2012 June Bulletin - Lions Clubs New Zealand

2012 June Bulletin - Lions Clubs New Zealand 2012 June Bulletin - Lions Clubs New Zealand

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LIONS CLUB OF TUAKAUBULLETIN“We Serve”June 2012Lions Club of TuakauChartered May 1978P O Box 77TUAKAUPresident: Warwick Martin 09-237 81201st VP: Hutson Clarke 09-236 82292nd VP: Ray Wright 09-233 4716Secretary: Bob Bell 09-236 8384Treasurer: Steve Lauer 09-236 8040Tail Twister: Mark BallLion Tamers: Colin ShewanPaul MasseyBulletin Editor: Lynette Bruce 09-239 0902Safety Officer: Ray SmithMembership: Ken HawkinsLioness Liaison: Maurice TysonAuctioneer: John NicholsonAlmoner:Doug MillynnBUSINESS MEETING:2nd Tuesday, 7.00pmDINNER MEETING:4th Tuesday, 6.30pm for 7.00pmHeld at the Tuakau Cosmopolitan ClubCorner Madill and Carr StreetsTuakauApologies to Secretary Bob (236 8384)before 9.00pm on the Sunday evening priorto the dinner meeting.* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *Committee No 1 - 1st VP Hutson ClarkeResponsibilities: Membership, CommunityService, Youth, Catering, Social Events,Raffles, Stewards.Peter Walter, Colin Shewan, Charles Lofroth,Tim Foote, John Nicholson, Ken Hawkins,Lynette Bruce, Bert Pater, Doug Crowther,Gail Cook and Chris Barber.Committee No 2 - 2nd VP Ray WrightResponsibilities: Firewood, Invocation,Convention, Visitations, Guest Speakers,Sheep Manure, Fundraising.Clive Woodward, Allan Bruce, Mark Ball,Doug Millynn, Ken MacMillan, Maurice Tyson,Paul Massey, Ray Smith and Dee Makan.President Warwick’s WaffleWe are now winding down to the end of the Lion's year, with Change ofOfficers next month.I would like to thank everyone for their support of the Sunset Surf Club. It isintended that we, together with the other Clubs taking part, we will present thetotal of $5,000.00 at the Change of Officers evening.It is also a big thank you to all those who helped move our stock of sheep manure down from thefarm. I hear that our Tailtwister took three days and several spas to get over it.

LIONS CLUB OF TUAKAUBULLETIN“We Serve”<strong>June</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Lions</strong> Club of TuakauChartered May 1978P O Box 77TUAKAUPresident: Warwick Martin 09-237 81201st VP: Hutson Clarke 09-236 82292nd VP: Ray Wright 09-233 4716Secretary: Bob Bell 09-236 8384Treasurer: Steve Lauer 09-236 8040Tail Twister: Mark BallLion Tamers: Colin ShewanPaul Massey<strong>Bulletin</strong> Editor: Lynette Bruce 09-239 0902Safety Officer: Ray SmithMembership: Ken HawkinsLioness Liaison: Maurice TysonAuctioneer: John NicholsonAlmoner:Doug MillynnBUSINESS MEETING:2nd Tuesday, 7.00pmDINNER MEETING:4th Tuesday, 6.30pm for 7.00pmHeld at the Tuakau Cosmopolitan ClubCorner Madill and Carr StreetsTuakauApologies to Secretary Bob (236 8384)before 9.00pm on the Sunday evening priorto the dinner meeting.* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *Committee No 1 - 1st VP Hutson ClarkeResponsibilities: Membership, CommunityService, Youth, Catering, Social Events,Raffles, Stewards.Peter Walter, Colin Shewan, Charles Lofroth,Tim Foote, John Nicholson, Ken Hawkins,Lynette Bruce, Bert Pater, Doug Crowther,Gail Cook and Chris Barber.Committee No 2 - 2nd VP Ray WrightResponsibilities: Firewood, Invocation,Convention, Visitations, Guest Speakers,Sheep Manure, Fundraising.Clive Woodward, Allan Bruce, Mark Ball,Doug Millynn, Ken MacMillan, Maurice Tyson,Paul Massey, Ray Smith and Dee Makan.President Warwick’s WaffleWe are now winding down to the end of the Lion's year, with Change ofOfficers next month.I would like to thank everyone for their support of the Sunset Surf Club. It isintended that we, together with the other <strong>Clubs</strong> taking part, we will present thetotal of $5,000.00 at the Change of Officers evening.It is also a big thank you to all those who helped move our stock of sheep manure down from thefarm. I hear that our Tailtwister took three days and several spas to get over it.

