1) 何謂少數族裔

1) 何謂少數族裔

1) 何謂少數族裔


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• Ethnic minorities in Hong Kong• Culture of ethnic minorities• Life styles of ethnic minorities in Hong Kong• Domestic violence in ethnic minorities families• Support service for ethnic minorities in Hong Kong

1) 何 謂 少 數 族 裔• A) 在 香 港 出 生 及 居 住 的 巴 基 斯 坦 、 印 度 、 尼 泊 爾 人 士• B) 不 是 在 香 港 出 生 , 但 在 香 港 居 住 的 巴 基 斯 坦 、 印 度 、尼 泊 爾 人 士• C) 菲 律 賓 、 印 尼 人• D) 以 上 皆 是

答 案 :D) 以 上 皆 是Non Chinese Ethnicity 非 華 裔 人 士據 2006 年 中 期 人 口 統 計 , 全 港 有 超 過 34 萬 ( 約 5.1%)少 數 族 裔 居 民

(Self-identification)Ethnicity(2006 PopulationBy-census)Total numberFilipinos 112 453Indonesians 87 840White 36 384Indians 20 444Nepalese 15 950Japanese 13 189Thais 11 900Pakistanis 11 111Other Asians 12 663Others 20 264

2) 他 們 多 數 從 事 甚 麼 行 業 ?• A) 地 盤 、 保 安 、 清 潔 、 飲 食 、 司 機 業 等 低 技 術 工 作• B) 文 職• C) 自 僱 ( 個 人 業 務 、 開 公 司 、 商 店 )• D) 教 學 ( 學 校 或 私 人 教 授 )

答 案 :A) 地 盤 、 保 安 、 清 潔 、 飲 食 、 司 機 業 等 低 技 術 工 作由 於 在 其 國 家 的 學 歷 不 被 承 認 , 加 上 未 必 能 閱 讀 及 書 寫中 文 , 故 常 欠 缺 就 業 機 會 , 或 只 可 做 技 術 工 作

3) 在 屯 門 , 最 多 少 數 族 裔 聚 居 的地 方 是 …• A) 友 愛 村• B) 富 泰 村• C) 山 景 村• D) 寶 田 村

答 案 :B) 富 泰 村據 2006 年 中 期 人 口 統 計 , 巴 基 斯 坦 乃 於屯 門 區 人 口 最 多 的 少 數 族 裔多 居 於 新 而 偏 遠 的 公 屋少 數 族 裔 人 士 喜 歡 聚 居 在 一 起 , 以 便 互 相 照 應

•PakistaniKwai Tsing, Yau Tsim Mong, Kwun Tong,Tin Shui Wai, Eastern•NepaleseYau Tsim Mong, Yuen Long, Tsuen Wan,Sham Shui Po•IndonesianCauseway Bay , Yuen Long•Philippine & ThaiCentral, Stanley and Kowloon Shing

Household of Ethnic Minorities•Majority of ethnic minorities live inpublic housing•Elementary workers•CSSA recipients•Minorities own their own properties•Highly educated•High post workers (teachers, professors, doctors,lawyers)

4) 以 下 不 是 他 們 信 奉 的 宗 教 ?• A) 伊 斯 蘭 教• B) 佛 教• C) 道 教• D) 印 度 教• E) 基 督 教

答 案 :C) 道 教接 近 96% 的 巴 基 斯 坦 人 為 伊 斯 蘭 教 徒 , 其 餘 為 佛 教 、基 督 教 、 錫 克 教 徒約 80% 尼 泊 爾 人 士 為 印 度 教 徒 , 其 餘 為 佛 教 、伊 斯 蘭 教 及 基 督 教 徒 等

Cultural of Ethnic Minorities

• Islam means “submission” ortotal surrender to God• Muslim = one who submits to God• They worship “Allah”• Mohammed – greatest prophet• Religious book: Quran

Five Pillars of Islam1. Shahadah (Declaration of Faith)- The duty of recite to the creed: “There is nothing worthy of worshipexcept God & Muhammad is the messenger of God”.2. Prayer (Salah)- Pray 5 times a day3. Charity (Zakat)- To give charity to the needy Muslims & non-Muslims4. Fasting (Sawm)- Every year in the month of Ramadan, all Muslims fast from dawn tillsundown –no food, no drink, no sexual relations (During the 9 th month ofIslamic Calendar)5. Pilgrimage (Haji)- The pilgrimage to Mecca (Begins the 12 th month of Islamic Calendar)

Nepala country of mountains and widely known through ‘Mt. Everest’-the highest peak of theworld- in between Republic of China in north and Republic of India to the east , west andsouth

Religion of NepalReligion in Nepal is not only a system of social coherencebased on certain rituals and beliefs, rather it is the bindingforce that ties the mountain kingdom together.Though Nepal is famous, as the world's only Hindu Kingdom,equal respect is given to other religions as well.Buddhism is the second largest religion followed in Nepal,others being Tantrism, Islam and Christianity.

