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COMMENT & ANALYSIS<strong>Industrial</strong> <strong>Technology</strong> ISSN 0967-5787 www.industrialtechnology.co.ukEDITORIALEditorMark Simms BSc Tel: 01732 773268ADVERTISINGmark.simms@itmagazine.uk.comRegional Director (Home Counties & South East)Mark West Tel: 020 8467 3613mark.west@itmagazine.uk.comRegional Sales Manager (Midlands)David Harman Tel: 0161 374 5615david.harman@itmagazine.uk.comRegional Sales Manager (North of England & Scotland)Jan Anderson Tel: 01978 314730jan.anderson@itmagazine.uk.comDeutschland/Suisse/ÖsterreichEisenacher Medien Tel: +49 228-2499860info@eisenacher-medien.deOverseasGeorge Bennett MA Tel: + 44 161 374 5615MAILING ADDRESSESit.marketing@itmagazine.uk.comPress Releases: mark.simms@itmagazine.uk.comPO Box 342, Tonbridge TN10 4WDAdvertising Copy: production@itmagazine.uk.comHead Office: Victoria House, 2 Mornington RoadSale, Cheshire M33 2DAEmail: it.marketing@itmagazine.uk.comCirculation Department: PO Box 85, Sale M33 2BBEmail: it.circulation@itmagazine.uk.comGENERAL ENQUIRIESEmail: it.info@itmagazine.uk.com Tel: 0161 374 5615Fax: 0161 374 6436As a controlled circulation journal, <strong>Industrial</strong> <strong>Technology</strong> is sentfree of charge to individuals in the UK who meet the terms andconditions of the publishers. To apply for free regular copies,write to the Circulation Department. To those not meeting theterms and conditions, the magazine is available on UKsubscription at a cost of £60 per year (10 issues). Single copiesare £7. Overseas subscriptions (airmail) are as follows: Rest ofEurope including Eire £80 (single copies £9); USA $155 (single$18); Elsewhere £90 (single copies £10).Printing & production by Stephens and George Ltd, Merthyr Tydfil<strong>Industrial</strong><strong>Technology</strong>Beginning is quite oftenthe hardest step...The stone age did not end for a lack of stone, and the oil age will end long before theworld runs out of oil. So said Sheikh Zaki Yamani, a Saudi Arabian who served as hiscountry’s oil minister 30-odd years ago. What he meant by that, I believe, was thatyou don’t wait until a resource runs out before you move on; instead you activelypursue something better. Hence the current emphasis on the global potential of alternativefuels and renewable energy. Wind power is the runaway leader at the moment, and I’ve seen itquoted that wind power could, if fully exploited, meet 80% of the world’s energy needs. That’sprobably a touch optimistic, but combine wind with tidal and solar,and we must be getting somewhere close. Developments in windpower are quite astonishing, while, according to research from Frostand Sullivan, the photovoltaic industry is the fastest growing industryin the world. And when it comes to wave and tidal power, the UK isthe global leader.We don’t tend to be overly blessed with sunshine in this country,although I suspect the good people of the North West who findthemselves under the first hosepipe ban of the season would havesomething to say about that. But we do have a good deal of wind andplenty of sea – offering huge potential for both wave power and tidalpower. We are somewhat behind in our programme of wind turbinebuilding, but the target was always optimistic. What would be interesting, though, would be tocombine the figures for the output of the planned wind turbines with the potential of thevarious tidal and wave projects around the country, and see how close that gets us to meetingour own energy requirements. If anyone has the figures, I’d love to know.But it’s not just about energy. Another infamous quote came from the UK government lastyear, saying that the low carbon revolution in the UK represents a huge opportunity for jobs.Environmentally-friendly technologies are those which use less energy to operate, reduce theamount of energy used in associated systems, reduce friction, last longer, are easier to recycle,minimise the use of harmful substances, make use of sustainable materials, and so on. Whenyou think about it, you can find an environmental angle to drive the development of any andevery product on the market.All of which brings us to our second environmentally themed edition of the year, focusing onexactly those issues. Because it is relevant to all aspects of design and manufacturing, we’vewritten and selected stories all the way through the magazine that demonstrate greencredentials. We’re not trying to preach; we’re just letting you know what’s out there andhopefully giving you some ideas, too. Someone has to take a lead in the global push to acleaner, greener environment, and there’s every reason to think that that leader could be theUK, as we design, develop and improve products, technologies and processes that result inboth environmental and economic benefits.Oh yes, and we’re trying to do our bit as well. You’ll notice opposite that we’re now sportingthe PEFC logo, indicating that we’re printing the magazine on paper that has been sourcedfrom sustainably managed forests. Perhaps in the larger scheme of things it’s only a very minorcontribution. But every journey has to start with the first small step.Mark SimmsEditormark.simms@itmagazine.uk.comthe difference is onlineeta-enclosures.co.ukSuccessful Growth1999 - 2009innovative enclosure solutions forindustrial & electronic applicationsETA ENCLOSURES (UK) LIMITEDUnit 2, Ignite, Magna Way, Rotherham, S60 1FDt: 01709 386630 f: 01709 369524e: info@eta-enclosures.co.ukw: www.eta-enclosures.co.uk3

3629ContentsIn this issue: Don’t miss the CRC deadline (p10);Mechanical solutions in wind, tidal and solarpower (p14); Considerations for choosing the rightenclosure (p18); Highlights from the Automaticainternational trade fair in Munich in June (p49);406 INDUSTRY NEWS6 Are SMEs missing out on a weak pound?8 A warning on machinery safety standards10 Don’t miss the CRC deadline12 MECHANICAL COMPONENTS Bearings, Slides and Lubricants12 Aircraft get sky friendly14 POWER TRANSMISSION Gears, Brakes, Clutches and Couplings14 Mechanical solutions in wind, tidal and solar power16 Gears, brakes, clutches and couplings: new products18 ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT & DESIGN Enclosures, Cabinets and Fans18 Considerations for choosing the right enclosure20 Green fans go solar22 Enclosures, cabinets and fans: new products24 DRIVES, MOTORS & CONTROLS24 Inverters key as small scale hydro supplies the national grid26 Swap out old <strong>drives</strong> and <strong>motors</strong>, and start saving28 Energy efficiencies with variable speed <strong>drives</strong>30 Tiny <strong>motors</strong> drive huge water savings32 High efficiency <strong>motors</strong> drive savings at bio-ethanol plant34 HMIs are simple, smart and super energy efficient36 SENSORS & SYSTEMS36 Ethernet switches play key role in offshore LNG regasification terminalON THE COVERA new scheme from ABBmakes it easy to swap tothe latest drive andmotor technology.see centre spread fordetailsENGINEERING LITERATUREEssential reading fordesign engineers p11EAR TO THE GROUNDBecky Silverton on the issuesaffecting manufacturing p50ALSO IN THIS ISSUE:FactfindersNetfindersEvents calendarIndex to Advertisersp48p48p50p5038 DESIGN COMPONENTS Springs, Gas Springs and Dampers38 Spring maker certified for nuclear applications40 MACHINE BUILDING & AUTOMATION40 Improved model for solar collector manufacturer42 Continuously rotating energy chain enables smaller, more efficient machines44 Conveyors: plastic conveyor chains reduce energy requirements46 Fluid power: improved torque control increases fuel efficiency49 Automatica 2010: highlights from the trade fair for automation and mechatronicsIn the next issue of <strong>Industrial</strong> <strong>Technology</strong>: Brakes, clutches and couplings • Linear and rotary actuators • Sensors andsystems • Batteries and UPSs • Fasteners and adhesives • Test equipment and instrumentation • Machine building and automation4

