Volume 16 No 1 Feb 1965.pdf - Lakes Gliding Club

Volume 16 No 1 Feb 1965.pdf - Lakes Gliding Club Volume 16 No 1 Feb 1965.pdf - Lakes Gliding Club

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A new novel forchildren byA breathtaking story of an early Elizabethanflying machine, written by the ace gliderpilot, who gives convindng evidence thatone may actually have been built and flown.'What gives the book its very real fascinationis the dazzlingly good idea on which it isbased.' THE TIMES LITERARY SUPPLEMENTIllustrated,16s.JONATHAN CAPEFLYINGPZLINSTRUMENTSnow from stock in the U.K.Total Energy Val'iometers - A.S.i-Turn and Bank IndicatorsHorizons - Clinometers - Compasses, etc.NORCO ENGINEERING LIMITED,Burrell Rood, Hoyworcfs Heath, SussexTelephone:-HaywardsHeath 2740 Telex:-8789Sole Conc'essionaire~ for MOTOIMPORTArtificial72

As usual, Lasham continues to operatethrough the winter, week-days and weekends,come rain, hail, ice or sncw. TheSchool fleet now consists of three T-49's,tWO Swallow~ and. in conjunction with aprivate owner. a Blanik. At this time ofthe year-~rticula[\y during the wcek-we are able to extend a welcome tomembers of other gliding clubs who areJ.ble to dr'op in on a casual basis to tlyas day members. Later on in the yearwe obviously have to give preference toour own members as the queues becomesomewhat longer, althougb a reorganisationof the launch-point has greatly reducedfrustration.The new clubhouse and the superbcatering have altered the face and digestionof Lasham and made il altogethermore c:lmfortable and liveable-in. Thiswill soon be. matched by better sleepingaccommodation since the bunkhouses arein the course of reeonditioning by anImperial Colle,ge team, led by Bill Bailey.So perhaps next year we shall reallyhave "gliding in comfort and joy".A.D.F.LINCOLNSHIRE (Burnaston)THE preliminary talks er 4th October,1964. on our foundation. led tQ. aninaugural meeting on th,e, 18th. Withintwo months we were airborne and flew76 launches on our first operationalweek-end of 28th/29th November.Jack Nicel has very generously allowedhis Westminster to do the bestpart of our launches-all auto-tow. Weuse an Austin 7 Ruby as a retrieverhookon top-back of salQon and bootin the down position as a 'chutccaHier.The pick-up technique gets the cableback to the launch p,oint before a T-31touch down from a 4-minute trip.The bird we are dating at week-endsis the Club T-3 L We are lucky in alsohaving club-minded syndicates with EoaBaby and Olympia 2.Roy Kyme is talking about giving usan Automatic Transmission auto-towvehicle. For next week-end we hope totake delivery of a Scamp.C.F.l. is Siggy Romrig. His openhearted enthusiasm sets a tremendousex~mp!e. Membershjp to elate is 4S (fulIypaid), as yet we are fixing no Iimitsallare most welcome.E. B.MIDLANDTHE last week~nd in November- brought the first real snow of thewinter and most of our cars spent Saturdaynight in Asterton.Thanks to some strong westerly windsduring the last few weeks in 1964 wehave recently enjoyed more tlying thanis usual for this time of the year. Flyingstatistics for 1964 show an increase over1963 both for hours and launches.Although the Southdo,wn Club visitedus for the week immediately after Christmaswe have not had the usual numbercf winter visitors.Recent months have brought us a fewmore lady members who actually fly.They should do much to brighten tbe'winter scene.The Soug Bar which leads off theeastern end of the lounge is nearly completedand should prOVe its worth.On 12th March our trophies will bepresented to their recipients for 1964 ata Dinner Dance to be held at TheBelfrey at Wishaw.The Easter Rally will be held as usualexcept, we ho~e, for the weather. Entryforms ma'l be obtained from PeterO'Donald.K.R.M.NEWCASTLETHE unusually mild autumn has givenus a tlying start to our financial yearand we have already completed morelaunches and tI'own more hours for thistime of year than ever before at Carlton.Given a reasonable winter we shouldbe in a strong position to make 1964-5 arecord year. However, when these notesappear in print we may have disappearedunder several feet of snow! Still, it'snice to have a good start.F1yingwise, nothing much has happenedsince the last club notes werewritten. Soaring winds have been ratherfew and too strong to use, and we havenot had quite so much wave activity asin previous years.On the social side. the Annual Dinnerin December was another success for itsorganiser, Andie Hardie, and a filmshow was held in Janujlry. At this year'sDinner three new trophies, generouslydonated by an anonymous member were.presented for the first time.They were awarded to Chairman lan73