Culture of NepalNepal is blessed with one of the richest cultures in the world.Culture has been called 'the way of life for an entire society'.The statement holds particularly true in case of Nepal whereevery aspect of life, food, clothing and even occupations areculturally guided. The culture of Nepal includes the codes ofmanners, dress, language, rituals, norms of behavior andsystems of belief.Namaste”- a gesture to greet people

Indonesia 印 尼• - 世 界 最 大 回 教 國 家• - 首 都 : 耶 加 達• - 島 國 :17,580 島 嶼 (5 大 島 嶼 : 蘇 門 答 臘 、 爪 哇 、 加 里 曼丹 、 蘇 拉 威 西 、 紐 畿 內 亞 )

菲 律 賓• 第 三 大 以 英 語 為 主 的 國 家• 首 都 : 馬 尼 拉• 島 國 :7,107 島 嶼 (2 大 島 嶼 : 呂 宋 、 棉 蘭 老 )• 超 過 100 種 族 :28% 他 加 祿 (Tagalog)• 多 元 文 化 : 族 裔 文 化 + 中 國 、 阿 拉 伯 、* 西 班 牙• 天 主 教 徒 80%、 回 教 徒 15%、 基 督 徒 和 佛 教 徒 5%

喜 歡 用 母 語 跟 同 種 族 的 朋 友 聊 天 ?Language Ability of EM ?

巴 基 斯 坦 人 士 常 用 語 言• 烏 都 語 (Urdu) , 多 用 烏 都 語 與 親 友 傾 談• 如 果 香 港 出 生 或 居 港 已 久 , 大 多 會 說 流 利 廣 東 話• 在 學 校 亦 需 學 習 中 文 , 但 程 度 未 必 如 一 般 本 地 學 生• 未 必 能 閱 讀 及 書 寫 中 文 , 或 者 只 會 簡 單 的 中 文 書 寫• 可 能 會 有 中 文 名 字

尼 泊 爾 人 士 常 用 語 言• 尼 泊 爾 語 (Nepali) 為 主 及 其 他 種 族 方 言• 較 少 人 懂 廣 東 話 ( 尤 其 年 長 者 )• 在 學 校 亦 需 學 習 中 文 , 但 程 度 未 必 如 一 般 本 地 學 生• 除 尼 泊 爾 語 外 , 英 語 較 為 流 利

印 尼 及 菲 律 賓 常 用 語 言• 印 尼 語 言 :Bahasa 以 及 各 地 方 言• 菲 律 賓 語 言 : 他 加 祿 (Tagalog) + 英 語 以 及 各 地 方 言• 未 必 能 閱 讀 及 書 寫 中 文 , 或 者 只 會 用 簡 單 的 中 文 及 流利 英 語 溝 通

語 言 障 礙 ???• 說 話 : 年 長 者 廣 東 話 及 英 語 溝 通 有 困 難 , 發 音 不 準 確• 文 字 辨 認 : 不 懂 中 文 字 , 影 響 日 常 生 活• 寫 字 : 強 記 學 習 , 缺 乏 對 中 文 字 的 筆 劃 和 部 件 認 識 , 影響 升 學• 寫 作 : 不 明 白 題 目 要 求 , 句 字 不 通 順 , 多 錯 別 字

5) 巴 基 斯 坦 女 性 是 否 一 定 要 「 包 頭 巾 」?a) 一 定 要 , 視 乎 個 人 何 時 開始 包 頭b) 視 乎 個 人 意 願c) 視 乎 其 家 人 的 意 願d) 只 要 是 結 了 婚 就 一 定 要 包 頭

Answer: a)Must be wear, dependson the female’s when she wants to

Clothing of PakistanThe national dress of Pakistan is Shalwar Qameez for both men andwomen. It consists of a long, loose fitting tunic with very baggytrousers. The dress is believed to be an amalgamation of the dressesworn by the ancient Turks, Persians, and Pashtuns who have left theirimpression on the people and culture of Pakistan.

