uZWEIGLE - Uster Technologies

uZWEIGLE - Uster Technologies

uZWEIGLE - Uster Technologies


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<strong>uZWEIGLE</strong>The yarn analysis systems

Perfect partners for the ultimate in quality testingUSTER ® instruments provide the essential foundation forworld-class quality control in areas such as evenness(the USTER ® TESTER 5) and strength measuring (USTER ®TENSORAPID 4, USTER ® TENSOJET 4). For those userswho wish to extend their testing capabilities to includeextra features such as twist, friction, splice and countmeasurement, USTER offers excellent options withinstruments from the former ZWEIGLE ® company. In2009, USTER enhanced its position as world leaderin yarn testing and certification by acquiring andsubsequently further developing the ZWEIGLE ® rangeof complementary products.The advantages in terms of finished product quality andsaleability in yarn trading are significant, with the USTER ®and ZWEIGLE ® ranges complementing each other perfectlyto create the ultimate quality control solution.This synergy is illustrated superbly by the hairiness testingcombination of the USTER ® ZWEIGLE HL400 and theOH Sensor for the USTER ® TESTER 5. The OH Moduleprovides the industry standard Hvalue for yarn hairiness –the only benchmark accepted in yarn trading, as well asan early-warning signal for potential production problems.The USTER ® ZWEIGLE HL400 measures the actual hairinesslength, with its sensitive measuring system assessing thelevel and number of protruding fibers in the yarn. Thisenables spinners to forecast accurately how the yarn willperform insubsequent processes, e.g., the entanglementof warp yarns, and how it will look in the final fabric –an especially useful feature when engineering anew yarntype. It also helps mills decide on traveler changes andmaintenance routines.Afurther example of the ZWEIGLE ® extra advantage is theUSTER ® ZWEIGLE TWIST TESTER 5, for accurate and preciseanalysis of yarn twist –one of the key elements in any yarnspecification. No other parameter has agreater impact onfabric handle and feel, or on amill’s overall efficiency, andthe proven ZWEIGLE ® expertise in this area is now enhancedas part ofUSTER’s wide-ranging quality control portfolio.

Taking hairiness testing to another levelThe hairiness of ayarn has amajor impact on virtuallyevery aspect of fabric quality across awide range oftextile end uses. The appearance and durability of thefabric are affected, as well as the productivity andefficiency of further manufacturing operations, by thedegree of yarn hairiness.The latest USTER ® ZWEIGLE HL400 hairiness tester takesthe globally established ZWEIGLE ® S3 hairiness valuemeasurement to the next level. The instrument offers benefitsin terms of improved accuracy and it now operateseight times faster than previous instruments, with atestspeed of 400 m/min. So the task of hairiness analysis isno longer abottleneck in the lab. The speed upgrademeans more tests can be carried out and process controlspeeded up, while the instrument fits with the testingcycle of the USTER ® TESTER 5.In addition the measurement is now independent fromthe operator influence due to the automatic calibration.The well-known ZWEIGLE ® S3 figure for the hairiness of ayarn isbased on the number of protruding fibers of 3mmand longer, and this number allows for meaningfulcomparison and communication about hairiness levels.It also allows the spinner to forecast how the yarn willbehave in subsequent processes and how the finishedfabric will look and perform –especially useful in engineeringanew yarn. Any type of staple yarn can be testedlike cotton, cotton blends and synthetics. Even more detailis available as the USTER ® ZWEIGLE HL400 can displaythe number of protruding fibers in seven different lengthcategories.The instrument is of particular support whenmodifying machines.By combining the USTER ® ZWEIGLE HL400 with theUSTER ® TESTER 5 and its special OH hairiness sensor, thespinner can manage every hairiness-testing requirement.The OH Module provides the H-value –the acknowledgedindustry benchmark for hairiness, used in yarn-tradingcontracts –and also acts as an early-warning mechanismat the production stage.Together, the two instruments amount to an integrated “totalsolution” for all hairiness-testing requirements.Top:USTER ® ZWEIGLE HL400Enormous benefits in accurateassessment of hairiness– Precise analysis of hairiness length– Improved accuracy– Test speed of 400 m/min– Fits perfectly with USTER ® TESTER 5– Independent from operatorinfluence due to automaticcalibration– Any type of staple yarn can betestedBottom:Ring spinning frame as origin ofmany hairiness problems

