Black Lion Guest House What's On - Reflect Magazine

Black Lion Guest House What's On - Reflect Magazine

Black Lion Guest House What's On - Reflect Magazine


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12 Seafin LTD13A Unique ExperienceTo Boost BusinessThe last 18 months have been toughfinancially. If your business is lookingfor a great way to woo new clients, andeven impress old ones, we think we’vefound the perfect way – Seafin, winnerof our Certificate of Recognition forUnique Marine Experience. Seafinhas been successfully sailing for 25 years,under the ownership of Triangle Marine,providing businesses with the idealopportunity to get out onto the wateraround Port Hamble, near Southampton.Seafin is equipped – and licensed by theMaritime and Coastguard Agency – to carry30 passengers and 10 crew members aroundthe Solent, which makes it suitable for anycompany keen on generating and maintainingbusiness.This impressive yacht combines the periodelegance of a classic English motor yacht, withall the luxuries and amenities of modern daycruising and boat chartering. Seafin has threelevels: the top deck accommodates 30 people,the middle deck is designed for comfort withan open gallery to eat food, sip Pimms andenjoy a business meeting (using the latesttechnology: PCs, 37” LCD Satellite TV, 72”Multi-media projector and a GSM phone), andfinally the lower deck houses four cabins withpower showers for guest to clean up afterriding the on-board jet-skis.She also boasts a fabulous viewing gallery,for admiring the stunning scenery, or evenwatching other vessels pass by, as well as thewheelhouse, which is open to customers whowant to take the wheel and learn to steerunder the supervision of skipper Fred. This setup, obviously created with big business deals inmind, gives you an abundance of one-on-onetime to impress your clients within a relaxing,yet professional, atmosphere.Warwick Bergin, Director of Triangle Marine,told <strong>Reflect</strong>: “Lots of people imagine that a day,or afternoon, on our chartered yacht is out oftheir price range but we did some research andit’s actually much cheaper than other hospitalityprices; a day on our boat, surrounded by someof England’s most stunning coastal scenery, costsless than £100 per head making it the idealsolution for businesses that have survived a difficultfinancial year to impress new clients and seal thatvital business deal.”Seafin travels to some very charming andcharacterful places, including Buckler’s Hard onBeaulieu River, Yarmouth on the Isle of Wight,and the island port of Cowes, or you canchoose to simply go with the tide and cruise.Chartering on the Thames in London, Poole,Plymouth or other areas can also be arrangedand evening charters are also availablethroughout the year.Chartering Seafin also means that you can passoff every inch of the vessel as your own toimpress clients, and with signs of recovery inthe economy, now’s the time to entertain andimpress your clients – otherwise somebodyelse will. Warwick knows only too well howthe boat helps to build other company’sbrands: “Seafin offers a brand extension forour clients by allowing them to welcome theircustomers by putting up their own banners andflags. It’s about us helping to promote the idea thatSeafin is their boat for a particular day.”With around 80% of Seafin’s business returningclients, it’s the perceived ownership of sucha magnificent boat that encourages theserepeat bookings, along with the helpful andaccommodating crew. Warwick added: “Seafin’screw always work tirelessly to ensure each eventis run as our clients’ wish, in order for their clientsto be impressed. They have the ability to work toany brief and many clients comment that there’ssuch synergy between Seafin’s crew and a clients’own staff, that many of their clients would havedifficulty noticing a difference.”The happy and relaxed atmosphere onboardnot only encourages repeat business, but alsopersuades crew members to return, whichguarantees familiarity and smooth servicelevels to returning clients. Warwick added:“Seafin is a great way to show potential clients agreat day out, without breaking the bank. It’s beena hard two years for every business and we believethat the only way to keep building your businessand growing is to carry on entertaining potentialclients, which is easy on board Seafin.”It is the love of the sea, of sailing and adventurethat makes the five-man crew spend countlesshours polishing already clean windows, buffingalready sparkling chrome work. The quality ofcrew is backed by one overriding principle -pride; they understand that their clients arebringing their own clients onboard so arededicated to impressing them.After all this, it’s not hard to see whySeafin have won a <strong>Reflect</strong> Certificateof Recognition for Unique MarineExperience. Editor, Elaine Ellis, explains: “Thesedays, many company directors must feel the allureof the water’s edge, but feel it’s a cost they simplycan’t justify – not with Seafin. Seafin is a really funway to get a large number of people to notice yourcompany, without having to spend a lot of money.They’re well and truly waving a flag for seriousbusiness fun on a modest budget, which is why Ihad to award them our Certificate of Recognition.”If we’ve whet your appetite and you’d like tohire Seafin to impress your clients, or secure abig business deal by wow-ing potential clients,visit the website to check availability -www.seafin.co.uk. Alternatively, for furtherdetails call 0207 264 1020 or emailmail@seafin.co.uk

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