Volume 16 No 1 Feb 1965.pdf - Lakes Gliding Club

Volume 16 No 1 Feb 1965.pdf - Lakes Gliding Club

Volume 16 No 1 Feb 1965.pdf - Lakes Gliding Club

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CLUB NEWSHIS issue we have a bumper number of reports including for the first time newsT of the Lincolnshire club flying from the Burnaston airfield who were airbornewithin two months of their inauguration meeting. The Land's End <strong>Club</strong> who areIf> fly from the disused Land's End Aerodrome. Also the R.A.F.G.S.A. Mendips<strong>Club</strong> at Weston-super-Mare, who, although they have nGt reported before, havebeen in existence about a year.The contribution from Canada mentions David Parscy who many will rememberas a stalwart of the Southdown <strong>Club</strong> before his departure a number of years agoto the Western Hemisphen:. ,Copy for inclusion in the April issue, typed, double-line spaced on foolscap,should reach me at 14 Little Brownings, S.E.23. not later than W,ednesday, 17th<strong>Feb</strong>ruary, 1965.YVONNE BONHAM (MRS.),<strong>Club</strong> News Edilor.AVROP'IFTY past and present members andfriends attended a social evening recently,during which John Ekman waspresented with the Annual Pilots Award,a tmphy for the best solo performanceduring club year 63-64, by ·our chairman,Jimmy Orrell. The occasion also gaveus a chance to wish Peter Lock a pleasantjourney and good soaring. He winbe in New Zealand by the time this isin print.1964 appears to be the best yearsince the club was inaugurated 11 yearsago By the end of the year we will b.avedone 'Jver 3,20'0 launches at WoodfGrd,also .a number of away visits with theSkylark have gained us several Silverlegs.J. A. K.BRISTOLWITH the ·close of the thermal seasoneyes are constantly scanningthe sky for the first signs that the ridg,emay be working. This it seems to do64not infrequently and on one sun'ny Sundayin late <strong>No</strong>vember no' fewer than 12pilots Were comparing performances onthe west ridge. On this day Brian Prattdid his five hours in the club Olympia...Another Olympia 460 syndicate isbusy trailer building. The owners saytheir tr'liler is stronger than most andtherefore heavier, but those of us whohave tried to lift it know it is stuck t@the worksbop floor!Two more solos: Ray Gunner andLiz Saint are to be congratulated andadded to the year's record list of achievements.With Colin Pennycuick's Ka-6 inthe workshop it would seem he intendsto be with us for some time.Frien

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