INDUSTRY NEWSwww.industrialtechnology.co.ukAre SMEs missing out onthe benefits of a weak pound?According to a new report, the vast majority of the UK’s SMEs inthe manufacturing sector expect growth to come from domesticsales rather than overseas business, and only one in five ofmanufacturing SMEs see international expansion as a top priorityDespite expectations that the pound will remainweak against the US dollar and Euro for theforeseeable future, small and medium-sizedenterprises in the manufacturing sector arefailing to take advantage of the current favourable exportenvironment, according to a studyreleased today by GE Capital. Onein five (20%) of SMEs in themanufacturing sector put overseasexpansion in their top businesspriorities for the year and just underone in five (19%) said that theyexpect their growth to come frominternational sales over the nextthree years, thus making themheavily reliant on the fortunes of theUK economy. This is marginallymore than in 2008, when 19% saidoverseas expansion was a priority, and 17% wereplanning on growing non-domestic sales.The findings, which are based on interviews with theowners and mangers of 500 UK SMEs, show that the UKgovernment’s emphasis on an upturn that will be largelyexport-driven may be at odds with the expectations ofsmall and medium sized enterprises in the manufacturingsector. Of those companies that do export, almost threefifths(56%) continue to invoice their overseas customersin sterling rather in the foreign currency of their buyer.This is no change since 2008 when only 56% were doingso. As a result, these businesses could miss theopportunity to either increase volumes or indeed takeadvantage of the weak pound through higher profitmargins. John Jenkins, CEO, GE Capital, comments:“Now that the long-awaited export-led recovery showssigns of at last arriving, the weakness of sterling againstthe Euro and the US dollar should provide excellentopportunities for UK firms to maximise their exportpotential. However, our study shows that fewer small andmedium sized businesses are making the most of theexport opportunities than two years ago, despite anincredibly favourable environment. Nonetheless, thosethat are planning to venture into overseas territories forthe first time should seek professional advice on securingpayment and managing exchange risk.”Weak European demandIt sounds a simple picture, but nothing is ever that clearcut. First off, the Engineering Industries Associationreckons the Chancellor missed to chance to create jobsand improve the balance of payments by stimulatingexports. President Sir Ronald Halstead said: “The EIA isbroadly supportive of the measures announced by theChancellor and feels that they will be beneficial to theCountry. However members are concerned at the lack ofmeasures to stimulate exports, and expand Britishpresence in overseas markets – particularly by SMEs.Exports will be critical to expanding the economy,creating jobs and improving the balance of payments.”Most telling, there is the problem of weak demandfrom overseas, as all countries struggle to grow after therecession. According to the CBI, export order books werea little weaker in June compared with May, and ordersgenerally were down slightly, although total order booklevels are still close to their long term average.Responding to the latest CBI monthly <strong>Industrial</strong> TrendsSurvey, 19% of manufacturers said that total orders wereabove normal, while 42% said they were below. Theresulting balance of -23% is down slightly on the figurein May (-18%), but does not reverse the improving trendof recent months, and the balance is still quite close tothe long-term average (-18%). Manufacturers still expectto raise output firmly during the next three months, witha net 15% expecting production to rise. This is broadlyunchanged on May’s balance of +17%, and is well abovethe long-term average of +5%.This confidence is reflected in the most recent figureson manufacturing output from the Office for NationalStatistics, showing that total manufacturing output roseby 4.3% in May compared to the same month a year ago.This is the strongest picture since December 1994. Mostencouragingly, the largest contributors to the rise were themachinery and equipment industries, with growth of13.7%Commenting on the ONS figures, Graeme Allinson,Head of UK Manufacturing, Transport and Logistics atBarclays Corporate says: “UK manufacturing is in a muchbetter position than it was 18 months ago, experiencingstrong year on year growth and a more positiveemployment outlook. But very recently a lack of certaintyover near-term prospects has been hampering UKmanufacturers’ confidence in continued investment, asdemand within the EU in particular looks shakier.“Interestingly, we’ve seen a noticeable increase ininternational companies interested in the UKmanufacturing sector, with US companies in particularbeginning to sniff out acquisition opportunities,highlighting the fact that while the sector still feelsundervalued at home, international buyers see underlyingstrength.Allinson concludes: “UK manufacturing would greatlybenefit from an injection of confidence in itself. To remaincompetitive globally, confidence and targetedinvestment are more important than ever.”david.b@atlas.co.uk6INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY • June/July 2010

ENGINEERING LITERATURENew guides and brochures for your bookshelfTsubaki’s custom made chain catalogueDo you have an application that standardchains will not satisfy? This is the questionTsubaki Europe is asking the market. If thevast array of Tsubaki chain types andattachments already on offer do not suit anapplication, then Tsubaki can manufacture custommade chain to order for any special application orrequirement. The service includes special drive chain,attachment chain, large size conveyor as well as chainmade to a specific customer request.Tsubaki Europe’s ‘Custom Chain Made to Order’catalogue is the third in the series, following on fromthe comprehensive Drive and Attachment chaincatalogues. The MTO catalogue is available directlyfrom Tsubaki, and the company is keen to underlinethat this is not just a service for OEM customers, it isalso intended for developing more advancedreplacement chain products for any application orsolution be it high functionality, improving performanceor related to total cost of ownership for MROrequirements. Examples of Tsubaki’s MTO chainservice can be found in a wide variety of industrysectors, from conveyors in the automotive industry,heat resistant solutions for bakery ovens, stitching andfinishing chains for book binding, attachments to holdnewspapers, food cans and many others.The brochure highlights Tsubaki’s highly functionalline-up for specific applications such as lube free, foodsafe areas, high and low temperature, high corrosionresistance, outdoor exposure and dusty environments.With other products such as bearing roller and the freeflow series providing solutions for indexing andaccumulation conveying.Catalogue support includes information onTsubaki’s overall chain length matching capability bothfrom Europe and direct from the state of the artmanufacturing division in Japan, a product corrosionresistance guide and technical support sheets that canbe used on-site, such as the application check sheetand the easy spacing attachment guide found on pages82 & 83 of the catalogue.In addition to developing completely new solutionsto engineering challenges the Made To Order servicealso acts as an extension to the local service provided,as over the years Tsubaki has become synonymous forsupplying special attachments either from stock or byswift and reliable local assembly. With such a vastarray of attachments on stock and capable of beingmanufactured locally, Tsubaki UK can often have alead time as little as a few days from order, dependingon the type of attachment chain and volume needed.http://tsubaki.euHIGHLIGHTThis month’sfeaturedliteratureNuclear <strong>motors</strong>BaldorBaldor has published a highlyinformative brochure detailingthe extensive range of <strong>motors</strong>that it produces for nuclearapplications. It covers sizesfrom 200W to 11,000kW.BearingsRA RodriguezThe latest Kaydon thin-sectioncatalogue from RA Rodriguezintroduces new products andnew sizes. New is an 8mmsealed Reali-Slim bearingrange.Power distributionRittalRittal has released a new 120page catalogue on its extensiverange of RiLine60 powerdistribution components,including busbar systems,connectors and adapters.Tube connectorsParker HannifinThis 40-page guide detailsParker’s ferrule-less tubeconnectors which provideconnections for instrumentationtubing systems operating to20,000 PSI /1,380 bar.Glue gunsPower AdhesivesA new 12 page brochure fromthe Power Adhesives lists theentire range of over 14 TECguns and 40 different types ofTECBOND glue sticks andcartridges.www.baldor.euwww.rarodriguez.co.ukwww.rittal.co.uk/brochureswww.ipde-innovations.com/lp/phastitewww.poweradhesives.comThis month on the web...TransducersVariohm-EurosensorVariohm EuroSensor haslaunched a new and updatedwebsite which aims to makefinding the most suitablesensors and transducers easierand faster. Product sectionsinclude position, pressure,force, loadcells, temperatureand vibration.Pressure sensorsGefranGefran has launched a newdedicated website for itsIMPACT series hightemperature fluid pressuretransducers and transmitters.the website covers thecomplete range which is basedon innovative MEMStechnology.CouplingsSchmidt-KupplungThe new website fromSchmidt-Kupplung offersextended and comprehensiveinformation about its individuallines of couplings and theirapplications. The different linesare clearly structured inindividual product series andconnections.Power suppliesTDK-LambdaAfter months of research,planning and development,power supply manufacturerTDK-Lambda is pleased toannounce the relaunch of itswebsite. The new websitebrings improved navigation anddesign, as well as introducingnew features.EPLAN data portalRittalThe new version of the EPLANData Portal is now online withfunctions that accelerate theorganisation and administrationof devices and components.Numerous search andadministration functions areeasier for users and make theengineering process faster.www.variohm.comwww.impact-gefran.it/en/index.htmlwww.schmidt-kupplung.comwww.uk.tdk-lambda.comwww.eplan.co.ukJune/July 2010 • INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY11

