Cluster Server Installation Guide for Solaris x64 5.0 - Storage ...

Cluster Server Installation Guide for Solaris x64 5.0 - Storage ... Cluster Server Installation Guide for Solaris x64 5.0 - Storage ...
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50 Installing and configuring VCSInstalling and configuring VCS 5.02 Start the pre-installation check:# ./installvcs -precheck north southThe program proceeds in a non-interactive mode, examining the systemsfor licenses, packages, disk space, and system-to-system communications.3 Review the output as the program displays the results of the check and savesthe results of the check in a log file.See “About installvcs command options” on page 77.Starting the software installationYou can install VCS using the Veritas product installer or the installvcsprogram.To install VCS using the product installer1 Confirm that you are logged in as the superuser and mounted the productdisc.2 Start the installer.# ./installerThe installer starts the product installation program with a copyrightmessage and specifies the directory where the logs are created.3 From the opening Selection Menu, choose: “I” for “Install/Upgrade aProduct.”4 From the displayed list of products to install, choose: Veritas Cluster Server.To install VCS using the installvcs program1 Confirm that you are logged in as the superuser and mounted the productdisc.2 Navigate to the folder containing the installvcs program.# cd cluster_server3 Start the installvcs program.# ./installvcsThe installer begins with a copyright message and specifies the directorywhere the logs are created.Specifying systems for installationThe installer prompts for the system names on which you want to install andthen performs an initial system check.

Installing and configuring VCSInstalling and configuring VCS 5.051To specify system names for installation1 Enter the names of the systems where you want to install VCS.Enter the system names separated by spaces on which to install VCS: north southFor a single node installation, enter one name for the system.See “Starting the installer for the single node cluster” on page 257.2 Review the output as the installer verifies the systems you specify.The installer does the following:■■■■Checks that the local node running the installer can communicate withremote nodesIf the installer finds ssh binaries, it confirms that ssh can operatewithout requests for passwords or passphrases.Makes sure the systems use the proper operating systemMakes sure the systems are installing from the global zoneChecks whether a previous version of VCS is installedIf a previous version of VCS is installed, the installer provides an optionto upgrade to VCS 5.0.See “Upgrading VCS using installvcs program” on page 143.Licensing VCSThe installer checks whether VCS license keys are currently in place on eachsystem. If license keys are not installed, the installer prompts you for the licensekeys.See “Checking licensing information on the system” on page 76.To license VCS1 Review the output as the utility checks system licensing and installs thelicensing package.2 Enter the license key for Veritas Cluster Server as the installer prompts foreach node.Enter a VCS license key for north: [?] XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXX successfully registered on northVCS license registered on north3 Enter keys for additional product features.Do you want to enter another license key for north? [y,n,q,?] (n) yEnter a VCS license key for north: [?] XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXX successfully registered on north

50 Installing and configuring VCSInstalling and configuring VCS <strong>5.0</strong>2 Start the pre-installation check:# ./installvcs -precheck north southThe program proceeds in a non-interactive mode, examining the systems<strong>for</strong> licenses, packages, disk space, and system-to-system communications.3 Review the output as the program displays the results of the check and savesthe results of the check in a log file.See “About installvcs command options” on page 77.Starting the software installationYou can install VCS using the Veritas product installer or the installvcsprogram.To install VCS using the product installer1 Confirm that you are logged in as the superuser and mounted the productdisc.2 Start the installer.# ./installerThe installer starts the product installation program with a copyrightmessage and specifies the directory where the logs are created.3 From the opening Selection Menu, choose: “I” <strong>for</strong> “Install/Upgrade aProduct.”4 From the displayed list of products to install, choose: Veritas <strong>Cluster</strong> <strong>Server</strong>.To install VCS using the installvcs program1 Confirm that you are logged in as the superuser and mounted the productdisc.2 Navigate to the folder containing the installvcs program.# cd cluster_server3 Start the installvcs program.# ./installvcsThe installer begins with a copyright message and specifies the directorywhere the logs are created.Specifying systems <strong>for</strong> installationThe installer prompts <strong>for</strong> the system names on which you want to install andthen per<strong>for</strong>ms an initial system check.

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