Volume 16 No 1 Feb 1965.pdf - Lakes Gliding Club

Volume 16 No 1 Feb 1965.pdf - Lakes Gliding Club

Volume 16 No 1 Feb 1965.pdf - Lakes Gliding Club

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its normal position lies very near theground. During the very first flights,owing to our lack of experience, itsometimes happened that the wingswould brush the ground, but apart fromthis there are DO problem5 OD take-offby acro-tow or by winch lauDch.It appears tbat at high speeds thecalculated polars are achieved. In slowflight some improvement was shown tobe needed, due not to the profile butto the fact that some air leaked thr,oughthe airbrake slots.The landing turned out to be surprisinglysimple. The brakes, of whichthere are two pairs altogether, are verygood, although no airflow is possiblefrom below to above through the brakeboxes.The flaps and the new profile haveprovided a definite reserve performance.This means that in almost all weathersituations the D-36 has approximately a15 km./h. greater cruising speed thanthe K-6; this naturally gives it a noteworthylead in a competition. Consequentlyit is difficult with this machineto join a gaggle [German: Sperrholzwolke= plywood cloud], sim:e one iscontinually getting above and ahead.In addition, visibility below aDd behindis poor, so that one easily loses sightof tbe others.It was a great thrill to fly alongsidethe Phoebus. The D-36 mostly gainedheight somewhat, owing to its betterperformance in turns. It was veryinteresting to fly with the Phoebus becauseboth aircraft kept well alongsideat high speeds. But in slow flight thegreater experience of Rudi Lindner gavehim a great advantage.TENTH O.S.T.I.V. CONGRESSHIS congress will be held at South Cerney during tbe World <strong>Gliding</strong> Championships.The provisicnal programme T is:-Wednesday June 2 orThursday June 3(Thursday June 3)Friday June 4Saturday June 5Monday June 7Tuesday June 8Wednesday June 9Thursday June 10Friday June IISatwday June 12Call for PapersTECHNICAL PAPERS are desired onAerodynamics, Structures, AirworthinessDesign Criteria. Instruments, Training,Official Opening of the 10th OSTIV Congress.(Technical sessions).Technical sessions.Technical sessions.Technical se5sicns.Joint Technical and Meteorological sessions.Excursion for OSTlV participants.Meteorological sessions.Meteorological sessions.General Conference and Closing Party.Equipment-Ground Handling and Sailp~aneLaunching.Some suggested subjects are: Results11

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