Volume 16 No 1 Feb 1965.pdf - Lakes Gliding Club

Volume 16 No 1 Feb 1965.pdf - Lakes Gliding Club

Volume 16 No 1 Feb 1965.pdf - Lakes Gliding Club

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CHEVIOTS (Acklington)SINCE our last appearance in thismagazine we have undergone a fewchanges in the admin. organization ofthe club.On the 7th <strong>No</strong>vember we said "Goodbye"to our founder-member, DeputyC.F.I., Secretary and Treasurer, namelyBob Lightfoot, who has be-en postedaway to learn to fl y monsters with reheat.A party was held in the clubhouseand we gave Bob a good "send off"which I'm sure he will remember witha slight headache. The open posts havebeen taken over by Flt.-Lt. Fenton asSecretary and Plt.-Off. Eggleston asTreasurer.The winter weather has taken its seasonabletoll of flyers away but thehardy types have been busy keepingtheir hands in and competition for thetwo-seater has been brisk.At present John Clark and Stan Stanbridgeare busy with the loan of a bulldozerclearing OUT local ridge site tomake it accessible and the landing stripsafer. At present it is only possible toallow suitably qualified pilot-s fly theridge as no dual training on the ridge isavailable.Shortly we hope to take delivery ofour neW diesel type winch which shouldmake some welcome difference to ourpresent launch rate and help to reducerunning costs owing to increase in petroltax.The <strong>Club</strong> cordially invites all glidingtypes in the area to pay us a visit andhave a few drinks in the clubroom of aSaturday e....eoing.N. A. W.CHILTERNS (R.A.F. Benson)N0W that the winter months are onceagain uooo us we are settling downto "Four minutes a time" after the excellentsummer.Our new M.T. Member, Barry<strong>No</strong>wells, started his job with a bang.Two winches blew up within a fortnightn~cessitating two engine changes. BothWinches ar-e now finished and Barry andft'0.rkers will be able to take it easy afterYIDg VS's for the last few weeks.Sue Parry and Celia HarlinJ/; underthe skilled guidance of Dusty Millar aregradually getting our new coffee bar intoshape. .The Annual General Meeting was heldon Wednesday, 2nd December, when itwas decided to revise the flying charges,Le. the hunch and first 20 minutes soaring'2s. and each successive five minutes6dḂill Maltby and John Butler have recentlyreturned from Bicester as instructorsso the loss of the civilian instructorshas to some extent been offset.G. H.CONDOR (R.N.A.S. Arbroath)T TNHEARD of maybe, but extinct­U far from it. Despite our rather flatcoastal location, 1964 has proved quitea successful year fOT us. At the beginning~~ the year emphasis was placed onrecrUltmg some new blood into the <strong>Club</strong>and. having done this we manage to starta pilot training scheme with the help of~ MacRoberts Trust Fund grant enablmgus to give any pupil showing, interestand ability. 40 flights at reduced rates.Gordon Glennie handed over as C.FJ.to Dave Holding in September. In thethree years that Gordon was C.F.1. hedid a tremendous amount to keep the<strong>Club</strong> going and we are particularlypleased to know that he is to remain asDeputy C.F.l. Oave, who is no strangerto this <strong>Club</strong>, since he was C.F.!. hereduring 1959. comes to us from Yeovilton.Amongst other things, he is now ournew Ground Engineer in place of EddyWarburton whom we bade farewell toin. September. We wish Eddy best wishesWIth Portsmouth Naval.Cong.ra.tulati.ons to Jim Hardie. Jnr.,on attammg hiS -complete Silver C in oneweek's flying from Portmoak with ourSkylark and subsequently achieving hisP.P.L.: also to Gordon for winning theCI.ub Championship cup for the bestmll~age flown; Phil Parsons, our bestpupil of the year, and George FarQuharwho completed his Silver C and alsowon the spot landing competition.Gordon took the Skylark to the<strong>No</strong>rtherns at Campbill and came tenthand Dave followed by taking it to theR.N. Comps. at Dunkeswell earningsecond place. In add'tion Fulmar <strong>Club</strong>took it to Bicester.As far as borne activities are concernedwe have now overtaken our target of2,000 launches by 800. Our Grunau is79

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