Bearings, Slides & Lubricants818 cables for drive technology in 24hReduce costsfly-by-wire system can achieve fuelsavings in the region of one million litresover its operating lifetime.The aviation industry has faced its fairshare of dissension over its contribution toclimate change in recent years. However,both flight operators and aerospacemanufacturers are consistently workingharder to turn this perception on its head.Helped by the evolution of environmentallyfriendly component parts, planemanufacturers have estimated that theycan achieve a 20-25 percent efficiencyimprovement in aircraft by 2020. Perhapsmost importantly, this takes them one stepcloser to the long term goal of developinga zero carbon dioxide emission aircraft,which is now thought to be attainablewithin the next 50 years. Ultimately, thisalso allows the aviation industry to growand gives consumers and businesses thefreedom to travel, while also remainingenvironmentally responsible.www.skf.co.uk4 times longer lifetime...with latest...60% energy reductiontechnology...totally resistant to chipsmyonic Ltd10 Warren Yard, Wolverton MillMilton Keynes, MK12 5NWtel: 01908 227123fax: 01908 310427email: info.uk@myonic.comwww.myonic.com/ex-stock70,000 products … no minimum order … no cutting costs … within24 hrs or today. Test now – ask for a free sample! plastics for longer life ®igus ® (UK) Limited Phone 01604-677240 Fax -677242 sales@igus.co.uk13

POWER TRANSMISSIONGears, Brakes, Clutches & CouplingsMechanical solutions inwind, tidal and solar powerCenta Transmissions has applied its expertise in mechanical solutions for wind powergenerators to deliver power transmission systems for a new generation of tidal energy plantCenta Transmissions reports that its powertransmission products have helped to create anew underwater tidal power generation plant.This production of energy from the tides is one ofCenta’s active projects and just one element of its ‘Tidaland Wave Portfolio’, as it works with companies aroundthe world to address the challenges of global warming,climate change, sustainability and soaring energy costs.Centa is presently working with various scientific, marine,manufacturing and university partners in the UK, WesternEurope and Scandinavia, producing systems that generateelectricity from the natural power of the sea.The new tidal plant combines many of Centa’sproducts in its design. Planetary gearboxes, cycloprecision gears and special bevel gearboxes combine withelectro-magnetic clutches, electrically insulating Centalinkshafts, powerful Sibre disc brakes, specially designed‘Centa freewheels’ and electromagnetic clutches, to createa truly bespoke solution. The Freewheels are a new Centainnovation that stop the plant from reversing its rotation asthe tides change direction.All this innovative technology is translated from severalthousand successful wind turbine applications. Centa saysits strength is in the integration of innovative, highperformance products. Gears division manager MichaelSykes comments: “We start with the initial design andthen integrate the most suitable Centa products until wearrive at the optimum solution.”The company has over 30 years experience in powertransmission systems for wind energy, and has long beena market leader in the supply of couplings to connect thegear to the generator. More recently, as the ratings of windturbines have reached the MW range, the Centalink hasbecome the leading flexible shaft between the gear andgenerator, meeting the needs of over 15,000 applicationsworldwide. And the company’s Centadisc-C – a strongand lightweight composite shaft – is also findingapplications in wind power.Centadisc-C is predominantly used in ships and boats,and in applications that demand long span shaft <strong>drives</strong>with reliable, bearing free, low maintenance operation. Ithas also been successfully used in deep well waterextraction and has proved to be a highly versatile solutionto any substantial drive problem. For use in wind turbines,Centadisc-C is normally employed to connect the turbinespeed increasing gearbox and the generator, but can alsobe installed between the turbine blade nacelle and thespeed increasing gearbox.Torque limitersCenta flexible shafts can be combined with the CentaTorque Hub on the generator shaft or with the CentaTorque Set integrated into the tube (either steel or GFRPtube). The Torque Hub and Torque Set are torque limitersthat will slip at a certain, preset torque. Thus peak torquesare cut out and the drive train – gear and generator – willbe protected against dangerous overloads, as required bythe EON rules. Both designs guarantee that the slip, or therelative movement, will always occur on componentsprovided by Centa and will never cause damage on thegenerator shaft. This patented design has been wellproven over several years in thousands of applications.As well as shafts and couplings, Centa has enjoyedsuccess with its gears in wind power applications. Specialthree-way spiral bevel gears are used for pitch actuation,which ensures that the turbines point into the wind at alltimes for maximum benefit. A similar gear combination isalso used in wave power to ensure that the plant ismaximising tidal direction, ebb and flow. Additionally,Centa’s Sibre disc brakes are used extensively on windturbine applications.More and more design problems have been solvedthrough the ingenious integration of innovative powertransmission products. Centa’s flexible couplings handlesimultaneous combinations of angular and radialmisalignment and axial ‘end float’, whilst absorbing highlevels of torsional stress, resulting from driving unitvibration or momentary shock loads; to increase driveperformance and reduce maintenance costs and plantdowntime. Lightweight carbon fibre <strong>drives</strong>hafts areregularly specified in a variety of markets, allowing longspan drive configurations to give up to 70% weight savingover conventional metal shafts and reducing the need forintermediate support bearings.One further example where Centa has developed anenvironmentally-friendly ‘green’ solution is in publictransport. Here, Centa has worked with various suppliersto devise independent hybrid <strong>drives</strong> that enable buses toswitch from diesel engine to non polluting electric <strong>motors</strong>when moving within a city centre environment.As testimony to Centa’s success, several million Centacouplings are currently in use worldwide in industrialplant, generators, pumps, compressors, marinepropulsion, rail traction, construction machinery andmechanical handling, all manufactured under ISO9001and meeting the rigorous requirements of internationalclassification societies. What this all means for the designengineer is that Centa, a market leader in mechanicalpower transmission innovation, can integrate a wide arrayof products to solve the most complex engineeringproblem.www.centa-uk.co.uk14INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY • June/July 2010

