Science Students and Internships at ESO

Science Students and Internships at ESO

Science Students and Internships at ESO


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a) <strong>Science</strong> studentsThis program is for students who are already enrolled in a PhD programme <strong>and</strong> wish towork on a science project <strong>at</strong> <strong>ESO</strong> as part of their Thesis.The visits are from 1 to 6 months (exceptionally up to 1 year). <strong>Students</strong> must be fullyfunded externally. Accommod<strong>at</strong>ion can be provided by <strong>ESO</strong>, depending on availability: thecost is covered by the individual or external sources. When approved, an UnpaidAssoci<strong>at</strong>e contract is issued, <strong>and</strong> the OfS takes care of the logistic (desk, card, etc).Criteria <strong>and</strong> procedure:The requester must inform the Head of the Office for <strong>Science</strong> as early as possible abouther/his intent to invite a science student <strong>at</strong> <strong>ESO</strong>. The requester then completes the requestform for an Unpaid Associ<strong>at</strong>e position <strong>and</strong> h<strong>and</strong>s it to the Head of the Office for <strong>Science</strong> forapproval. The supervisor should <strong>at</strong> the same time provide the student's CV, as well as adetailed outline of the project, <strong>and</strong> the involved time-scales for each task. Input on theexpected expertise/knowledge gained by the student during the visit must be included.The quality of the science project itself, the level of the student, the availability of thecontact person <strong>at</strong> <strong>ESO</strong> during the visit, will be considered. It is also important to make surethe student has the proper financial support to live in Munich/Santiago during her/his visit.The proposal will have to be approved by the Head of the Office for <strong>Science</strong> <strong>and</strong>confirmed by HR. The HR Officer will then prepare <strong>and</strong> send the Unpaid Associ<strong>at</strong>e contractoffer. Upon arrival of the student <strong>at</strong> the Office for <strong>Science</strong>, the student completes the hiringprocess with the HR Officer.b) <strong>Science</strong> internship programThis program is intended for MSc students who want to gain some working experience <strong>at</strong><strong>ESO</strong>. Preference is given to students from <strong>ESO</strong> member St<strong>at</strong>es <strong>and</strong> Chile. Approvedresources will be included in the budget each year (1 FTE-year being available for 2010).The visits are from 1 to 4 months, depending on the project needs. <strong>Students</strong> will receivefinancial support to help them during their visit <strong>at</strong> <strong>ESO</strong>, with 600!"month (per diem) <strong>and</strong> upto 600! for lodging. <strong>ESO</strong> may provide accommod<strong>at</strong>ion (when available) but the cost will becovered by the individual (using the dedic<strong>at</strong>ed financial support mentioned above). Travelcosts may be supported by <strong>ESO</strong>, but should first be requested from the home Universities.Paulina Jiron (OfS-Chile) will help organising accommod<strong>at</strong>ion for students coming to Chile.Criteria <strong>and</strong> procedure:The procedure is the same as for science PhD/MSc students described above, except th<strong>at</strong>a student contract will be issued. The criteria for selection are similar, namely: a goodscience project for a good student. There is no deadline for such requests, but the openingwill roll until the available FTE is filled (12 months for 2010).Note th<strong>at</strong> when a visit is approved, science students <strong>and</strong> interns are responsible for gettingall necessary official documents (Visas, etc) for their stay <strong>at</strong> <strong>ESO</strong> : the OfS or <strong>ESO</strong>administr<strong>at</strong>ion cannot <strong>and</strong> will not provide help beyond a st<strong>and</strong>ard letter of support.Prepared by Eric Emsellem <strong>and</strong> Michael West D<strong>at</strong>e: March 22, 2010Approved by: Bruno LeibundgutSign<strong>at</strong>ure:

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