackers will continue to use Linux as a major platformfor launching spam campaigns and recruiting systems into DDoS botnets with greatbandwidth potential.33

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