POWER TRANSMISSIONWind turbine gearbox dryerprotects lubrication oilBrownell has introduced a new self reactivatingdry air breather to prevent contamination ofgearbox oil by water and condensationMany lubricating oils have awater vapour adsorptioncharacteristic.Commercially availablelubricating oils are delivered by mostmanufacturers with a low residual watercontent. Maintaining this low residualmoisture level throughout the gearboxlife is a major challenge and requires anactive moisture control andmanagement system.Excessive moisture in a gearbox canresult in increased corrosion, loss oflubrication properties and changes inoil viscosity. The efficient operation of agearbox throughout wide operatingtemperatures during summer andwinter is essential. The BrownellRegen8 removes the water vapourentering the gearbox to a safe level.This relative humidity is equal tothe residual moisture of the lubricationoil. The water vapour is adsorbed usingan active adsorbent. A twin channeladsorbent system ensures that theRegen8 maintains a constant supplyfeed of dry air to the gearbox. Whenthe adsorbent is saturated an automaticreactivation process is initiated whichrestores the adsorbent to maximumefficiency level.The Regen8 has a robust, allweather construction with completeprocess control, including a telemetryoption for remove monitoring andcontrol management.www.brownell.co.ukServo gearhead performance butat industrial gearhead pricesWittenstein says its economicAlphira CP in-line planetarygearhead can save youpounds. Designedwith the blueprintof the hugelysuccessful LP+series and based onthe experience ofmanufacturing more than1,000,000 gearheads forglobal use, the CP is amore compact, light-weightand most of all, more cost effectivegearhead. In terms of reliability,efficiency and precision theAlphira is every bit asimpressive as allother planetarygearheads in thealpha family.The Alphira is themost economic ofWittenstein’s in-line gearheadrange and is available in foursizes: 040, 060, 080 and 115 withratios from 4:1 to 100:1. Perfect forservo and stepper motor applications,the Alphira is optimally equipped forthe job and available in only one to twoweeks, with a Speedline serviceavailable if required.The single stage version of this costeffective, low backlash planetarygearhead achieves a maximumbacklash of 25 arcminutes and withtorque figures of 5Nm to 100Nm at3000rpm.www.wittenstein.co.ukClevises offerlong service lifeClevises are some of the mostversatile and frequently usedlinking elements in industry.They come in all sizes andthicknesses and are used wherevermechanical movements take place.As a result, clevises are exposed inevery machine action to permanenttensile, folding and shear forceswhich subject the material to loadsof varying severity. Clevis specialistMBO Osswald therefore features inits product range specially hardenedclevises which guarantee the user ahigh degree of production reliability.These clevises are subjected to aspecial hardening process whichprolongs their service life and ensuresthat even high loads do not causepremature wear. The clevises can becombined with specially hardenedfolding spring bolts to make the cleviscombination altogether more resistantto wear. They are particularly useful inapplications where machines aredynamically in service round theclock, unique forces are in action, orthe material is affected by uniqueambient conditions.MBO Osswald offers its customerswith an extremely large assortment ofdifferent clevises for a multitude ofpossible applications. There is also ateam of experts available which isgeared towards satisfying specialcustomer-specific requirements.www.mbo-osswald.com®ReliancePrecision Mechatronics LLPComprehensive Gear Range• Precision cut: Plain and anti-backlash AQ14, ISO quality 3 gears. Ideal for precisionmeasurement and light instrumentation• Fine pitch ground: Gears with high accuracy and higher torque capacity. Hardened to49 - 55HRc. Available down to 0.5 module• Brass: An economical balance of accuracy and load capacity against cost gears. Canbe run with minimal lubrication• Specials: Non-standard data transmission and actuation gears. Produced to BS EN ISO9001:2000 and AS9100 revision B, ideal for the aerospace and defence industriesCall our Sales Team on +44 (0) 1484 601002Visit us at www.rpmechatronics.co.ukUnique Solutions from Proven Concepts16

Gears, Brakes, Clutches & CouplingsLocking bush positionswith torque limitingReduced downtime on blow moulding machineLocking bushes from ETP havereplaced mechanical clampingelements in a critical application onPET blow moulding machines.Connecting the lever arms that open andclose the moulds, the ETP-Express bushesallow slip on the shaft of there is a stuckperform or bottle. This avoids damage to themachine and reduces downtime. Resetting isa quick and simple process compared to theold solution of a mechanical clamping bushwhich had seven screws to be torquetightened in sequence.The ETP-Express, available in the UK fromTech<strong>drives</strong>, is a self contained bush thatconnects shafts to hubs without keyways. Asingle radial fixing screw pressurises an internalchamber and expands the walls, gripping thehub and shaft. Accurate positioning bothradially and axially is easy as the screw istightened. Once the screw reaches a travel stop,the bush is set and full torque is transmitted byfriction evenly over the surfaces. Up to 1000mountings are possible.PET (polyethylene terephtalate) is widelyand increasingly used as beverage containersbecause it is light, unbreakable, stable andtaste free. It is also 100% recyclable so it isenvironmentally friendly. Blow mouldingmachines start with a ‘preform’ that is preheatedto achieve elasticity. The performs aretransported by conveyors and feed wheels intothe blow moulds. Depending on the machinetype, there can be from 4 to 36 of these blowmoulds on a rotating assembly. Materials usedare mostly aluminium to reduce inertia andachieve higher speeds – up to 72000 bottlesper hour are possible.The individual blow moulds are opened andclosed by a lever arm, and these arms are fixedto the actuator using the ETP-Express bush.Under normal operation the bush acts as abacklash free connection. Should there be a jamfrom a misfeed, the bush slips at apredetermined torque without damaging theactuator shaft. Once the machine operatorshave cleared the jam, it is only a matter ofseconds to reposition the mould by looseningthe single screw of the ETP-Express. Expensivedowntime is minimised compared to theprevious mechanical locking bush that had 7screws to be tightened. Furthermore the lowand even surface pressures of the ETP-EXPRESS avoid shaft damage and aid aconsistent slip torque.www.tech<strong>drives</strong>.co.ukShaft collars and couplingsfor solar power installationsWith continued rapid growth in theuse of renewable energies, Rulandoffers a selection of shaft collarsand couplings for use in solar powergeneration installations. The shaft collars andcouplings are specifically designed for harshenvironments. They deliver high performanceand long service intervals in residential,commercial and small-scale solar powergeneration facilities.High temperature, salt spray, wind, moistureand airborne contaminants are all factors indesign selection for solar power generationfacilities. Ruland’s product line provides thenecessary strength and weather resistance forthese exposed applications with a variety ofzinc-plated steel, aluminium and stainless steelcollars in both 303 and 316 grades. Rulandshaft collars and rigid couplings are an ideal fitfor tracking and positioning systems, as well asstructural supports. A wide selection ofstandard sizes for one and two-piece designs inclamp and set screw styles is available in bothinch and metric dimensions. Custom solutionscan be made to order.All Ruland products are RoHS and REACHcompliant. They are manufactured in Ruland’sUS factory under strict <strong>controls</strong> usingproprietary processes, high quality materialsand superior finishes. Ruland’s completeproduct line includes shaft collars and rigidcouplings and five types of zero-backlashmotion control couplings: beam couplings,bellows couplings, oldham couplings, miniaturedisc couplings and curved jaw couplings.www.ruland.comJune/July 2010 • INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY17

ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT & DESIGNEnclosures, Cabinets and FansChoosing the right enclosureSteve Gallon, Managing Director of Finnishenclosure manufacturer, Fibox, confirms thatthe company’s aim is to offer a range ofenclosure products that meet both the exactingstandards of an ever changing industry, and thespecific needs of its diverse customer baseWhen a designer is faced with thespecification of an enclosure to house andprotect a specific device or control system,there is something of an art to getting theexact enclosure product to fulfil the requirement exactly.To some specifiers a box is a box is a box. But nothingcould be further from the mark. Invariably the enclosureis the ‘nutshell’, housingexpensive and oftencritical componentswhich must performin extremely harshand demandingconditions. Thereforea number of veryimportant questions must beasked, and answered, before thepurchase order can be signed. Thatis why it is crucially important that the relationshipbetween specifier and manufacturer must be such thatall the following points are covered at the design stage.It’s a bit like the signs those of us who enjoy a tipple seeabove the bar stating that change should be checkedbecause alterations can’t be made later.The conundrum facing a lot of specifiers is they havea series of enclosures from variousmanufacturers to choose from,and on the face of it they alllook the same.They are grey, plastic and have hinged or removablecovers. What they don’t see is the suitability of thedifferent ranges for a particular application, especiallywhen one considers the increasing amount of directcopies using cheap blends of plastic being introducedinto the market now from all areas of the globe.The secret to getting to the nub of whatenclosure is fit for purpose is knowing whichquestions to ask a manufacturer. Then it isequally important for the manufacturer’srepresentative to have the knowledge to be ableto offer constructive advice and guidance toensure the exact enclosure solution is identifiedquickly and efficiently.At this crucial stage in a product’sintroduction cycle it is very important to takeinto account that there are many individuals inthe decision chain. Each link in the chain has adifferent specification priority. It could be themarketer’s requirement for aesthetics or theR&D/design engineer’s need to download CADdrawings from a manufacturer’s website. Whenpulled together, all these differing facets will makethe final decision to purchase a particular enclosure,much more failsafe. So let’s look at the key criteria which18INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY • June/July 2010

ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT & DESIGNEnclosures, Cabinets & FansThe greenest fans on Earthgo solarMacroAir Technologiesintroduces what it believes isthe first and only solar highvolume low speed (HVLS)industrial fanSolar energy has been called the wave of thefuture. MacroAir Technologies, a companyfounded on the very principal of innovation, issurfing that wave with the introduction of theMacroVoltaic fan. Receiving the highest certified rating,the company says the MacroVoltaic fan is the only solarhigh volume low speed (HVLS) industrial fan on themarket.Established by Walter Boyd, the inventor of HVLScommercial fan technology, and a family-ownedcompany since its inception in 1995, MacroAircombines technology with a unique application of thelaws of physics to produce air-circulating fans for usein large industrial, commercial, and agriculturalbuildings.Efficient and low noise technologyHVLS fan technology is unique in that it is designedto generate a column of air that flows down to theground and outward 360 degrees. This large, slowmoving air mass moves throughout the space, mixingand circulating air more efficiently without generatingthe noise and dust created by other industrial fans.And because MacroAir fans are already far moreenergy efficient than standard industrial fans, theconversion to solar energy has been a naturalprogression for an already innovative use oftechnology.The MacroVoltaic air movement system includesthe HVLS fan with an attached controller, aspecialised component that converts power from thesolar panels, as well as the solar panels, which havea 20-year warranty, standard remote control, anoptional auxiliary power supply, and an optionalbattery backup.The MacroVoltaic is designed to operate in avariety of methods to best meet individual userrequirements. The system can be used as a standalonesolar fan, as a solar fan with auxiliary backup,as a solar fan with battery backup, or as a solar fanwith both auxiliary and battery backup. Used as astand alone solar fan, the MacroVoltaic system isideal for consumers who are looking for energyalternatives or are unable to run traditional AC powersources to remote locations and who are utilising thefans primarily during daylight hours.When used in conjunction with auxiliary backup,the MacroVoltaic fan can be used even when sunlightis not available to power the system. Additionally, theexcess wattage produced by the battery backup isused to charge the batteries and store the energy foruse at night or during cloudy weather. When both theauxiliary and battery backup are utilised, the batteriesare still charged through the solar panels, but theauxiliary power ensures that there will always be apower source available to run the system.In keeping with the company’s assertion that itoffers the “greenest fans on earth,” the energyefficiency of the MacroAir line of fans not onlyprovides its users with significant savings, but it alsoprovides huge benefit to the environment. By reducingenergy consumption and the amount of pollutantemissions, using solar power increases the quality oflife, as well as the sustainability of the naturalresources of our planet.www.macro-air.comThe Ultimate incustomisedenclosuresFor further informationplease contact:tel: 01642 604 400email: sales@fibox.co.ukweb: www.fibox.com20

Enclosures, Cabinets and FansCabinet coolers run oncompressed air supplyJust dry it...Exair’s new CE compliantCabinet Coolers are the lowcost way to purge and coolelectrical control panels. The cold airis circulated through the enclosure toeliminate heat damage and <strong>controls</strong>hutdown. Independent laboratorytesting certifies that Cabinet Coolersmeet the appropriate CE safetyrequirements that now make themsuitable for a wide range of enclosurecooling applications.The compact Cabinet Coolers canbe installed in minutes through astandard electrical knockout hole.They convert an ordinary supply ofcompressed air to cold -6°C airwithout refrigerants or CFCs. CabinetCooler systems include a compressedair filter to assure no moisture or dustis introduced inside the panel.Optional thermostat controlminimises compressed air use.Cooling capacities up to 5,600Btu/hr. are available. Cabinet Coolersare UL Listed and maintain NEMA14, 4 and 4X rating of the electricalenclosure. There are no moving partsto wear out and no maintenance isrequired. Applications include coolingPLCs, microprocessors, variablefrequency <strong>drives</strong>, industrial computersand robotics. The Cabinet Coolers areavailable in the UK from Good Hand.www.goodhanduk.co.ukWe have the rightcomponent dryingsolution for yourbusiness.Low-smoke, zero-halogencable available from AercoAlpha Wire’s low-smoke, zerohalogencommunication andcontrol cable (LSZH) is nowavailable from Aerco. When standardcable and wire burns the insulatingmaterials emit smoke, gas and acidthat can be highly toxic. The AlphaWire range of high performance cablereduces the smoke and totallyeliminates the halogen emittedwithout compromising on mechanicaland electrical performance.The Alpha Wire LSZH cable hascorrosion resistant, tinned copperconductors, stranded conductors forinstallation flexibility and is availablein multipair and multiconductorconfigurations and in versions thatare foil shielded for EMI protectionand improved signal integrity. Theyalso have colour-coded conductorinsulation for clear, positiveidentification. Alpha Wire LSZHcommunication and control cablesare invaluable in applications such asrapid transit and any industrial andcommercial applications where fire inconfined space would create a healthhazard and possibly endanger life.www.aerco.co.ukACI Airknife Drying Solutions are the efficient and costeffective method for surface drying applications.ACI is a leading manufacturer of industrial air movement productsand Airknives are a proven tool wherever elimination of surfacewater is required. For a FREE ON-SITE demonstration, or paybackanalysis please contact us.Find out more at:www.aircontrolindustries.comAir Control Industries LtdWeycroft AvenueMillwey <strong>Industrial</strong> EstateAxminster Devon EX13 5HUUnited KingdomT: +44(0)845 5000 501F: +44(0)845 5000 502E: sales@aircontrolindustries.comAir Control IndustriesJune/July 2010 • INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY23

