SPSA - Ceres Unified School District

SPSA - Ceres Unified School District

SPSA - Ceres Unified School District


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create the <strong>School</strong> and Library Improvement Block Grant. It replaces the Library Actfunds, as we have known them for the past six years.<strong>Ceres</strong> <strong>Unified</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong>’s Library Mission StatementOur school’s Library/Media Center will house a collection of diverse materials whichmeet the curricular needs of students and staff. The collection will be updated regularlyas new materials are added, and outdated and unappealing materials are removed.The Library will be open before, during, and after the school day for students and staff.Collection Development1. Book Collection Goal: the goal of the school library plan is to work towards librarycollections of a minimum of 20 up-to-date, enticing books per student. A selection ofnew books and magazines will be purchased to support and enhance the curriculumas well as books and magazines for students to read for personal and recreationaluse.Progress to Date: although many books have been added to the library collectionsmore new books are needed to reach our minimum goal of 20 books per student. Aplanned expenditure of $13,232.00 will be budgeted for books.2. Reference Materials Goal: reference collections in each library will include at leastone encyclopedia set with a copyright date no older than three years, as well asencyclopedia sets for more than one age or reading level. Other reference materialswill include current almanacs, up-to-date atlases and a variety of other age-appropriatereference books and electronic reference sources to meet curricular needs.Progress to Date: the library received new 2004 sets of World Book Encyclopediaduring the 2004-2005 school year. Our school has World Book networked on theschool server. Plans for 2008 include the purchase of online access to onlineencyclopedia databases.Library Access and ProgramsLong Term Goal: in order for students to have access to books more than once a weekduring their class visits, libraries will be open before and/or after school and atlunchtime or recess whenever possible. The library schedule will be based on student,teacher, staffing and curricular needs. All libraries will have automated card catalogswith access to the collection using two or more computers. Reference programs will beavailable on the computers as needed.Progress to Date: Along with the allocated clerk time currently in place the school mayexplore training parent volunteers to help keep the library open.Library ManagementManagement Goal: the library will have up-to-date computers for the checkout desk,bar wands, printers and other equipment and software as needed for library tasks.Library management software and hardware should keep pace with technologicalchanges both for running the library and for student and staff access to the collection.Progress to date: the Library is operating on the latest version of Destiny and there isone hand held and one trigger scanner available.Professional GrowthProfessional Development Goal: school library staff will attend district trainings as new

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