Tensioning technology –the key toaccurate twist testingBuyers and sellers of yarn know that twist is one of the mostimportant parameters in specifying ayarn for many textileapplications. Not only can the twist level in ayarn affectthe look and performance of the finished product, it alsohas adirect impact on mill efficiency and profitability.Thetwist also has asignificant influence on quality characteristicssuch as strength and elongation.Accuracy in determining twist levels is the major requirement,and to achieve this, it is important to have the best-possibletechnological solution. That is where the USTER ® ZWEIGLETWIST TESTER 5 scores, with its specially developedtensioning system –afundamental prerequisite for correctmeasurement of yarn twist.Special options include adedicated test method forcompact-spun yarns and an exclusive semiautomatictester version for tire cord manufacturers, designed tomeet the exacting standards of the automobile industry.The importance of measuring yarn twist is now furtherunderlined and supported in the authoritative USTER ®STATISTICS benchmarks. USTER immediately added anextra chapter on yarn twist to the USTER ® STATISTICS datawhen the USTER ® ZWEIGLE TWIST TESTER 5 was addedto the company’s instrument range.This technical advantage means the USTER ® ZWEIGLETWIST TESTER 5 works with the highest degree of precisionavailable today. Its flexibility means it can accommodatedifferent testing routines for various industry requirements,based on two versions: semiautomatic and fully automatic,the latter including automated sample preparation foreven greater consistency of results.Correct measurement of yarn twist– Specially developed tensioningsystem– Different testing routines forvarious industry requirements– Included in the USTER ® STATISTICS– Exclusive for tire cordTop:USTER ® ZWEIGLE TWIST TESTER 5semiautomatic versionBottom:USTER ® ZWEIGLE TWIST TESTER 5automatic version

Friction measurement –essential for productivityoptimization during knittingFor knitters, the friction value is avital component in theoverall profile of ayarn, allowing them to assess how theyarn will perform during the knitting process, and whateffect it will have on wear and tear of needles and otherelements.What is required is an accurate evaluation of the optimumwax application for the yarn, since this information playsadecisive role in optimizing profitability: too little, toomuch or uneven wax application can mean high frictionlevels and consequent yarn breaks during knitting, as wellas causing undue component wear; while the cost of waxand other chemicals agents must be balanced against thisquality need.The friction value μ, together with the μvariation betweensamples, are the basic figures provided by the USTER ®ZWEIGLE FRICTION TESTER 5, and this data is valuable notonly to spinners and knitters but also to dyers in aidingdyestuff selection.The special demands on sewing threads during high-speedstitching call for extra attention to frictional characteristics –based on the quality and consistency of lubrication –whichdetermine the thread’s sewability in penetrating the fabricsmoothly and easily. For this application, aspecific versionof the USTER ® ZWEIGLE FRICTION TESTER 5 is available,geared to the precise testing needs of sewing threads.The USTER ® ZWEIGLE FRICTION TESTER 5 providesavaluable, practical solution. It features aspeciallydesigned waxing-arm attachment which recreatesproduction scale waxing conditions in the laboratory –allowing individual wax type comparisons to be made.The unit then determines the best wax applicationparameters for uniformity along the entire yarn length,so that friction values can be consistently analyzed.Determination of best waxapplication parameters foruniformity– Specially designed waxing arm– Individual wax type comparisonspossible– Precise testing needs for sewingthreadsUSTER ® ZWEIGLE FRICTIONTESTER 5

Complete package precise and reliable forcount determinationPrecise determination of the count in staple fiber yarns androvings is afundamental prerequisite of the entire textilespinningprocess, and the importance of absolute accuracyin count determination requires atotally reliable instrumentationpackage. This is the job of the classic USTER ®AUTOSORTER 5, part ofacomplete laboratory solution fromfiber through the entire spinning process, in combinationwith the USTER ® ZWEIGLE YARN and ROVING REEL.Together, these instruments are amust-have solution forevery spinning mill.The USTER ® AUTOSORTER 5 determines both average yarncount and count variation of preparatory products andspun yarns. Used in tandem with USTER ® STATISTICS, theUSTER ® AUTOSORTER 5 integrates with internationallyaccepted benchmarks, and guarantees modern, systematicand comparable yarn testing in the textile mill –the firststep to consistent yarn quality.The USTER ® ZWEIGLE REELS are widely recognized asstandard equipment for precise electronic length measurement.Both types are designed for automatic operation,with an optional semiautomatic model of the ROVING REELalso available.This essential count-measuring package features advancedguide elements and precise setting of the tensioning force.Samples are quickly and flexibly created on user-friendlyequipment.Top:USTER ® AUTOSORTER 5Middle top:USTER ® ZWEIGLE YARN REELMiddle bottom:USTER ® ZWEIGLE ROVING REELsemiautomatic versionBottom:USTER ® ZWEIGLE ROVING REELautomatic versionCount in staple fiber yarns androvings determined precisely– Reliable package withUSTER ® ZWEIGLE YARN andROVING REEL– Determines average yarn countand count variation of preparatoryproducts and spun yarns– Guarantees modern, systematicand comparable yarn testing– USTER ® ZWEIGLE YARN REEL hasprecise electronic lengthmeasurement