DRIVES, MOTORS & CONTROLSInvertersSmall scale hydrosupplies gridVariable speed <strong>drives</strong> from Parker SSD are at the heartof a refurbished micro hydroelectric generator deepin the Welsh countryside at historic Vivod HallThe regulatory framework is now in place to allow smallscaleproducers of electricity to export and sell theirsurplus power via the national grid, but transferring thatpower to the grid is no trivial task. Washford MillHydroelectrical Co – a specialist in the design and installation ofprivate hydroelectric plant – has, however, developed adependable, efficient and cost effective solution based on inverter<strong>drives</strong> from Parker SSD.The biggest challenge in transferring energy from a smallhydroelectric installation to the national grid is synchronisation: thepower being fed to the grid must precisely match the phase andfrequency of the grid itself. Achieving accurate synchronisation byconventional methods, such as controlling the speed of the alternatoris, however, by no means straightforward. One of the problems is thatthe flow of water in a small hydroelectric installation fluctuates, whichmeans that the speed of the turbine it is driving and hence the speedof the alternator also fluctuate. Maintaining a steady output frequencyfrom the alternator is, therefore, virtually impossible.A second challenge is to have the turbine working at its peakefficiency all the time even though the supply of water flow andpressure varies considerably requiring the turbine speed to vary with it.A third challenge is to provide smooth shock-free starting for theturbine and alternator. Simply allowing the full force of the water toreach stationary turbine blades would impose large mechanical shockloads, leading to premature – if not immediate – failure.To address these issues when refurbishing the hydroelectricinstallation at Vivod Hall, a stately home in North Wales, engineersfrom Washford Mill Hydroelectrical decided to use Parker SSD AC890modular inverter <strong>drives</strong>. The <strong>drives</strong>are not, however, used in the usualway to control the speed of amotor. Instead, two bi-directionalinverter modules are connectedback-to-back via their DC buses. Inessence, one of the inverters isconnected to the hydroelectricinstallation’s generator, the other tothe national grid. The generatorsused are induction generators.When the induction generator isgenerating power, it appears to theinverter it feeds just as if it is amotor that is continuously braking.As it would in any regenerativebraking system, the inverterrectifies the AC power it receivesand passes it to the DC bus. Thesecond inverter takes power fromthe bus and reconverts to AC, butthis time with phase and frequencylocked to the grid. With thisarrangement, the speed of theinduction generator may be varied, but the supply from thehydroelectric installation is always synchronised with the grid. Thepeak efficiency of the system may be set for different water conditionsby measuring the induction generator slip between the frequency of thesupply and the induction generator speed, by automatically raising andlowering the frequency by small increments the system can set itsrunning frequency to find the most advantageous operating frequency.This arrangement has other benefits, too: as it is electrically bidirectional,it is possible to draw power from the grid to drive theinduction generator as a motor. This means that it can be run up tospeed when at system start up, bringing the turbine up to speed priorto turning on the water, thereby eliminating mechanical shockproblems.Another important benefit is that the fault contribution from aninduction generator inverter drive system is naturally constrained toonly twice its full load current (FLC) for 150ms compared to analternator at 20 times FLC for up to 500ms. This will often allow alarger output generator to be synchronised to the grid without placingthe grid in undue additional stress at times of fault tripping. This maybe particularly important in remote rural areas.Historic interestThis is the basis for the new hydroelectric installation at Vivod Hall, butthe plant has an interesting history. The original system was installedin 1922 to supply the house with electricity for lighting. At that time,it comprised two turbines driving dynamo’s producing a 110V DCsupply. This system operated until the 1950s, when the house wasconnected to the national grid, after which time the turbines graduallyfell into disuse. In the 1980s, however, an attempt was made to reviveit, and one of the turbines was fitted with an alternator. This delivereda mediocre performance, however, and there was no provision forexporting energy. With the growing emphasis on renewable energysources and more attractive tariffs for energy export, interest was againshown in the installation, and Washford Mill Hydroelectrical wasapproached to implement the most recent upgrade.The system still has two turbines, one of which is used purely tosupply the 8kW needed to drive a heat pump and to provide hot waterand lighting for the house. The second and larger of the two, which israted at 22kW, is configured with the Parker SSD <strong>drives</strong> and has thecapability to export all of its power. In this case, it proved possible touse standard totally enclosed six-pole <strong>motors</strong> as induction generatorsoperating at frequencies from 40 to 70Hz and coupled directly to theturbine avoiding belt <strong>drives</strong>, thereby eliminating the expense andinconvenience of sourcing special alternators.The engineers at Washford Mill Hydroelectrical chose Parker SSDAC890 <strong>drives</strong> for this project because of their versatility and theirsupport for encoder feedback, which makes it easier to optimise theoperation of the installation to achieve maximum energy efficiency. Inaddition, the company had previous experience with Parker SSDproducts, and had always found them to be reliable and easy touse, as well as offering excellent value for money.www.ssd<strong>drives</strong>.com24

DRIVES, MOTORS & CONTROLSOut with the old and inSwap out old <strong>drives</strong> and <strong>motors</strong>Swapping old <strong>drives</strong> and <strong>motors</strong> for newer, more efficient models has the potential for greatsavings on energy costs, as well as improving reliability. A new scheme from ABB makes it easyto swap to the latest technology and start cutting those electricity bills down to sizeThe recent financial crisis knockedeveryone’s confidence in the economy forsix, with consumers sitting tight on theirmoney and watching to see which waythe wind blew. Sales of big ticket items like carstook a particularly big hit. To encourage growth,the government introduced a car scrappagescheme, where customers could trade in a carthat was over 10 years old and get a £2,000discount off a new one.As well as increasing the sales of new cars andproviding a much needed boost to the economy,the scheme also had the added benefit of takingolder, highly polluting vehicles off the road andreplacing them with more modern examples thathelp people save money on their running costs.A similar opportunity now faces industrialbuyers. This time, it’s private industry takingthe lead, coming up with scrappage or swapschemes that help commercial users make themost of the new, more energy efficienttechnologies that have developedover the last few years. One ofthese technologies is variable speed <strong>drives</strong>. Manycompanies have benefited from using variablespeed <strong>drives</strong> to cut their energy bills for a numberof years. Yet even the most well maintained <strong>drives</strong>will gradually suffer a decline in their reliabilityonce they get much beyond 15 years of age.The new swappage schemes seek to serve amarket for replacement <strong>drives</strong> that continues togrow. In 2010, around 40 per cent of all newdrive purchases will be replacing existing <strong>drives</strong>.Energy efficiency versus purchase costFurthermore, according to a recent study by theCarbon Trust, businesses are more concerned overrising energy prices and higher taxes than thelatest energy legislation:of the 700 businessessurveyed, 49 percentsaid energy pricehikes were a cause forconcern. Yet manycontinue to think thatlooking for a cheaper provider is the way to cutenergy costs, when the answer could be muchcloser to home. On a typical industrial site with a£150,000 annual electricity bill, £100,000 willbe spent on running <strong>motors</strong>. Even smalldifferences in efficiency can make big differencesto a motor’s life cycle costs – an 11 kW motorcosting about £700 can consume over £67,000worth of electricity over a ten-year operating life.Energy efficiency is much more significant tothe bottom line than the purchase price, so it isworthwhile for a company to appraise its existing<strong>drives</strong> and <strong>motors</strong> regularly and be prepared toinvest in new equipment to ensure it has the mostefficient set up possible.Like scrappage but betterOne of the vendors addressing these growingconcerns over rising energy costs is ABB. Its newswappage scheme makes it easy for companies tostart making dramatic savings on their electricitybills by swapping older <strong>motors</strong> and variable speed<strong>drives</strong> for newer, more energy efficient models. Aswell as the savings in runningcosts that these newerproducts offer, theswappage scheme also26INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY • June/July 2010

