From being about Something to being for Somebody

From being about Something to being for Somebody

From being about Something to being for Somebody


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“<strong>From</strong> <strong>being</strong> <strong>about</strong> <strong>Something</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>being</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Somebody</strong>:The Ongoing Trans<strong>for</strong>mation of the American Museum”Original Author: Stephen E. WeilSummarized by Museum Hack

Museums are expandingpublic servicesrather than expandingtheir collections.

“The most fundamentalchange that has affectedmuseums during the pasthalf-century is the nowalmost universal convictionthat they exist in order <strong>to</strong>serve the public.”- Kenneth Hudson

Museums can playa powerful rolein bringing <strong>about</strong>social change.

In the modern museumevery exhibitionshould appeal<strong>to</strong> the general public.

What constitutes agood museum?- Its resources?- The collection?- The excellence of its staff?- The credentialsof it’s cura<strong>to</strong>rs?- A large endowment?- A substantial building?

None of those approaches <strong>to</strong>ok in<strong>to</strong>account the museum’s external impact oneither its visi<strong>to</strong>rs or its community.

If museums do not have thegoal of improving peopleslives, what basis can we ask<strong>for</strong> public support?

“Museums musthave relevance <strong>to</strong>present-dayproblems thataffect the qualityof life here andnow.”-John R. Kinard

Tomorrow’smuseums cannot beoperated withyesterday’s skills.

Museumleaders need <strong>to</strong>articulate whatthey hope orexpect theirinstitutions <strong>to</strong>accomplish.

Museum professionalsneed <strong>to</strong> focus and createnew ways <strong>for</strong> the museum<strong>to</strong> interact with theircommunities.

Museums workersgenerally mustlearn <strong>to</strong> relax theirexpectations as <strong>to</strong>why the public isvisiting and whatthey may takeaway from it.

The museum needs<strong>to</strong> be open-texturedand adaptable as adestination.

The emergingpublic serviceoriented museummust see itself notas a cause but as aninstrument.

Museums will find that <strong>being</strong> ofservice <strong>to</strong> their communitywill have benefits the old museumcould not have imagined.

“<strong>From</strong> <strong>being</strong> <strong>about</strong> <strong>Something</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>being</strong> <strong>for</strong><strong>Somebody</strong>: The Ongoing Trans<strong>for</strong>mation of theAmerican Museum”Original article written by Stephen E. Weil,Senior Scholar Emeritus at the Smithsonian Center<strong>for</strong> Education and Museum Studies.Twitter: @JSTORSummarized by Museum HackAbout, Company News, @MuseumHack on TwitterContact us at info@museumhack.com

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