Volume 16 No 1 Feb 1965.pdf - Lakes Gliding Club

Volume 16 No 1 Feb 1965.pdf - Lakes Gliding Club Volume 16 No 1 Feb 1965.pdf - Lakes Gliding Club

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Adve~(;$e-ntenls. K'ilh "emitlQnc~, should b~ senl 10 Cheiron Press Lld., 3 Cork St., London. W.!.(R~K~"r S301). Rau 1/. a ,,"o,d. Mi"im"m IS/-. Box ""mbl':n 4/- alro. Replies to Box ""mbersshoJlIt/ ~ $t!,nl 10 Ih~ ,fome ,addr~ss.PUBUCATlONS"AUSTRALIAN GLJDING"-monthlyjournal of the Gliding Federation ofAustralia. Editor, Gary Sunderland. Subscription30 shillings Australian. 24sbillings Sterling or 4.25 dollars U.S. andCanada. Write for free sample copy,"Australian Gliding", Box 1650M.G.P.O.. Adelaide."MODEL AIRCRAFr'-()fficial Journalof the Society of Model AeronauticalEngineers. Features. contestwinningmodel designs. constructionalarticles. photographs and reports ofinternational and national contests. 2/­monthly from any newsagent. Send forspecimen copy free from "Model Aircraft....19-20 Noel Street. London. W.!.PUT yourself in tbe Picture. Buy A1RPICTORIAL each month for the worldair view in pictures and features. Reportsand photos of aircraft and sailplanes,military aviation news, spotters' notebook.etc. Price 2/- from your newsagent.For free specimen copy send 6d.in stamps to Dept. S.G. Magazines andPublications Ltd., 2 Breams Buildings,London, E.C.4.SLOPE SOARING with a radio controlmodel sail})lane is a fascinating pastimeand a typical phase of aeromodelling.Read about this and other aeromodellingsubjects in Aeromodeller. the world'sleading model magazine. publishedmonthly. price 2/-. Model Aeronauti"1lPress Ltd., 38 Clarendon Road. Watford.Herts."SOARING" - Official organ of theSoaring Society of America. Edited byAlex Dawydoff. Address: Box 66071,Los Angeles. California 90066, U.S.A.Subscription, $5.00 outside U.S.A.; applyto your Post Office for a fonn.FO~ SALEALWAYS a selection i).f light aircraft instock from £375-£5,000. Your glider oryour car welcomed in part exchange.1/5th deposit, bala~c~. up to 3 years.Light Aircraft DIVISIOn, Shackl.etonAviation Ltd.• Head Office, 175 Piccadilly,London, W.!. Hyde Park 2448.62FOR SALE (contd.)"DIRECTORY of All Sailplane Modelsin U.S."; 114 photos. specifications. performances.statistics; $50. 1965 calendar,12 7" x 1-0" sailplane colour photos,suitable for framing; $1.00. Soaring Box6607 I, Los Angeles 66. Calif., U.S.A.EX-GOVERNMENT balloon wincheslate type with wire ropes. practically unused,Ford VS engines, £100 each, L W.Vass Ltd., Ampthill, Bedford. Ampthill3255.FOR SALE April/May. Skylark 3B infirst-class condition. First deposit on£1,100 secures. Apply: David Carrow.33 Cranmer Court, London. S.W.3.NEW GLIDER PARACHUTES. IrvinMark 32. only £32. New surplus R.A.F.seat type £8·!O-o. Carr. 10/-. Stockist ofex R.A.F. and U.S. Winter Flying Overalls.Ask for leaflet. Tarpaulin and TentMfg. Co.• 101/103 Brixton Hill, S.W..2.TUL 0121.OLYMPIA 11, exceUent condition. Iowhours, C. of A., basic instruments, trailer,£750. Adams, Astbury, Congleton. Cheshire.SKYLARK 2 1954 crashed, could bere-built. Excellent trailer and instruments.Box No. S.G.188.SK'l'LARK 2. Recent manufacturer'smajor C. of A. Offers over £800. Mansell,32 Waverley Crescent. Romsley.Nr. Halesowen, Worcs. Romsley 497.SWALLOW, 1962. with trailer. Instrumentsinclude electric vario and G-meter.Tip plates fitted. Delivered. Offers. toHill, 37 Buxton Gdns., Billingham. Co.Durham. Te!.: Stockton 54131.TESTED BENDIX J.8 Horizons. C/WCanon Plugs £25, p. and 1'. 2/6 extra.Transistor Inverters p. and p. 1/6 extra.Box No. S.G. 184.T31, spoilers, wing modification completed,splendid condition £300. Tutorwith spoilers 12 months C. of A. wingmodded £200. Trailer available £25. UnmodifiedTutor, no C. of A., completewith assorted spares £50. Devon andSomerset 'Gliding Club, Dunkeswell,Honiton.