2As you most probably know we say farewell to our caterer Morgan after many years. I wouldlike to thank him for the meals he has provided over this time. Morgan is retiring to Waihiwhere he has bought a house.From and including our next dinner meeting (Change of Officers,) we will have a new caterer -Donna Williams from Country Cuisine Catering. As expected, our dinner cost will increase to$20.00 and on special occasions like Xmas and Change of Officers, we will pay $22.50.Along with a new caterer, the Cossie Club is making changes with the restaurant being moved towhere the front bar is and the main bar changing places.All very interesting, and all for now.Regards Warwick* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *CALENDAR OF EVENTS10 JUNE:Zones 7, 8 and 9 Young SpeechmakersCompetition, Papakura <strong>Lions</strong> ClubRooms, Youngs Road PapakuraCommencing at 10.00am. Contact PeterBurch - execelect@wave.co.nz with anyapplicant details.12 JUNE:Our Business Meeting – 7.00pm19 JUNE:<strong>Lions</strong> Club of Papatoetoe - AnnualGarage SaleClub Rooms, Kolmar Road, Papatoetoe26 JUNE:Our Change of Officers – 6.30pm for7.00pm - Cost $22.5029 JUNE:Clevedon <strong>Lions</strong> Club 40th Anniversaryat the Clevedon Community Hallcommencing at 7.30pmTickets $30.00 which includes a homemadesupper.29 JUNE:<strong>Lions</strong> Club of Waiuku - Change of Officers- 6.30pm for 7.00pmContact Barry Gibbon, telephone 235 90774 JULY:<strong>Lions</strong> Club of Pukekohe - Change ofOfficers - 6.15pm for 7.00 dinnerRata Lounge, Counties Inn, Paerata Road10 JULY:Our Business Meeting – 7.00pm18 JULY:National Final of Young SpeechmakersTo be hosted in Auckland. More details later.24 JULY:Our Dinner Meeting – 6.30pm for 7.00pmCost $20.00Trevor Bowles - telephone 09-292 8022 orLyn Lowther – telephone 09-292 9298)

3<strong>Lions</strong> Club of Tuakau DirectoryHomeMobileBALL, Mark Catherine 238 2995 0274 514 942BELL, Bob 236 8384 021 179 7245BARBER, Chris Pam 232 9867BRUCE, Allan 239 0902 021 461 951BRUCE, Lynette 239 0902CLARKE, Hutson Colleen 236 8229 021 026 27034COOK, Gail 236 9300 027 275 4304CROWTHER, Doug Sheena 236 8331FOOTE, Tim Judy 233 4432 0274 584 163HAWKINS, Ken Mariee 238 1860 0275 555 095HOCKLY, Jill 238 6646LAUER, Steve Louise 236 8040 021 919 749LOFROTH, Charles 239 2529 021 138 8631McKINLAY, John Betty 236 8700MacMILLAN, Ken Debra 232 8462MAKAN, Dee Luxmie 236 8269 0272 874 882MARTIN, Warwick 237 8120 0272 022 350MASSEY, Paul Christine 232 8407 021 285 9907MILLYNN, Doug Barbara 236 8750 027 692 6261NICHOLSON, John Claire 233 4892 0274 956 614OLIVER, Nell 236 8052PATER, Bert Lyn 236 8469 0274 517 942SHEWAN, Colin Fay 236 9708SMITH, Ray Colleen 236 8808 027 246 2819TYSON, Maurice 236 8186 0274 722 585WALTER, Peter Lee 239 1854WOODWARD, Clive Susan 233 4436 0274 155 079WRIGHT, Ray Sindy 233 4716<strong>June</strong>Invocation:Stewards:JulyInvocation:Stewards:DINNER NIGHTDUTIESDistrict Governor Eric Carter’s themePeople, Passion, PurposeTo Strive for Personal ExcellenceDG Eric Carter (Karen)09-428 0232DGE Robyn Walker (Kevin)09-435 16311st VDGE Christine Ford (Tim)09-535 19502nd VDGE Marian Andrews (Keith)09-4075 445Region 5 Chairman Grant Thompson(Trish)09-235 2807Zone 8 Chairman Mike Crosby(Daphne)09-292 4764Paul MasseyDoug MillynnBert PaterTim FooteWarwick MartinLynette BrucePADRE CORNERPersonally I haven’t heard of any health problems lately about my flock other than the Masterhimself, who got muscle tear below the right knee. Having almost recovered before going tohelp with loading 600 bags of sheep manure and that undid any healing plus doing much moredamage.The pain has been extreme to say the least, having rested with leg up, leg sideways and legdown to no avail. Very little sleep and no sympathy didn’t help recovery, even half a tube ofVoltaren made no difference (done my dough there) as they say on Sunday mornings - grit yourteeth, it will heal.Working on it. Dr Doug.