As usual, Lasham continues to operatethrough the winter, week-days and weekends,come rain, hail, ice or sncw. TheSchool fleet now consists of three T-49's,tWO Swallow~ and. in conjunction with aprivate owner. a Blanik. At this time ofthe year-~rticula[\y during the wcek-we are able to extend a welcome tomembers of other gliding clubs who areJ.ble to dr'op in on a casual basis to tlyas day members. Later on in the yearwe obviously have to give preference toour own members as the queues becomesomewhat longer, althougb a reorganisationof the launch-point has greatly reducedfrustration.The new clubhouse and the superbcatering have altered the face and digestionof Lasham and made il altogethermore c:lmfortable and liveable-in. Thiswill soon be. matched by better sleepingaccommodation since the bunkhouses arein the course of reeonditioning by anImperial Colle,ge team, led by Bill Bailey.So perhaps next year we shall reallyhave "gliding in comfort and joy".A.D.F.LINCOLNSHIRE (Burnaston)THE preliminary talks er 4th October,1964. on our foundation. led tQ. aninaugural meeting on th,e, 18th. Withintwo months we were airborne and flew76 launches on our first operationalweek-end of 28th/29th <strong>No</strong>vember.Jack Nicel has very generously allowedhis Westminster to do the bestpart of our launches-all auto-tow. Weuse an Austin 7 Ruby as a retrieverhookon top-back of salQon and bootin the down position as a 'chutccaHier.The pick-up technique gets the cableback to the launch p,oint before a T-31touch down from a 4-minute trip.The bird we are dating at week-endsis the <strong>Club</strong> T-3 L We are lucky in alsohaving club-minded syndicates with EoaBaby and Olympia 2.Roy Kyme is talking about giving usan Automatic Transmission auto-towvehicle. For next week-end we hope totake delivery of a Scamp.C.F.l. is Siggy Romrig. His openhearted enthusiasm sets a tremendousex~mp!e. Membershjp to elate is 4S (fulIypaid), as yet we are fixing no Iimitsallare most welcome.E. B.MIDLANDTHE last week~nd in <strong>No</strong>vember- brought the first real snow of thewinter and most of our cars spent Saturdaynight in Asterton.Thanks to some strong westerly windsduring the last few weeks in 1964 wehave recently enjoyed more tlying thanis usual for this time of the year. Flyingstatistics for 1964 show an increase over1963 both for hours and launches.Although the Southdo,wn <strong>Club</strong> visitedus for the week immediately after Christmaswe have not had the usual numbercf winter visitors.Recent months have brought us a fewmore lady members who actually fly.They should do much to brighten tbe'winter scene.The Soug Bar which leads off theeastern end of the lounge is nearly completedand should prOVe its worth.On 12th March our trophies will bepresented to their recipients for 1964 ata Dinner Dance to be held at TheBelfrey at Wishaw.The Easter Rally will be held as usualexcept, we ho~e, for the weather. Entryforms ma'l be obtained from PeterO'Donald.K.R.M.NEWCASTLETHE unusually mild autumn has givenus a tlying start to our financial yearand we have already completed morelaunches and tI'own more hours for thistime of year than ever before at Carlton.Given a reasonable winter we shouldbe in a strong position to make 1964-5 arecord year. However, when these notesappear in print we may have disappearedunder several feet of snow! Still, it'snice to have a good start.F1yingwise, nothing much has happenedsince the last club notes werewritten. Soaring winds have been ratherfew and too strong to use, and we havenot had quite so much wave activity asin previous years.On the social side. the Annual Dinnerin December was another success for itsorganiser, Andie Hardie, and a filmshow was held in Janujlry. At this year'sDinner three new trophies, generouslydonated by an anonymous member were.presented for the first time.They were awarded to Chairman lan73

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