SPSA - Ceres Unified School District

SPSA - Ceres Unified School District

SPSA - Ceres Unified School District


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VI Planned Improvements in Student Performance (continued)SCHOOL GOAL #3(Based on conclusions from Analysis of Program Components and Student Data pages)SCHOOL GOAL # 3(Based on conclusions from Analysis of Program Components and Student Data pages)Design, develop, implement, and evaluate opportunities to improve the academic performance of all students byengaging families in their children’s educations on a safe and engaging campus.Student groups and grade levels to participate in thisgoal:Significant sub-groups based on ethnicity, grades, socioeconomicstatus, language and disability.Means of evaluating progress toward this goal:Data analysis of student progress using CUSD StudentInformation System, Measures, DataQuest, and statereports.Anticipated annual performance growth for eachgroup:Increase by 5% over 2008 the percent of studentsscoring proficient/advanced as well as an increase inthe number of students moving to a higher proficiencylevel as well as meeting the promotion criteria.Increase the number of students and families involvedin school-based activitiesIncrease attendance while decreasing the number andseverity of discipline issues on campus.Group data to be collected to measure academicgains:CST and CAT6 data; grade and transcript data;attendance and discipline dataSCHOOL GOAL #3Actions to be Taken to Reach This Goal (1)Consider all appropriate dimensions (e.g., Teaching andLearning, Staffing and Professional Development)1. Ensure students are motivated to be in school throughparticipation in assemblies, lunchtime activities, and specialprograms which enhance personal relevance and social skillsas well as supporting instruction in content areas.2. Recognize and promote academic progress and studentsuccess through awards, renaissance and special assemblies3. Provide opportunities for the PRIDE team to analyzeschool-wide as well as individual student performance data inthe areas of academics, discipline and attendance4. Provide, report, and interpret results for all students,parents and teachers through regular stakeholder andindividual meetings (<strong>School</strong> Site Council, ELAC, PTSA, Riskof Retention, Parent Institute). Actively involve parents andstudents through communication of school-wide expectations,committees and family engagement activities and events.Effectively communicate with and solicit involvement from allstakeholders through school communication in both Englishand Spanish.Start Date(38)CompletionDateAugust 2008 --OngoingAugust 2008 --OngoingAugust 2008 --OngoingAugust 2008 --OngoingProposedExpenditures(39)Contractedfees andrelatedmaterials (asneeded); noonduty time;campussupervisionIncentives,certificates,awardsRelease time;performancecontracts;duplication;contracted feesand relatedmaterials (asneeded)Phone DialerSystem;translation andbabysittingservices;newsletters,homeworkcalendar,StudentHandbook,mailings,copies,postage;Release time,refreshmentsEstimatedCostFundingSource$10,000.00 Title IEIA<strong>School</strong> &Library$5,000.00 Title IEIA<strong>School</strong> &Library$5,000.00 Title IEIA<strong>School</strong> &Library$5,000.00 Title IEIA<strong>School</strong> &Library

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