FOR SALE (contd.)T.3IB, C. of A. from date of purchase.Resprayed, low hours, complete withspoilers and .mamspar Mod. £400. HandleyPage Ghdmg Club, Park Street, St.Albans, Herts.WEIHE - with trailer, instruments,parachute, barograph £300 plus C. of A.bills, or would syndicate. Lincolnshirearea, Delap R.A.F. Cranwell, Sleaford,Lincs.WEIHE £500 with trailer, Tutor andspare' parts. Sky £800, flying overalls45j- each, ilntruments~ J'8 "G" Met~Is,r.and Banks. V.G. Aircraft Ltd., TrmgRoad, Dunstable. Phone: Dunstable63419.WEST WALES apply Clarence Esplanade.Tenby 2705. Sky completely rebuiltas new by Slingsby, new 10 y~ar C. ofA. Big Skylark canopy, baSIC panel,fix,ed wheel under 1,000 hours, original1952 World' Championship winner. Price£800, or, Skylark 3F the mag,nificent 66,full panel including 1'../ H., oxygen,Crossfell with aUdio, Pye radio, barograph,,dolly, trailer £1,250.YORKSHIRE GLIDING CLUB, SUltonBank Nr. Thirsk, Y0rkshire, 0ffers fordisposal, two Tutor aircraft with C. of A.25 ft. TRAILER fitted for Swallow.Spare wheel, and tyre. (unused) £60. BQcxNo. S.G. 187.WANTEDANY T.21 components. Condition immaterial.Please contact John Hulme,Swaffham Road, Bottisham. Tel: Bottisham323.WANTED. Glider Barograph. Alldetails to:' Roger Allton, Burton AlItonLtd., Castle Boulevard, Nottingham.WANTED T2J. Nigel Hatton, Windyhurst,Churston Ferrers, Brixham, Devon.2'SEATER trainer and I place mediumperformance in good condition. Senddetails to J. D. Marshall. 742 DorchesterAvenue, Winnipeg, Canada.IDOl G~DDiII~ lI_i•• mleresl e-ony_!Huge .tock> GOVERNMENT SURPLUS,CLOTHING AND EQUIPMENT. a,l5o fiy·i"ll clotllinll. boot.. ana!'l!ks. outdoor. clothing,camping, tools and Jmmensc va~",ety ofmiscellaneous cx-Governmel1t equipment.Ever so useful--:you wiU be sure .to fi~dsomcthi!lg you na.-d-and at a baIgam p"cctoo! Send TODAY for our 30-page CATA­LOGUE--6d. post frce or plca.e eaU atLAIJRENCE CORNER. 62·64 Hamp51eadRd., London. N.W.I. 2 min•. EII.ton, WarrenSI. It ",ill be "'ell ",orth "'hile! Po.talcu.tome,. buy with confidence-promPl de.­'patch. refund suarantee. Dept. sa.PERSONALV. G. AIRCRAFf can offer you efficientand speedy C. of A. inspections, I~t usquote you, also trailers to yo~r specilica·tion. AR.B. ap-proval, Trmg Road,Dunstable. Phone: Dunstable 63419.FOR HIREGLIDERHIRE - Brand new trammgand high performance sailplanes onannual contract hire available fordelivery in Spring if ordered now. Fulldetails Gliderhire, 243 Farm Street, Birmingham19. Tel: NORthern 5509.SITUAnONS VACANTYORKSHIRE GLIDING CLlJB requireassistant resident instructor for the summermonths to assist with course.s andclub operations. Qualified tug pilot withP.P.L. and two-seater instructor experiencedesirable. Write to the Secretary,Yorkshire Gliding Club (Pty.) Ltd., SuttonBank, Nr. Thirsk, Yorkshire.C..-ayans forGliding M••ling.lent· or S.lf Tow'Hi,.. D.liv....dwhen requited! Allpo~t., ",ake,available includin9Sprite, Fairholme,Thomso", Bluebird.lat...t models nowon display at ou,Show Site. Open' ••en days .,week.Visit us or writ. fordetails.'" Richmond Road,Kingston-o....Thames; SUn'ey.K1Nll,slon 6340SIlo.. Sir.: Wald.gra.... Road.Teddington, Mk:IdI.s·e..POP.Ill","'. 7643It will of ,courU be u"del'sIood that Ihft British Glidi", Associatioll CannD' aceep' rftspo"sibili,,,lor th" ~lalms mad~ by advertlsets I" "Saflpl""e a"d Glidi",".

