st john the baptist catholic church closes after 101 years

st john the baptist catholic church closes after 101 years

st john the baptist catholic church closes after 101 years


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ST JOHN THE BAPTIST CATHOLIC CHURCH CLOSES AFTER <strong>101</strong> YEARSEND OF AN ERA: Fa<strong>the</strong>r Peter Hudson and Margaret Lingham with <strong>the</strong> Rupanyup Catholic Parishcommunity. St John <strong>the</strong> Bapti<strong>st</strong> Church of Rupanyup has closed <strong>after</strong> <strong>101</strong> <strong>years</strong>.RUPANYUP’S St John <strong>the</strong> Bapti<strong>st</strong> Catholic Church has closed <strong>after</strong> <strong>101</strong> <strong>years</strong>. Fa<strong>the</strong>r Peter Hudson said <strong>the</strong><strong>church</strong> had fallen into disrepair. “We are not able to repair <strong>the</strong> <strong>church</strong> to <strong>the</strong> satisfaction of occupationalhealth and safety,” he said. He said <strong>the</strong> <strong>church</strong> had not been used for <strong>the</strong> pa<strong>st</strong> two or three <strong>years</strong>, but aservice to officially close it was held on April 21. “The community has been having a monthly Mass in <strong>the</strong>home of a <strong>church</strong> member,” he said.Residents also attend services in Minyip, Banyena, Murtoa and Horsham. Fr Hudson said Bishop Paul Birdled <strong>the</strong> service to close <strong>the</strong> <strong>church</strong>. “About 60 people attended and it was a very emotional ceremony,” hesaid. “It was a celebration for people to recall events that had happened inside <strong>the</strong> <strong>church</strong>, such asbaptisms, marriages, funerals and o<strong>the</strong>r occasions when people ga<strong>the</strong>red to celebrate <strong>the</strong>ir faith. “Theceremony was also to remove sacred objects from <strong>the</strong> <strong>church</strong>.“The community now has cherished memories of <strong>the</strong> <strong>church</strong> and gratitude for <strong>the</strong> way <strong>the</strong>y were able tocome toge<strong>the</strong>r.” At <strong>the</strong> Mass, Bishop Bird remembered those who had ga<strong>the</strong>red in <strong>the</strong> <strong>church</strong>. “I countedseventy-seven prie<strong>st</strong>s who have served in Rupanyup from <strong>the</strong> very early days,” he said. “This <strong>church</strong> hasseen so much of <strong>the</strong> life of <strong>the</strong> Rupanyup community. “It has <strong>st</strong>ood here through rain and shine, throughevery season and is a sign of <strong>the</strong> perseverance of <strong>the</strong> Catholic community of Rupanyup.”Fr Hudson said despite <strong>the</strong> <strong>church</strong> being closed, <strong>the</strong> community continued to keep its faith alive. “Thecommunity realised some <strong>years</strong> ago that <strong>the</strong> <strong>church</strong> would close. To repair it is beyond any reasonableco<strong>st</strong>,” he said. “Now <strong>the</strong> community and <strong>the</strong> diocese will decide what to do with <strong>the</strong> <strong>church</strong>. “It willpossibly be sold – <strong>the</strong>re is <strong>st</strong>ill a lot of good timber on <strong>the</strong> <strong>church</strong>.”The <strong>church</strong> celebrated its centenary la<strong>st</strong> year.Bishop Paul Bird’s homily from this Mass can be read below:Article courtesy of <strong>the</strong> Wimmera Mail-TimesText by Erin McFadden Picture by Samantha Camarri

