The Bromley Memory Service

The Bromley Memory Service

The Bromley Memory Service


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What happens at your firstassessmentAt your first assessment you willusually be seen by a <strong>Memory</strong><strong>Service</strong> professional who willask you about your memorydifficulties, your physical healthand some details about yourpast and current life. <strong>The</strong>y willalso test your different thinkingabilities. This appointment canlast up to one and a half hoursand we recommend that arelative or friend accompaniesyou to help with our questions.If you have some questions youwould like to ask us, you mayfind it helpful to write thesedown and bring them with you.What happens nextIf appropriate, you may thenbe sent for a brain and heartscan at your local hospital, andpossibly for other specialistassessments. Once we havethe results of these tests wewill invite you to attend a

diagnostic clinic with a doctor ora senior member of the team.<strong>The</strong>y will discuss the resultsof your assessments with youand, if appropriate, give you adiagnosis.At the end of the assessmentprocess one of the following willhappen:• you may receive a diagnosisof a memory problem (suchas dementia) and treatmentoptions will be discussed withyou• it may not be possible to makea definite diagnosis and wemay ask you to come back in6-12 months for a review• our assessment may suggestthat you do not have amemory problem and you willbe discharged and directedto other services whereappropriate.TreatmentIf you are diagnosed with amemory problem, such asdementia, one of our treatmentoptions may be suitable for you.While there is currently no curefor dementia, our treatmentsare designed to either slowdown its effects or help youcope with any emotionaldifficulties associated with it. Weoffer the following treatments:• medication for Alzheimer’stype dementia• medication to help withassociated problems such asanxiety• group therapy• individual, couple or familytherapy• occupational therapy.CrisisYou can contact us Mondayto Friday 9am - 5pm. Outsidethese hours you should contactthe Oxleas Urgent Advice Lineon 0845 608 0525. Alternativelyyou can visit A&E or call 999 ifyou are at risk in some way.ConfidentialityAll our staff are required toabide by a strict code of conducton confidentiality. We will onlyshare information with thosewho need to know in order toprovide good quality care. Wewill ask at your assessmentabout contacting other healthprofessionals such as your GPand you can tell us if there isanyone you do not want us totalk to.

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