Volume 16 No 1 Feb 1965.pdf - Lakes Gliding Club

Volume 16 No 1 Feb 1965.pdf - Lakes Gliding Club

Volume 16 No 1 Feb 1965.pdf - Lakes Gliding Club

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able piece ef <strong>Club</strong> equipment was builtentirely by Ernie and put into servicein time to bring the <strong>Club</strong> even betterresults in the New Year.D.H.A.ESSEX (<strong>No</strong>rth Weald)IT is some months since the E.G.C." appeared in these columns but activityhas been COflstant each week-end sincethe last notes. Boy the time these appearwe will have notched up well over 4,000launches this year, mainly on one winch;plus 10 first solos, 7 C's: two by youngPeter Perry and Wally Shead, after onlysix Swallow flights following their firstsolos.Pete Treadaway completed his distanceleg to gain his Silver C and GordonMcRae and Brian Hockley bothgained their Silver heights.Our home-made Bedford winch is atpresent "running-in" after undergoing anextensive engifle refit, most competentlycarried out in their spare time by Messrs.Woods, AlIcom and Kenney.Bill Coyte, our Chairman, has nowrelinquis.hed the post to take up the farmore congenial one of running the FoxhunterInn at Hereford. Good luck, Bill,and our thanks for all you have donefor the <strong>Club</strong>.CF.l. Jim Rcbinson has taken on thetask of Chairman in addition to hisC.F.l:s duties. The question now is, willthis weight of power enable him to persuadeanother aircraft out of the "powersthat be" in addit.ion to our T-21 Swallowand our syndicated Weihe?We operate,. as other <strong>Club</strong>s may know,from <strong>No</strong>rth Weald R.A.F. aerodromewhich is now running down and willshortly close, although we may remainin residence for an unspecified time. Uptill now, we are without an alternativesite. Anyone who might perhaps help inthis directicn please contact om <strong>Club</strong>Secretary, John Unswor!h. In the meantime,we are always pleased to see anyother <strong>Club</strong> members who may fly in.A.CM.GLASGOWWE had our first real taste of winteren Sunday, 29th <strong>No</strong>vember, withthe arrival of snow and ice and a bitternorth wind. As this wind was cross, fly­Ing was again dis:'upted and the day los:.Our winter indoor programme commenceson" Friday, 11th December, witha "Beer and Blether" evening open tD allmembers and friends. At this gatheringthe first of a series of training lectureswill be given by tbe CF.!. and instructors.This will be a monthly feature andis expected to meet a clamant demand.The Technical Branch will also bebusy. Our Tutor is to "be modified andthe newly-acquired trailer requires alteration,ready for the new season's crosscountries.T.J.G.HANDLEY PAGE'tVTE conclude this m

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