4<strong>June</strong> “Who Am I” April “Who Am I”Christine MasseyCabinet Mission StatementWe will promote active Lionism by positivecommunication, support, leadership and vision, tothe <strong>Lions</strong> of our District through commitment tothe motto of <strong>Lions</strong> <strong>Clubs</strong> International.“We Serve”(Please note, the person in the photo andtheir spouse cannot vote.)Clue: A LionA sheet for your answer will be put on theraffle table at the <strong>June</strong> Dinner Meeting.All correct answers will go into a draw for aLucky Dip Lotto ticket.Go on, have a guess!!!Help!!!I would really appreciate receiving: Photos for “Who Am I” “Getting to Know You” articlesWHY GOD MADE MUMS(Ed’s note: Enjoy)Answers given by second year school children to the following questions:Why did God make mothers?1. She's the only one who knows where the selotape is.2. Mostly to clean the house.3. To help us out of there when we were getting born.Why did God give you your mother and not some other mum?1. We're related.2. God knew she likes me a lot more than other people's mum like me.What kind of a little girl was your mum?1. My mum has always been my mum and none of that other stuff.2. I don't know because I wasn't there, but my guess would be pretty bossy.3. They say she used to be nice.

5A visit from Gail and Leah PryorBy Christine MasseyLast month at our Dinner Meeting, Gail and Leah Pryor popped in to give us all an update onLeah’s health and exciting news.Leah has been sponsored in part by our <strong>Lions</strong> Club for the Insulin Pump she wears at all times asshe has a very serious form of Diabetes and this pump is enabling her to lead a much morenormal life, attend school full-time etc.First noticed by our members was how she had grown since their last visit and this is one thingthat is attributed to the pump which very efficiently regulates her intake of insulin and also thebetter way Leah feels about herself as being like her other mates at school and joining in.The exciting news is Leah has been accepted to take the <strong>June</strong> trip on the Spirit of Adventure. Areal first for a child with diabetes and dear Mum has been assured a helicopter is only a call awayif Leah takes a turn for the worse.Gail and Leah answered questions from the floor and we just appreciated their coming and thenice family link we hold with them through this opportunity to help out in such an incrediblyneedy cause.I felt very humbled by the family commitment to Leah and her health issue and after their visit, Iasked the Club Members if I could apply to the Silver Lining Trust (a local organisation availableto apply to for a family/person in need of a treat) for this family in the name of the <strong>Lions</strong> Club ofTuakau as the nominator.At this time the nomination was lodged today, 9 May, and I have asked for the family perhaps tobe able to have time out with accommodation, movies, dinner etc while Leah is away on herSpirit trip. Her siblings are Abby (10), Daniel (13) and Ben (17), and they certainly go without asmoney just doesn’t stretch for them to belong to sports clubs or treats out.Also, Leah is attending her first Ball on 16 <strong>June</strong> so I have put in for a hair and makeup session forthis day for her. The nomination form has boxes to tick for certain treats and these wereincluded.All the best to Gail and Malcolm and their precious family, who by example of how they cope dailywith hardships, certainly makes us all thankful of the good health of our loved ones. Especiallyour little grandchildren with the stage of life we are all at.Blessings to <strong>Lions</strong> <strong>Clubs</strong> throughout <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong> as you give goodness out to so many in need.Ed’s note: on behalf of the <strong>Lions</strong> Club of Tuakau members, thank you Christine for your lovingand caring nature. We all appreciate what you have done on our behalf.A Bit of This and a Bit of That…Hear the May Dinner Meeting was very successful and it was great to have Gail and Leah Pryor visit.Special thanks to Christine Massey for looking after the raffle in April.With our Change of Officers Evening fast approaching, I thought it appropriate to mention what a wonderfulrecord of service the <strong>Lions</strong> Club of Tuakau has. The combined service total for our members is 374 years.Please take a pat on your back.Keep smiling, Lynette