with the newand start savingoffers at least 17.5 percent discount on thepurchase cost, as well as help obtaininggovernment aid under various national energysaving initiatives. The swappage scheme operatesin four phases.1. The application: The first step is a thoroughknowledge of the parameters of your <strong>drives</strong> or<strong>motors</strong>. But all is not lost if this information is notavailable. ABB supports a national chain of channelpartners with the expertise to assess any drive andmotor application for its energy saving potential.This could involve a free on-site energy appraisal,looking at suitable applications that could producethe most significant savings. Measurements will betaken of the application’s energy use as it stands,often over a week to get a full picture of the processand how its energy use varies with shift patternsand production demands.This data will be analysed to show what energysavings the user can expect to achieve, togetherwith the equivalent amount of CO2 saved. Thefindings will be methodically presented – oftentables or graphs will be created to help see wheresavings are likely to arise. The results will help auser target their investment so that it produces thehighest possible savings and gives the best return.The report should also clearly show the expectedpayback time on fitting new equipment. Thisevidence is essential to make use of the interest freeloans offered by the Carbon Trust. ABB channelpartners can also advise on other sources of financesuch as the CRC Energy Efficiency Scheme andEnhanced Capital Allowances.2. The appraisal: If the application can benefitfrom a new variable speed drive and motor, ABBchannel partners can advise on any engineering thatneeds to be done to accommodate the newequipment. Consideration is given to such issues asfuses, cabling, dimensioning and any mechanicalmodifications needed to components such asbedplates and couplings. Removal of existingequipment and installation of the new can also bearranged.To keep downtime to a minimum, ABB’spartners can install over weekends and bankholidays, supplying the <strong>drives</strong> or <strong>motors</strong> as well asassociated equipment such as control componentsand cabling.3. The savings: Drives or <strong>motors</strong> from anymanufacturer can be replaced with a new ABBequivalent and the scheme offers at least 17.5percent discount off the list price. It covers <strong>drives</strong>from 0.12 kW to 400 kW and <strong>motors</strong> from 0.75kW to 710 kW and is available to organisations ofall sizes. A new drive can save as much as £1,000per year in energy, with ABB’s current <strong>drives</strong> offeringover ten per cent higher efficiency than its mostpopular drive from the 1980s.4. The recycling: Last but not least is thedisposal of the drive or motor once it has beenremoved and installation of the new equipment hasbeen completed. ABB or its channel partners willdispose of the old equipment in accordance withcurrent environmental legislation and if possible,recycle any re-usable components or materials in asafe way. ABB also issues a certificate that can beused for environmental audits for organisationscomplying with ISO 14001.Act now to get the most benefitAs well as the energy saving benefits of using thenewest, most efficient <strong>drives</strong> and <strong>motors</strong>, there arealso several other benefits of using the latesttechnology. The reduced size of modern <strong>drives</strong> inparticular saves plant room space, their lowercomponent count improves reliability and more upto date technology means additional features,including more advanced control andcommunications capabilities.New <strong>drives</strong>, with their greater reliability, willensure that process uptime is maximised. This canbe particularly important in critical applicationssuch as water pumping or where product will spoilif not processed at the right time, such as in thefood and beverage industry.Clearly the time to act is now if companies wantto take advantage of government backed energysaving schemes. The Carbon Trust has a pot of£100 million to invest in energy saving equipmentsuch as variable speed <strong>drives</strong> and <strong>motors</strong>, withinterest-free loans that are available from £3,000 to£500,000.With the new atmosphere of austerity beingintroduced by the government to deal with thebudget deficit, this money may not be around forever.For more information on the swappage scheme,visit: www.industrialtechnology.co.uk and click onthe ABB ‘Drives & Motors Marketplace’ button.Or call: 07000 DRIVES (that’s 07000 374837);or email: energy@gb.abb.com.June/July 2010 • INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY27

DRIVES, MOTORS & CONTROLSHighly compact, energy efficientdrive with tricks up its sleeveNot only will Schneider Electric’s Altivar 32 give you the opportunity tosave energy and reduce enclosure size, but it also offers innovations suchas a clip-on circuit breaker, simplifying installation. Mark Simms reportsIwould guess it’s getting harder andharder for <strong>drives</strong> manufacturers todifferentiate their product, sinceusers expect so much as standardwith every product on the market. Eventhe most basic product has to deliverenergy savings, come pre-loaded withsettings and configurationsfor typical applications,and be simple to set-upand use. Despite this,Schneider Electric hasmanaged to incorporate afair few innovations and anumber of genuinely usefulnew features into its latestoffering, the Altivar 32.Designed for advancedmid-range machines, theATV32 range coversasynchronous andsynchronous <strong>motors</strong> from0.18kW to 15kW,promising energy savingsof up to 10% when usedwith a synchronous motorin open loop motor, thanksto optimised low speedperformance. A key feature of thedrive is the slimline book style ofmodels up to 4kW. Schneider Electricsays models up to 1.5kW represent anindustry first with a frame width of justEnergy efficient frequency inverterfor pumps, fans and compressorsSiemens Industry Automation &Drive Technologies has launched anew modular frequency inverter.The Sinamics G120P is specifically45mm offering what it claims to be thesmallest footprint on the market. At thissize, side-by-side mounting can mean areduction in enclosure size of up to 40%or enable more <strong>drives</strong> to be fitted into thesame space.Packed into the compact package are150 application-specific functions, simpleprogrammable control system functionsand embedded machine safetyfeatures, including safe torqueoff, safe limited speed andsafe stop, which make theATV32 particularly suitablefor all cutting processes plusapplications in the wood andmetal industries.Management benefits includeBluetooth mobile phoneconnectivity throughSchneider Electric’s SoMovesoftware suite, enablingremote configuration andcontrol.Offering opencommunications, the ATV32also has embeddedCANopen and Modbus andhas the ability tocommunicate with mostindustrial networks for complex andautomated applications. At the same timeits embedded ATV Logic makes it suitabledesigned for pump, fan, and compressorapplications. It is a compact drive whichprovides energy-efficient operation of flowmachines in building automation, theprocess and water managementindustries. It can also be used for theclosed-loop speed control of fans andcirculating pumps for heating and coolingsystems, for booster pumps, or for pumpsfor level control.It features IP55 degree of protectionwhich ensures it can be used in harshconditions and the inverter is available in0.37kW to 90kW power range. Thepower range is covered in only six framefor stand-alone applications. Numeroussafety functions are including asstandard, including safe torque off (STO),safely limited speed (SLS) with safedirection included, and safe stop 1 (SS1).But here’s my favourite feature: most<strong>drives</strong> will be used in conjunction with acircuit-breaker, which traditionally willmean additional wiring and an extracomponent to mount in the panel. Butwith the Altivar 32, you can simply clipSchneider Electric’s GV2 circuit breaker –also 45mm wide – to the top of the drive,connecting the two together electrically atthe same time. It’s a clever bit ofindustrial design that will be a real timeand space saver.Paul Pryor, Schneider Electric’s <strong>drives</strong>product manager, says: “The response tofield trials of the ATV32 has beenoverwhelming with many respondentsclaiming ‘it represents a realbreakthrough’. In terms of book size,safety and modularity, it was seen as avery competitive and impressive product.“For many years Schneider Electrichas continued to keep pushing theboundaries of what technology is capableof and with the Altivar 32 we know thatit will be a real industry driver andrepresents something very different forthe market.”www.schneider-electric.co.uksizes. To enable the economical operationof applications and equipment, theinverter possesses special functions forimproving energy efficiency. It ischaracterised by a very low reactivepower value and the integratedhibernation function enables energysavingstandby mode as a function of thesetpoints. By automatically switching toline-fed operation at rated speed, a savingof up to 3% of the energy consumptioncan be achieved, while the auto-rampingfunction enables currents to be limitedand power peaks to be avoided.www.siemens.co.uk/automationEnergy efficientservos withmany EthernetstandardsBaldor has announced evengreater flexibility for itshighly versatile e100servomotor drive range. The e100family has been re-engineered tobecome compatible with no lessthan three industrial Ethernetstandards – EtherNet/IP, ModbusTCP and Powerlink – as well asstandard TCP/IP networks andBaldor’s own highly popular Mintsystem building environment. The<strong>drives</strong> offer system builders achoice of servomotor, closed-loopvector or V/Hz motor controlmodes, combined with an array offeatures and configuration optionsthat provide exceptional versatilityof use. Baldor now supports all ofthe Ethernet networks on itsNextMove e100 motion systemand machine controller.The new <strong>drives</strong> are versions ofBaldor’s e100 single- and threephase<strong>drives</strong>. The MicroFlex e100and MotiFlex <strong>drives</strong> have earned areputation for being extremelyeasy to configure and use, throughfeatures such as wizardapplication software whichremoves the traditional complexityof drive set up.The <strong>drives</strong> also offer manynovel hardware capabilities thatPLC users can benefit from. Thethree-phase <strong>drives</strong> are energyefficient, offering a DC bus systemthat can share regenerated powerwith other axes. As well as theirown local I/O and CANopenexpansion, many <strong>drives</strong> also haveoption card slots, providing a highdegree of configurability forspecific applications includingalmost all fieldbuses.Other features includeuniversal encoder feedback input,and programmable notch filters toeliminate mechanical resonanceeffects, as well as the ability to beused with servo<strong>motors</strong>, closedloop vector <strong>motors</strong> or in V/Hzmotor speed control modes.www.baldormotion.com28INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY • June/July 2010