Homily by Bishop Paul Bird CSsRFinal Mass in St John <strong>the</strong> Bapti<strong>st</strong> Church, Rupanyup, April 21, 2013During this pa<strong>st</strong> week our television screens showed images of explosions near <strong>the</strong> finish line of <strong>the</strong> Bo<strong>st</strong>onmarathon. A bomb went off in <strong>the</strong> crowd. Then <strong>the</strong>re was ano<strong>the</strong>r explosion. Three people were killed.Many were injured. A beautiful sunny day was turned into a day of tragedy.That was on Monday. On Thursday, <strong>the</strong>re was an interfaith service in Bo<strong>st</strong>on’s Ca<strong>the</strong>dral of <strong>the</strong> Holy Cross.Around 2000 people packed <strong>the</strong> ca<strong>the</strong>dral to remember <strong>the</strong> victims of <strong>the</strong> bombings and to pray for<strong>st</strong>rength for <strong>the</strong> whole community that had been <strong>st</strong>unned by <strong>the</strong> attack.President Obama was one of those who spoke at <strong>the</strong> service. He began by quoting a verse of Scripture,from <strong>the</strong> letter to <strong>the</strong> Hebrews: “Let us run with endurance <strong>the</strong> race that is set before us.”His words were words of encouragement to people who had been shocked by <strong>the</strong> violence that had <strong>st</strong>ruckon that day of <strong>the</strong> race. He recalled that one of <strong>the</strong> runners had been knocked off his feet by <strong>the</strong> force of<strong>the</strong> bombs but that he had got up and kept on running. President Obama encouraged everyone to havethat same spirit of resilience in <strong>the</strong> face of adversity.He said: “We may be momentarily knocked off our feet but we will pick ourselves up. We will keep going.We will finish <strong>the</strong> race.”There is something of <strong>the</strong> same message in <strong>the</strong> Scriptures for our Mass this <strong>after</strong>noon.We have a reading from <strong>the</strong> Book of Revelation. This is a book that was written to encourage <strong>the</strong> earlyChri<strong>st</strong>ians to persevere in <strong>the</strong>ir faith. Many were suffering persecution because of <strong>the</strong>ir faith in Chri<strong>st</strong>.Some had been driven from <strong>the</strong>ir homes. Some had been put in prison. Some had been killed. They hadmany reasons to be downhearted but <strong>the</strong> writer of <strong>the</strong> Book of Revelation offered <strong>the</strong>m a message ofencouragement in <strong>the</strong> trials <strong>the</strong>y were going through. He said that if <strong>the</strong>y persevered in <strong>the</strong>ir faith <strong>the</strong>ywould win <strong>the</strong> palm of victory. God would wipe away all tears from <strong>the</strong>ir eyes. Chri<strong>st</strong> would be <strong>the</strong>irshepherd and would lead <strong>the</strong>m to springs of living water.We can reflect on <strong>the</strong>se messages for our own lives. Each one of us has some times of <strong>st</strong>ruggle. We mightbe burdened with sickness. We might suffer a loss that brings great sadness. Today’s closing of <strong>the</strong> <strong>church</strong>here in Rupanyup might be one of those losses. When we experience such burdens or losses, we mighttend to feel disheartened. Then especially it is good to remember <strong>the</strong> encouraging message of Scripture.“Let us run with endurance <strong>the</strong> race that is set before us.”In our Mass this <strong>after</strong>noon we remember all those who have persevered in living <strong>the</strong>re faith in this part of<strong>the</strong> world. We remember especially all those who have ga<strong>the</strong>red in this Church of St John <strong>the</strong> Bapti<strong>st</strong> overmore than a hundred <strong>years</strong> and we give thanks for <strong>the</strong> blessings of <strong>the</strong>se <strong>years</strong>.We give thanks for those who have been baptised in <strong>the</strong> font here. We give thanks for those who wereconfirmed or made <strong>the</strong>ir fir<strong>st</strong> communion here. We give thanks for those who were married here. We givethanks for those who were buried from here. We give thanks for those who ga<strong>the</strong>red for Sunday Masshere, week by week, for so many <strong>years</strong>. We give thanks for <strong>the</strong> prie<strong>st</strong>s who have served here. In <strong>the</strong>centenary book “The Living Faith” I counted 77 prie<strong>st</strong>s who have served in Rupanyup from <strong>the</strong> very earlydays. I also noticed <strong>the</strong> li<strong>st</strong> of six prie<strong>st</strong>s and religious who came from Rupanyup and as a Redemptori<strong>st</strong>myself I was delighted to see that three of those were Redemptori<strong>st</strong>s.

This <strong>church</strong> has seen so much of <strong>the</strong> life of <strong>the</strong> Catholic community of Rupanyup. It has <strong>st</strong>ood here throughrain and shine, through every season. In its own way, this <strong>church</strong> is a sign of <strong>the</strong> perseverance of <strong>the</strong>Catholic community of Rupanyup in <strong>the</strong>ir faith through all those <strong>years</strong>.The final part of our ceremony this <strong>after</strong>noon will be closing <strong>the</strong> doors of this <strong>church</strong> and <strong>the</strong>re is surelysadness in this. In a sense we are marking <strong>the</strong> end of a very long chapter in <strong>the</strong> life of this Catholiccommunity of Rupanyup. Yet <strong>the</strong> Catholic Church in Rupanyup is more than this <strong>church</strong> building. TheChurch is fundamentally <strong>the</strong> people who make up <strong>the</strong> Catholic Community. In this sense <strong>the</strong> Church was inRupanyup quite a few <strong>years</strong> before this <strong>church</strong> building. This is recorded in <strong>the</strong> hi<strong>st</strong>ory “The Living Faith”.There we read that Rupanyup was surveyed in 1873. Then we read: “The Catholic Church at Rupanyupbegan with <strong>the</strong> arrival of <strong>the</strong> Murphy family in <strong>the</strong> same year.”In this sense, <strong>the</strong> Catholic Church has been in Rupanyup since 1873. For much of that time, this <strong>church</strong> of StJohn <strong>the</strong> Bapti<strong>st</strong> has been <strong>the</strong> place where <strong>the</strong> Catholic community has ga<strong>the</strong>red and this <strong>after</strong>noon wegive thanks for all <strong>the</strong> blessings that have come through those ga<strong>the</strong>rings in this place. Yet <strong>the</strong> Catholiccommunity will continue even <strong>after</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>church</strong> building is closed and this <strong>after</strong>noon we pray for continuedblessings as we continue to live out our Catholic lives.When we come to <strong>the</strong> final part of our ceremony this <strong>after</strong>noon and close <strong>the</strong> doors of <strong>the</strong> <strong>church</strong>, we havethis prayer:Chri<strong>st</strong>, ye<strong>st</strong>erday and today, <strong>the</strong> beginning and <strong>the</strong> end,in every age, you have been our help.In your holy name, we close <strong>the</strong>se doors.But <strong>the</strong>n we will add this prayer:We beg you to keep <strong>the</strong> doors of our hearts wide openthat we may be your dwelling placewherever two or three are ga<strong>the</strong>red in your name.May Chri<strong>st</strong> who has been with us as we have ga<strong>the</strong>red here over <strong>the</strong> <strong>years</strong> continue to be with uswherever we are as we ga<strong>the</strong>r in his name. May he give each one of us <strong>the</strong> grace to persevere in living ourfaith. As we look now to <strong>the</strong> future, may we run with perseverance <strong>the</strong> race that is set before us.+ Bishop Paul Bird

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