Islamic dress codeNudity is strictly prohibited.1) Obedience to God2) Being known for who you really are3) Not being judged by your beauty or lack thereof4) Being able to do business in an atmosphere of respect5) Liberation6) Comfort

Nepalese clothingNepal has as peculiar clothing that is reflective of this rich cultural milieu. Theclothing adopted by the people of Nepal varies in accordance to their geographicalsetting as well as the weather conditions. Owing to the different terrain that isspread over Nepal, you may encounter different clothing adopted by theinhabitants to cope up with the particular environs.Nepali clothing for women, is a cotton sari or also known as Guniu,which is gaining immense recognition even in the fashion circle.

Can Pakistani eat everything at a non-Muslim restaurant?a) Yes, why notb) No, they have to eat Halalfood (no pork at any cause)c)Yes, but only halal foodin any restaurant

Answer: c) Yes, but only halal foodin any restaurant

Can Pakistani drink alcohol?a)Yes, especially in festivalsb)No, it forbidden

Answer: b)No, it forbidden

- “Halaal” = permisible- “Haram” = forbidden- Dhabiĥa- Method used to slaughter animals- Severing the major arteries in the neck of theanimal, as well as the esophagus and trachea,with one swipe of a nonserrated blade.

VideoHow to prepare a Halal mealhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L7T1iaTAsE4

The cultural and geographic diversity of Nepal provide ample space for avariety of cuisines based on ethnicity, soil and climate. Nevertheless dalbhat-tarkariiseaten throughout the country. Dal is a spicy/non-spicy soupmade of lentils. It is served over boiled grain, bhat -- usually rice butsometimes another grain -- with vegetable curry, tarkari. Typicalcondiments are a small amount of extremely spicy chutney or Achaarmade from fresh ingredients) or fermented pickle sliced lemon or limeand fresh chili peppers, khursani. The variety of achars is staggering, saidto number in the thousands.

印 尼 及 菲 律 賓• 以 薯 仔 雞 肉 和 白 米 飯 食 材• 風 味 較 辣

What do Ethnic Minorities kids and youth do for leisure activities?a) Play sport (Basketball, cricket,football..etc)b) Go game centersc) Hang around with friends in parksd) All of the aboveAnswer: d)All of the above

Answer: d)All of the above

Pakistanis like to live with their relative as a group in a estate or area.Most Pakistani families like to have bigger hall to accommodate their relatives and friends for festivals andcelebrations.Most parents will sent their children to the same school as their relatives or in that school with more Pakistanis.Many Pakistani ladies will like to gather up when picking their children from school and spend time talking inthe park.Most Ladies like to watch Indian dramas on cable TV.Ladies like going Sham Shui Po and Shek Le for shopping.Children will attend religious classes after school.

Education&Work opportunities

Designated School• Admitting greater number of non Chinese speakingstudents• Tuen Mun and Yuen Long伊 斯 蘭 學 校 , 八 鄉 中 心 小 學 , 元 朗 朗 屏 邨 東 莞 學 校 , 明 愛屯 門 馬 登 基 金 中 學 , 伯 裘 書 院• Other districts伊 斯 蘭 脫 維 善 紀 念 中 學 , 地 利 亞 修 女 紀 念 學 校 ( 百 老 匯 ),官 立 嘉 道 理 爵 士 中 學 ( 西 九 龍 )

Education for Ethnic Minorities~ Different systematic way of teaching (newlyimmigrates)~ No recognition of qualification when graduated fromtheir home country~ Limited Courses offered/ no choice

•Employment~ Not enough opportunities for EM~ Low level works offered: Dish washing or cleaning for womenand Security Guard and Construction work to men~ Low paid~ Limited choice because of language barrier and their poorqualification recognition-Some are highly educated & qualified but no such jobopportunities relevant to their qualification

Difficulties EM faceinHong Kong

• Cultural Differences~ Food ‘Pork’ unacceptable in Pakistani Culture~ Costumes EM’s wear~ Religious Beliefs

