Volume 16 No 1 Feb 1965.pdf - Lakes Gliding Club

Volume 16 No 1 Feb 1965.pdf - Lakes Gliding Club

Volume 16 No 1 Feb 1965.pdf - Lakes Gliding Club

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Lindner, of Teek, with 2,434.2. - Aerokurier.pay 100 NF (about £7 7s.) fine for "entrywithout customs dedaration".-AerosporL.Westfly acrossGermanthe fwntiersailplaneintopilotsFrancewho'mustFIBREGLASS_SAIl.PLANE,-The productionversion of this machine (describedin SAlLPl,ANE & GLIDING for <strong>Feb</strong>., 1964,p. 25), now. called tibeJle,. has bad .itsfirst test ,flights. Its termJnal VelocItywith brakes out was 235 km.lh. (127 kL).Spinning trials with e.g. at 49'}~ chord,"o.k,". Flutter trials to 250 km./h.(135 kt.), no troubles. Brakies move easilyout and in at all speeds; no vibration.Minimum sink, between 50 and 60 cm)sec. Cl ft. 8 in.-2 ft.); Dipl.-Ing. zacherwill undertake accurate measurementslater. EUGEN HANLEINDEX TO ADVERTISERSAberdeen Glidinll <strong>Club</strong> 87Air TOllr~ng S~10P 67Air Westward Limited 26Alkcrlon }louse JBeagle Aircraft Limited 32Bristol <strong>Gliding</strong> <strong>Club</strong> 87Briti,h Avialion Ill.u~.nce Co. Lld. 70British <strong>Gliding</strong> Association 78Cambridge University <strong>Gliding</strong> <strong>Club</strong> 87Coventry Glid rg <strong>Club</strong> 48Jonathan Capc Limited 72Ciba (A.R.L.l Limited Bad; CoverClassified Advertising 62-63Peter Clillord Aviation Limited 27Colm-Slater Instrument Co. Ltd. 25Thorm. Cook & Son Limited 4Cornish <strong>Gliding</strong> <strong>Club</strong> 81Crossfell Variometers 84Derby and Lancashire <strong>Gliding</strong> <strong>Club</strong> 8'Devon and SomenCl <strong>Gliding</strong> <strong>Club</strong>Gliderwork8866Ha illS and Dorset Ca.r:avanl Service LuL 3'1rving Airehute of Gt. Britain Ltd. 36Kent <strong>Gliding</strong> <strong>Club</strong> Inside Back CoverLasham <strong>Gliding</strong> Centre 88London <strong>Gliding</strong> <strong>Club</strong> 88Midland GUd,ing <strong>Club</strong><strong>No</strong>rco Engincp.r ng, LimitedInsde Back Cover72Proops Bros. Limited :8PyC Telecommunications LimitedRUbery Owen & Co. Limited2414Sailplane and <strong>Gliding</strong> 51Schempp.Hirth K.G. 47Sco'tish <strong>Gliding</strong> Union Tnside Back Caver~1~c11 Mex &. B-.P. Limited Ieside Front Coverllng.sby Sailplanes Limited 2Soarlng Ins.truments 17Solicitors' ,Law Stationery Society Ltd. 22Southdown Aero Services 44~PCCQwc:11 Sailplanes 54fhrrcy Car &. Caravan Co. Limited 63crmal Equipment Limited 2IThompson-Voxey Limited <strong>16</strong>~hree Counties Aero <strong>Club</strong> Ltd. J3V·g· Aircraft Limited 17IN . Aircraft Limited , 82Y est ~3les Grding Associatioil Ins·d.e Back CoverOr k s~lIre <strong>Gliding</strong> Ciub In.ido Back Cove'rAberdeen <strong>Gliding</strong> <strong>Club</strong>Litterty,4 miles H.E. Turriff, AberdeenshireWhy not a <strong>Gliding</strong> Holiday?This club has successfu'ny held gliding holidays for thepast 11 ·ye.rs end' once eglin oU.r courses du,inQi July.August and Septembor. Side by side Iype Iwo so"or.Good thermal and wave site.Comfortable country holel accommodarion withex,c,~H.nl catering. AU·in chuge 17 gns'. per week.For dotails write 10 :-W. K. KI RK. Cours. Seaet.ry,53 BI"II.side Avenu., AberdeenBristol <strong>Gliding</strong> <strong>Club</strong>NYMPSFlELD. GLOUCESTERWo oU8I eJCcellenl thormal, hill and wave sOIring at asit. on the ....stetn edge of the Cotswolds. Near SlroudFle,tinchtde$ Skylark 11, Olympia, Swanow, Pr.fod andDual Tr.ining Machines. Aerotowing available.Comfort.ble Clu.bhouse, fjrst~ct.ss c.."teen. Bunkhousoend Ba"Summer GlidinQ Holidays for .b·jn~tio <strong>No</strong>n-Members.Write 10: BRISTOL GLIDING CLUBNYMP5FIELD, Nr. STONEHOUSE, GLOS.r."'phono ULEY 3421965 COURSESCAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITYGUDING CLUBMa"hII11's Aorodrome, Combridgo.Training ill K7 or oth., high ,p...formenc.e twO--Jut.r.Solo flying in S..allow, Olympia, 2b and Skylark 2.ALL LAUNCHES BY AERo-TOW<strong>16</strong>, gns. per week. not including accommodation.Details. Course Secretary, 30 Cadenza CaravanSite. Teversham, Cambridgo.,DO YOUR tOUDINtO ON 'fHE (ORNISH RIVIERATHE CORNISH GLIDING CLUBOlfo" cc uno. botween ,Jrd MAY .nd 13th SEPTEMBERon its magnificent coaslal Cliff Soaring Silein Ihe hMrt of this fa.m.d ho1iday ....B.G.A. C.tegorised I,,-,Ir"!ttqrs2i milO'S of golden un.dl, 'h. belt lurf b..lhing budies:in Ihe country - and all the usual holida.,. i!lmenilies.Visitors always very welcomeIdeal for familios a.nd friendsApply: D. BOLTON,SPINDLE conAGE, TRISP,EN,NR. TRURO. CORNWALL

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