SPSA - Ceres Unified School District

SPSA - Ceres Unified School District

SPSA - Ceres Unified School District


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materials and delivery for students who are English Learners,special education, GATE and those from low socioeconomiclevels in all subject areas through staffing and professionaldevelopment.5. Provide for cross-curricular projects, focusing onimplementation, delivery and assessment of English-Language Arts standards in every subject area.6. Continue to expand the professional library with resourcesrelated to improving instruction in reading/language arts andthe integrated content areas, as well as improving theclassroom environment for learning.7. Ensure that our library has an adequate amount of up todate books and electronic or technology-based resources forthe students8. Ensure students are actively engaged in the curriculumthrough technology by providing instructional software,materials and equipment and installation of equipment whichsupplement the core program and support standards-basedinstruction in reading, writing, and integrated content areas,including vocabulary development.9. Provide opportunities for staff to analyze and reviewstudent performance data on a regular basis and to plan forimprovements. Collect, analyze, disseminate and usedisaggregated assessment and achievement data to planeffective instruction.August 2008--OngoingAugust 2008--OngoingAugust 2008--OngoingAugust 2008--OngoingAugust 2008--Ongoingand teachercompensation (ifother thanregularlyscheduledplanning,department,grade level,and/or staffmeetings);PerformanceContracts;refreshmentsand supplies.Conferenceregistration fees,reimbursementofmeals/mileage &teacher release(as applicable)Instructionalmaterials,teacher release,curriculum,duplicationProfessionalbooks andstorage/displayLibrary Booksandstorage/display.Technology forstudent use.Purchasecomputers,tables, chairs,software, multimediaprojectorsand installationof technologicalequipment;provide formaintenanceagreements andreplacementcosts ofequipment.Release time,performancecontract,LearningDirector,Counseling staffand EnglishLearner TestingAssistant and/orConsultant;copies; datainformationsystem ;refreshments;suppliesLibrary$6,679.00 Title IEIA<strong>School</strong> andLibraryv$500.00 Title IEIA<strong>School</strong> andLibrary$15,000.00 Title IEIA<strong>School</strong> andLibrary$15,000.00 Title IEIA<strong>School</strong> andLibrary$3,000.00 Title IEIA<strong>School</strong> andLibrary(37) See the “Chart of Required Contents for the <strong>SPSA</strong>” for content required by each program or funding source supporting this goal.(38) List the date an action will be taken or will begin, and the date it will be completed.

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