6Firewood Delivered in Record TimeBy Dee MakanSunday, 15 April - 9.00am: The sun was shining, birds were singing and the team of <strong>Lions</strong>humming as they watched the front end loader fill trailers and utes in seconds.Due to the dry conditions the loads were easier and faster todeliver. Even with an increase of Senior recipients this yeareveryone got a very full trailer load.Because of the quick turnaround with enthusiasm of eachdelivery, morning tea was nearly forgotten (10.25am). Oneappreciative Senior gave a plate of cakes as a thank you.At around 11.15am the last load was delivered and one Lionremarked that as this was easy, maybe we should have hadmore, but he was the one delivering in a ute using the tip.Many thanks to Paul Yearbury for his time and loader which made it easy to do the job in recordtime.A most enjoyable and satisfying project throughLionism.Dee, Ray S, Warwick, Peter, Ken H, Clive, Tim,Doug M, Paul Yearbury, Bob. Photographer:Doug CEd’s note: Thanks to Dee for this article and Doug C for the photographs.JUNE ANNIVERSARIESCongratulations to:Ray and Colleen SmithJUNE BIRTHDAYSMany Happy Returns to:Sheena CrowtherWarwick MartinTim Foote<strong>June</strong>ATTENDANCE AWARDSTim FooteBert PaterWarwick Martin7 years19 years18 yearsCongratulations to the above <strong>Lions</strong>who this month celebrate theiranniversary of becoming a member of<strong>Lions</strong> <strong>Clubs</strong> International.

7Hutson, Bob, Allan and I arrived atSir Edmund Hillary Collegiate in Otara intime to have a cup of coffee which warmedus up very nicely.At 9.00am Richard Simmonds started theday with introductions and let us know thehousekeeping rules. He then handed overto DG Elect Robyn Walker who announcedher <strong>2012</strong>/2013 Cabinet and then talkedabout her DG theme and that of theIncoming International President.District Training Day – 20 MayBy Lynette BruceSoon after we broke into Forums and wentour own way. I attended the <strong>Bulletin</strong>Editor session together with four otherswhich is a disappointing number attending.However the facilitator, Suez Reid, did amarvelous job and I know we all gained a lot out of the time spent together. It was really greatthat two <strong>Lions</strong> in this session will be taking the <strong>Bulletin</strong> Editor role on for the first time.Bob attended the Secretary session and found it very good, especially the fact that this yeareveryone had a computer and the training was hands on.Allan and Hutson attended the President session. Both Allan and Hutson also found this sessionmost beneficial.Our lunch was wonderful – plenty of food and plenty of variety – huge filled rolls, sausage rolls,hot sausages, muffins and fruit. After we had our fill, we got back into it. Special thanks toPDG Brian Grounds and his team of Leos for feeding us.Allan and Lynette went onto the Websitesession. Earlier Lynette had been setup with a password to become Tuakau’swebmaster. Once again Suez Reid wasthe facilitator and is an excellent trainer.A very worthwhile session to attend.At the same time, Bob and Hutsonattended the general forums.We then all came together for anOrientation Presentation which wasexcellent.Overall, a great day and a good numberof attendees. For me personally, Ifound this Training Day the best I haveso far attended.Oh yes, there was a raffle and Hutson won first prize and I won third prize. The other two prizeswent to Club Members from Zone 8.Thanks to everyone involved in organising this Training Day. Well done!!!

The Husband Store8LAUGH A MINUTEA store that sells new husbands has opened in <strong>New</strong> York City, where a woman may go tochoose a husband. Among the instructions at the entrance is a description of how the storeoperates:You may visit this store ONLY ONCE! There are six floors and the value of the productsincrease as the shopper ascends the flights. The shopper may choose any item from aparticular floor, or may choose to go up to the next floor, but you cannot go back down exceptto exit the building!So, a woman goes to the Husband Store to find a husband.On the first floor the sign on the door reads:Floor 1 - These men Have JobsShe is intrigued, but continues to the second floor, where the sign reads:Floor 2 - These men Have Jobs and Love Kids.“That's nice,” she thinks, “but I want more.” So she continues upward.The third floor sign reads:Floor 3 - These men Have Jobs, Love Kids, and are Extremely Good Looking.“Wow,” she thinks, but feels compelled to keep going.She goes to the fourth floor and the sign reads:Floor 4 - These men Have Jobs, Love Kids, are Drop-dead Good Looking and HelpWith Housework.“Oh, mercy me!” she exclaims, “I can hardly stand it!”Still, she goes to the fifth floor and the sign reads:Floor 5 - These men Have Jobs, Love Kids, are Drop-dead Gorgeous, Help withHousework, and Have a Strong Romantic Streak.She is so tempted to stay, but she goes to the sixth floor, where the sign reads:Floor 6 - You are visitor 31,456,012 to this floor. There are no men on this floor.This floor exists solely as proof that women are impossible to please. Thank you forshopping at the Husband Store.PLEASE NOTE:To avoid gender bias charges, the store's owner opened a <strong>New</strong> Wives store just across thestreet.The first floor has wives that love sex.The second floor has wives that love sex and have money and like beer.The third, fourth, fifth and sixth floors have never been visited.Make a visit to our <strong>Lions</strong> Website:www.lionsclubs.org

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