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HP Security Research | Cyber Risk Report 2015CVE-2014-1761 was a vulnerability in RTF parsing code, as well as a simple buffer overflow.The RTF parser has existed in Microsoft Office for decades, leading us to reasonably assumethe bug has been there for just as long. The overflow bug class has long been hunted withstack overflow as the most well-known and easy to locate. Additionally, the code patched forthis vulnerability is a known problem spot. The patch for CVE-2014-1761 was released with theMS14-017 <strong>security</strong> bulletin, but there was another vulnerability (CVE-2012-2593) in the samefunction two years ago and patched with the MS12-079 <strong>security</strong> bulletin. While the bug classesof the vulnerabilities are different, they involve the same RTF key word and are very similarin nature, using an edge case value for the key word. CVE-2014-4114, another legacy codevulnerability, exploited the OLE packager feature that has existed since Windows® 3.1.Implementation of mitigations insoftware such as Windows raisesthe bar on exploitation difficulty,and attackers respond withsophisticatedattacks.The exploitation of vulnerabilities in legacy code is of significant concern from two angles. It’simportant to apply timely patches in the enterprise environment; however, it’s just as importantfor vendors to invest time on legacy code testing and patching. Creating and implementing newmanaged languages and new <strong>security</strong> features on decades-old code base is not secure. Whilematters have improved with the help of the <strong>security</strong> community <strong>report</strong>ing legacy issues, expectto see these from time to time in the future.Highly successful rate vulnerabilitiesOracle introduced click to play as a <strong>security</strong> measure making the execution of unsigned Javamore difficult. As a result we did not encounter any serious Java zero days in the malware space.Many Java vulnerabilities were logical or permission-based issues with a nearly 100 percentsuccess rate. In 2014, even without Java vulnerabilities, we still saw high success rate exploits inother areas.Logical issueCVE-2014-4114, found in the wild, was used for a Russian espionage campaign and was alogical issue bug involving the OLE packager component. When properly exploited, it wasalways successful. The bug involves the OLE object insertion feature in Office and enabled usersto package a non-OLE object into a document.In this case, what is included inside the Packager is a UNC path to an INF file. The documentcontaining this OLE object would launch for the INF file automatically without a victim’sknowledge. Use of the INF file allows for a number of dangerous operations.By trusting an INF file from an untrusted source it opens a gap that an attacker can exploit touse an INF file to do various dangerous things like renaming files and launching programs.Surgical precision exploitsEven memory-related vulnerabilities such as CVE-2014-0515, CVE-2014-1761, and CVE-2014-1776 showed high exploitation success rates. CVE-2014-0515, an Adobe Flash Playervulnerability, was used in an exploit with a heap-spray technique. By laying out memory suchthat the memory corruption changes the length field of one heap-spray element, it can achievefull memory read and write access to the process. Once this is achieved, the attacker has fullpower over the process itself.The CVE-2014-1761 vulnerability was used in a way that changed the adjacent GFX object withsurgical precision. When the exploit tries to allocate multiple array members, it can fully controlthe contents of the memory data. The controllability of the data, such that it overwrites a GFXobject, is very important. In this case, every byte of the data is fully controllable through RTFkey words. The attackers were sophisticated enough to figure out which bytes are controlled bywhich RTF key word.Implementation of mitigations in software such as Windows raises the bar on exploitationdifficulty, and attackers respond with sophisticated attacks. The time when exploits weredependent on luck with memory layout is nearly past. Today’s exploits are highly calculatedwith memory layout and exploitation techniques. Many zero-day exploits that emerged in 2014demonstrated a near-perfect success rate. There has been a decline in attackers using largeheap sprays that take a long time and get the victim’s attention.17

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