Adve~(;$e-ntenls. K'ilh "emitlQnc~, should b~ senl 10 Cheiron Press Lld., 3 Cork St., London. W.!.(R~K~"r S301). Rau 1/. a ,,"o,d. Mi"im"m IS/-. Box ""mbl':n 4/- alro. Replies to Box ""mbersshoJlIt/ ~ $t!,nl 10 Ih~ ,fome ,addr~ss.PUBUCATlONS"AUSTRALIAN GLJDING"-monthlyjournal of the <strong>Gliding</strong> Federation ofAustralia. Editor, Gary Sunderland. Subscription30 shillings Australian. 24sbillings Sterling or 4.25 dollars U.S. andCanada. Write for free sample copy,"Australian <strong>Gliding</strong>", Box <strong>16</strong>50M.G.P.O.. Adelaide."MODEL AIRCRAFr'-()fficial Journalof the Society of Model AeronauticalEngineers. Features. contestwinningmodel designs. constructionalarticles. photographs and reports ofinternational and national contests. 2/­monthly from any newsagent. Send forspecimen copy free from "Model Aircraft....19-20 <strong>No</strong>el Street. London. W.!.PUT yourself in tbe Picture. Buy A1RPICTORIAL each month for the worldair view in pictures and features. Reportsand photos of aircraft and sailplanes,military aviation news, spotters' notebook.etc. Price 2/- from your newsagent.For free specimen copy send 6d.in stamps to Dept. S.G. Magazines andPublications Ltd., 2 Breams Buildings,London, E.C.4.SLOPE SOARING with a radio controlmodel sail})lane is a fascinating pastimeand a typical phase of aeromodelling.Read about this and other aeromodellingsubjects in Aeromodeller. the world'sleading model magazine. publishedmonthly. price 2/-. Model Aeronauti"1lPress Ltd., 38 Clarendon Road. Watford.Herts."SOARING" - Official organ of theSoaring Society of America. Edited byAlex Dawydoff. Address: Box 66071,Los Angeles. California 90066, U.S.A.Subscription, $5.00 outside U.S.A.; applyto your Post Office for a fonn.FO~ SALEALWAYS a selection i).f light aircraft instock from £375-£5,000. Your glider oryour car welcomed in part exchange.1/5th deposit, bala~c~. up to 3 years.Light Aircraft DIVISIOn, Shackl.etonAviation Ltd.• Head Office, 175 Piccadilly,London, W.!. Hyde Park 2448.62FOR SALE (contd.)"DIRECTORY of All Sailplane Modelsin U.S."; 114 photos. specifications. performances.statistics; $50. 1965 calendar,12 7" x 1-0" sailplane colour photos,suitable for framing; $1.00. Soaring Box6607 I, Los Angeles 66. Calif., U.S.A.EX-GOVERNMENT balloon wincheslate type with wire ropes. practically unused,Ford VS engines, £100 each, L W.Vass Ltd., Ampthill, Bedford. Ampthill3255.FOR SALE April/May. Skylark 3B infirst-class condition. First deposit on£1,100 secures. Apply: David Carrow.33 Cranmer Court, London. S.W.3.NEW GLIDER PARACHUTES. IrvinMark 32. only £32. New surplus R.A.F.seat type £8·!O-o. Carr. 10/-. Stockist ofex R.A.F. and U.S. Winter Flying Overalls.Ask for leaflet. Tarpaulin and TentMfg. Co.• 101/103 Brixton Hill, S.W..2.TUL 0121.OLYMPIA 11, exceUent condition. Iowhours, C. of A., basic instruments, trailer,£750. Adams, Astbury, Congleton. Cheshire.SKYLARK 2 1954 crashed, could bere-built. Excellent trailer and instruments.Box <strong>No</strong>. S.G.188.SK'l'LARK 2. Recent manufacturer'smajor C. of A. Offers over £800. Mansell,32 Waverley Crescent. Romsley.Nr. Halesowen, Worcs. Romsley 497.SWALLOW, 1962. with trailer. Instrumentsinclude electric vario and G-meter.Tip plates fitted. Delivered. Offers. toHill, 37 Buxton Gdns., Billingham. Co.Durham. Te!.: Stockton 54131.TESTED BENDIX J.8 Horizons. C/WCanon Plugs £25, p. and 1'. 2/6 extra.Transistor Inverters p. and p. 1/6 extra.Box <strong>No</strong>. S.G. 184.T31, spoilers, wing modification completed,splendid condition £300. Tutorwith spoilers 12 months C. of A. wingmodded £200. Trailer available £25. UnmodifiedTutor, no C. of A., completewith assorted spares £50. Devon andSomerset '<strong>Gliding</strong> <strong>Club</strong>, Dunkeswell,Honiton.

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