Splice measurement for winding optimizationUSTER ® ZWEIGLE SPLICE TESTER 4: For yarn packages tomeet today’s more challenging quality standards, strongsplices and hence splice control is amust. Atypical“sales-ready” Ne 30 combed-cotton yarn contains at least60 splices per 100 km –half of which are due to bobbinchanges in winding the package rather than yarn faults –so it is vital to monitor the strength of splices continually,if overall yarn quality is to be maintained.To ensure splices are good enough –defined as having atleast 80% ofthe strength of the yarn they join –the USTER ®ZWEIGLE SPLICE TESTER 4 is the ideal instrument. It is amobile unit that measures splice strength and elongationand can be used either in the laboratory ordirectly at thewinding machine, for optimum flexibility and fast machineresetting where needed.USTER ® ZWEIGLE YARN INSPECTION WINDER: Humanexpertise also plays arole in assessing yarn grades,as an extra check on the standard quality values obtainedfrom traditional testing instruments. To assist in this, theUSTER ® ZWEIGLE YARN INSPECTION WINDER offers afast and simple overview of yarn quality data, highlightingparameters such as thick and thin places, neps, andhairiness, along with periodic faults.The instrument interprets the numerical quality data fromtest instruments and presents it in an easy-to-read format.The USTER ® ZWEIGLE SPLICE TESTER 4 is also the idealpartner for the USTER ® QUANTUM CLEARER in optimizingthe entire winding process, and thus reducing the chanceof quality claims at downstream processes. It works quickly,classifying splices efficiently and simply, sothat winderperformance is optimized.Top:USTER ® ZWEIGLE SPLICE TESTER 4Bottom:USTER ® ZWEIGLE YARNINSPECTION WINDERUSTER ® ZWEIGLE SPLICE TESTER 4Splice strength and elongationmeasurement– Continuous monitoring of splices– Measures splice strength andelongation– Using flexibility: In the laboratoryor at the winding machine– Ideal in combination withUSTER ® QUANTUM CLEARERUSTER ® ZWEIGLE YARNINSPECTION WINDERAssessment of yarn grades– Fast and simple inspection of yarnquality data– Highlights thick and thin places,neps and periodic faults

The standard from fiber to fabricUSTER is the world’s leading supplier of total qualitysolutions from fiber to fabric. USTER standards andprecise measurement provide unparalleled advantagesfor producing best quality at minimum cost.Think qualityOur commitment to state-of-the-art technology ensures thecomfort and feel of the finished product –satisfying thedemands of asophisticated market. We help our customersto benefit from our applied knowledge and experience –to think quality, think USTER.Broad range of productsUSTERoccupies aunique position in the textile industry.With our broad range of products, we have awide reachacross the textile chain that is unmatched by any othersupplier in the market.USTER ® STATISTICS –the textile industry standardsWe set the standards for quality control in the globaltextile industry. With USTER we provide the benchmarksthat are the basis for the trading of textile productsat assured levels of quality across global markets.USTERIZED ® –brand your products with qualityUSTERIZED ® stands for “defined quality assured” withinthe textile chain. We invite selected customers to jointhe USTERIZED ® Member Program. More information atwww.usterized.com.USTER worldwideWith three technology centers, five regional servicecenters and 50 representative offices around the world,USTER is always sure of delivering only the best to itscustomers. USTER –committed to excellence, committedto quality.And that will never change.240842-18020/08.11/© Copyright 2011 by <strong>Uster</strong> <strong>Technologies</strong> AGOptimal serviceKnow-how transfer and instant help –weare where ourcustomers are. Atotal of 200 certified service engineersworldwide grants fast and reliable technical support.Benefit from local know-how transfer in your specificmarkets and enjoy our service àlacarte.USTER SwitzerlandKnoxville, USACharlotte, USAIstanbul, TurkeySuzhou, ChinaOsaka, JapanShanghai, ChinaCoimbatore, IndiaBangkok, Thailand<strong>Uster</strong> <strong>Technologies</strong> AGSonnenbergstrasse 108610 <strong>Uster</strong>SwitzerlandT. + 41 43 366 36 36F. + 41 43 366 36 37www.uster.comsales@uster.com

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