Difficulties Ethnic Minorities face in HK•Discrimination/Misunderstanding in the societye.g. turban 包 頭 , body odourdirty•Social status~Misconception: low education/ underestimate EM’s talent~Criminal syndicate - Muslims= Terrorist~ Family rely: CSSA•Governmental Facilities~ Unknown to CSSA~ Housing: Private- expensive, Governmental- wait for long time~ Not much information- other Government Facilities/ assistance


Ethnic minorities family and relationships

•Father is the bread earner (mostly)•Nowadays both parents share the responsibility of expenditure•Mother the care taker of the family (mostly)•Living with parents-in-law (nowadays optional)•Big number of children

Nepalese and Indonesia are allowed to have love or arrange marriage.• Nepalese Inter-caste marriage is not highly accepted.Pakistanis are allowed to have love or arrange marriage in account of Islam.•Parents can choose a suitable boy/girl for their child with the agreement fromboth side marriage can take place.•If a boy and girl like each other they should approach their elders and discussabout their marriage.•Man can marry maximum 4 wives in certain situation

• Couple can divorce if they found they cannot get alongwell• They can divorce if under certain situation, e.g. externalaffairs, family violence• Somehow children is one of the consideration of divorce• Some of the women would afraid the consequence afterdivorce e.g. no money, gossip, separate with children etc.• Some of them do not know what the legal process• They can get marry after divorce

Domestic Violence inEM families

Domestic ViolenceIs known as domestic abuse, spousal abuse, child abuse or intimatepartner violence (IPV), can be broadly defined as a pattern of abusivebehaviors by one or both partners in an intimate relationship such asmarriage, dating, family, friends or cohabitation.Domestic violence may or may not constitute a crime, depending on localstatus, severity and duration of specific acts, and other variables. Alcoholconsumption and mental illness can be co-morbid with abuse, and presentadditional challenges when present alongside patterns of abuse.

Types of violenceDomestic violence has many forms including:•physical aggression (hitting, kicking, biting, shoving, restraining,slapping, throwing objects),•threats thereof•sexual abuse•emotional abuse• controlling or domineering; intimidation•stalking; passive/covert abuse (e.g., neglect)•economic deprivation.

Occurrence of Domestics Violence•Economic pressure•( Low income, economic crisis, unemployment)•Marriage states•(Forced marriage, communication barrier, educational barrier,extra martial affair)•Children•( responsibility, welfare)•Social pressure•(less social time)

•Language barrierscannot communication with Chinese volunteers very well even withtranslation, cannot access community resources ,•Culture restrictionsfamily status, relationship within family, society and status, easily goingback to husband•Effect of relativescannot avoid husband because the network is too small; womenmay listen the opinions of relatives and elderly

•Unfamiliar policiesdo not know what policies are there to protect them•Resourcesunaware of useful resources for e.g. Community services, escort services,translation/ interpretation services•Religionreligious beliefs/ teachings•Educationlow/ uneducated affects working attitude/ working opportunities

•Domestic Violence, how to tackle?• Try to solve within family with the help of elders• Most EM have high respect for their elders and they listen to theiradvices and suggestions• Ask advice from friends• Some EM families do not have their elders around them, they approachto their close friends for advices• Approach social worker for help• Few NGOs provide help with translation and escort service• Legal help• If the case is really serious and no way back, legal help is the next stepthey can take

Domestic Violence in EM FamiliesLess occurrence due to• Culture, religion and traditional teaching• Status and rights within the family• Highly respect for each other mostly the elders• Care about their home atmosphere• Do not want their behaviors to affect their child

Support Service forEthnic Minoritiesin Hong Kong

In Hong Kong we have four support service centres for ethnic minorities.These centres were established in 2009 to provide language classes,orientation and a number of programmes.• Yuen Long Town Hall Support Service Centre for Ethnic Minorities (YuenLong)•International Social Service Hong Kong Branch Hope Centre(Wan Chai)•Hong Kong Christian Service CHEER Centre (Kwun Tong)•Christian Action SHINE Centre (Tuen Mun)

• Social Welfare Service: Social Welfare Department•Advocacy: Hong Kong Unison, Equal Opportunity Commission(EOC)•Health: Hospital Authority•Translation Service : HKSKH Lady MacLehose Centre, Hong KongChristian Service•Education and employment: Education Bureau, Vocational TrainingCouncil (VTC), Employment Retraining Board(ERB)

Better CommunityTogether we can make a difference,but how??~ Live equally as the member of society~ Respect each other’s culture~ Accept EM from your heart~ No discrimination: make world a better place

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