Cluster Server Installation Guide for Solaris x64 5.0 - Storage ...

Cluster Server Installation Guide for Solaris x64 5.0 - Storage ... Cluster Server Installation Guide for Solaris x64 5.0 - Storage ...
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110 Setting up I/O fencingAdditional I/O fencing informationvxfentsthdw optionsTable 5-3 describes the methods the utility provides to test storage devices.Table 5-3vxfentsthdwoptionvxfentsthdw optionsDescriptionWhen to use-n Utility uses rsh forcommunication.-r Non-destructive testing. Testingof the disks for SCSI-3 persistentreservations occurs in a nondestructiveway; that is, there isonly testing for reads, notwrites. May be used with -m, -f,or -g options.-t Testing of the return value ofSCSI TEST UNIT (TUR)command under SCSI-3reservations. A warning isprinted on failure of TURtesting.-d Use DMP devices.May be used with -c or -goptions.-c Utility tests the coordinator diskgroup prompting for systemsand devices, and reportingsuccess or failure.-m Utility runs manually, ininteractive mode, prompting forsystems and devices, andreporting success or failure.Use when rsh is used forcommunication.Use during non-destructive testing.When you want to perform TURtesting.By default, the script picks up the OSpaths for disks in the disk group. Ifyou want the script to use the DMPpath, use the -d option.For testing disks in coordinator diskgroup.For testing a few disks or forsampling disks in larger arrays.May be used with -r and -toptions.-m is the default option.

Setting up I/O fencingAdditional I/O fencing information111Table 5-3vxfentsthdwoptionvxfentsthdw optionsDescriptionWhen to use-f filename Utility tests system/devicecombinations listed in a text file.For testing several disks.May be used with -r and -toptions.-g disk_group Utility tests all disk devices in aspecified disk group.May be used with -r and -toptions.For testing many disks and arrays ofdisks. Disk groups may betemporarily created for testingpurposes and destroyed (ungrouped)after testing.Testing the coordinator disk group using vxfentsthdw -cUse the vxfentsthdw utility to verify disks are configured to support I/O fencing.In this procedure, the vxfentsthdw utility tests the three disks one disk at a timefrom each node.■■From the node north, the disks are /dev/rdsk/c1t1d0s2, /dev/rdsk/c2t1d0s2,and /dev/rdsk/c3t1d0s2.From the node south, the same disks are seen as /dev/rdsk/c4t1d0s2, /dev/rdsk/c5t1d0s2, and /dev/rdsk/c6t1d0s2.Note: To test the coordinator disk group using the vxfentsthdw utility, theutility requires that the coordinator disk group, vxfencoorddg, be accessiblefrom two nodes.To test the coordinator disk group using vxfentsthdw -c1 Use the vxfentsthdw command with the -c option. For example:# /opt/VRTSvcs/vxfen/bin/vxfentsthdw -c vxfencoorddg2 Enter the nodes you are using to test the coordinator disks:Enter the first node of the cluster:northEnter the second node of the cluster:south3 Review the output of the testing process for both nodes for all disks in thecoordinator disk group. Each disk should display output that resembles:ALL tests on the disk /dev/rdsk/c1t1d0s2 have PASSED.The disk is now ready to be configured for I/O Fencing on node north as a COORDINATOR DISK.

110 Setting up I/O fencingAdditional I/O fencing in<strong>for</strong>mationvxfentsthdw optionsTable 5-3 describes the methods the utility provides to test storage devices.Table 5-3vxfentsthdwoptionvxfentsthdw optionsDescriptionWhen to use-n Utility uses rsh <strong>for</strong>communication.-r Non-destructive testing. Testingof the disks <strong>for</strong> SCSI-3 persistentreservations occurs in a nondestructiveway; that is, there isonly testing <strong>for</strong> reads, notwrites. May be used with -m, -f,or -g options.-t Testing of the return value ofSCSI TEST UNIT (TUR)command under SCSI-3reservations. A warning isprinted on failure of TURtesting.-d Use DMP devices.May be used with -c or -goptions.-c Utility tests the coordinator diskgroup prompting <strong>for</strong> systemsand devices, and reportingsuccess or failure.-m Utility runs manually, ininteractive mode, prompting <strong>for</strong>systems and devices, andreporting success or failure.Use when rsh is used <strong>for</strong>communication.Use during non-destructive testing.When you want to per<strong>for</strong>m TURtesting.By default, the script picks up the OSpaths <strong>for</strong> disks in the disk group. Ifyou want the script to use the DMPpath, use the -d option.For testing disks in coordinator diskgroup.For testing a few disks or <strong>for</strong>sampling disks in larger arrays.May be used with -r and -toptions.-m is the default option.

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