DRIVES, MOTORS & CONTROLSConverting industryboosts efficiencyConverting industry companies naturally rely ontheir machine control systems for production.Now, however, companies are developing theircontrol systems to commercial advantageAdvances in drive and control technology havemeant that system reliability has improved somuch that it is virtually taken for granted. Thecontrol equipments ability to meet health andsafety regulations and to provide wide ranging generalfunctionality is also regarded as a given.However, along with safety, manufacturers nowassess their machine <strong>controls</strong> in the context ofimproving production efficiencies, targeting fasteroperating speeds and quicker changeovers, higherproduction standards and improved energyconsumption - all cost factors which can helpconverting companies become more competitive.Optima Control Solutions is a leading <strong>controls</strong>ystem integrator operating at the leading edge of thistechnology since 1995. The Blackburn-basedcompany’s managing directorMichael Hill believes thatsuppliers of machine <strong>controls</strong>ystems to both OEMs andend users must measure success by analysing theeffect on the customer’s operating efficiency.One business which reaped the benefits thatupgrading to Optima’s state-of-the-art drive and controltechnology can provide is leading papermaking, coatingand converting company Tullis Russell in Scotland.Tullis Russell was concerned that its ageing JagenburgVari-Dur 120 Slitter-Rewinder was having a detrimentalaffect on the operational performance of its Glenrothessite and decided to replace the original analoguecomponents with new digital technologies. OptimaIntegrated a Siemens PLC and HMI, Parker SSD <strong>drives</strong>,ABB tension control, Pilz safety equipment and Sickoptics, subsequently transforming the machine’sperformance and helping Tullis Russell post a 5%improvement in its OEE and an associated 25%increase in productivity.Intelligent, networked <strong>drives</strong> and high performancetension measurement equipment now operate thecomplex load-sharing algorithms that provide reliableand improved winding performance, while automaticsequencing of the machine operation has improved itsoperational repeatability.www.optimacs.com29

DRIVES, MOTORS & CONTROLSElectric MotorsTiny <strong>motors</strong> drivehuge water savingsHundreds of billions of gallons of water could be savedin Australia’s arid outback, thanks to innovative solarpowered flume gates driven by Maxon <strong>motors</strong>All over the world, water is an increasinglyvaluable resource. The average European getsthrough two swimming pools’ worth every year,but not everyone is in such a comfortableposition. Recent droughts and water shortages in EastAfrica, China and Australia have become a constantreminder that running water should not be taken forgranted. Australia, in particular, endured a once-in-acenturydrought at the beginning of 2007 and its parchedlandscape is regularly consumed by devastating forestfires. In these situations, every drop of water counts, andindividual Australians are certainly feeling the effects; yetas a country, Australia ranks as the second-highestconsumer of water per person in the world. Such a starkcontrast is clearly unsustainable, and water efficiency isbig news down under.Now, a new development is expected to save more than700 billion litres of water a year in the State of Victoriaalone. And it’s made possible partly by the efficiency of atiny dc motor.The city of Melbourne consumes 400 billion litres ofwater per year. It gets its supply primarily from theGoulburn-Murray irrigation district; a network of channelsthat distributes 70% of water resources in the State ofVictoria to cities and the agricultural sector alike. Every year,2,500 billion litres flow through the Goulburn-Murraychannels – of which a staggering 750 billion is lost throughinefficient water distribution: a worrying fact in one ofAustralia’s two key ‘breadbaskets’.The problem lay in a farmland irrigation system that hadremained relatively unchanged for almost a century. Waterwas channelled to farmland by means of a Dethridge wheel,similar to a mill-wheel. Water officers were responsible forturning these ancient wheels on and off by hand, controllingover 1,000km of channels spanning remote and ofteninaccessible land. This meant that it could take up to 24hours before water was delivered to farms or before it couldbe turned off. This process was inefficient for two mainreasons. Firstly, water was lost through spillages or seepedaway through leaks in rusty distributionwheels. Secondly, because of the 24-hour delay in responding to any changein conditions, water was still channelledonto agricultural land after heavydownpours, even if crops did notactually need it.Now, however, new technologypromises to revolutionise Australianirrigation efficiency, and reduce water wastage by as muchas 93% – enough to fill eleven million swimming pools peryear. ‘Total Channel Control’ (TCC) is a precise sluice systemwhere any combination of 2,500 individual flume gates canbe operated remotely, within two hours. For farmers, thismeans water can be summoned for field managementpurposes in real time, by telephone, internet or even SMStext message. As a result, the flow rate can be quickly andcarefully adjusted so each farmer is only supplied with asmuch water as he actually needs. The system is controlledby electronic micro<strong>drives</strong>. Achieving optimum waterefficiency requires absolute precision – which is one reasonwhy brushed <strong>motors</strong> from Maxon’s high-performing REseries were selected to automatically open and close everyone of the 2,500 gates along the channel.Self-sufficient operationSimilarly, the inaccessible location of many of the gatesmeans regular maintenance and repair is out of thequestion. With a pedigree proven in the toughest possibleenvironments – both in this world and on NASA MarsMissions – the RE Program is robust enough to keeprunning for years with minimum fuss. Indeed, the channels’remote geography require the system to be self-sufficient inmore ways than one. Just like the old Dethridge wheels, thenew flume gates need to be self-powering.The TCC gates run on batteries charged using photovoltaiccells. Even with the powerful Australian sun as theirsource of electricity, this puts significant further demandsupon the drive technology, making energy efficiency anothercomplicating factor. Again, brushed <strong>motors</strong> from Maxon fitthe bill. With RE Program <strong>motors</strong> boasting efficiency levelsas high as 93%, the TCC engineers were able to implementtheir vision for self-contained, self-supporting gates withoutwires or other limiting paraphernalia.But the drive for self-sufficiency doesn’t end with power.With the next phase of the TCC concept, sensors are nowbeing incorporated into agricultural fields to automaticallymonitor soil humidity content and respond accordingly.Soon, Australian farmers will no longer have to decide whenand how much water they need for their fields, as theirrigation system continually maintains the required level ofsoil humidity for crops. This not only brings cost savings forthe agricultural sector, but saves still more water for thepopulation. This conservation is essential – but, given thatthe entire Australian continent only accounts for 1% of theglobal irrigation market, it could be only the beginning forTCC. The potential savings to be found by implementingthis technology elsewhere in the world are truly mindblowing.The imperative to save water shows no sign of abating.The United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) haswarned of a major water shortage in less than 20 years. Ifcurrent trends continue, then by 2025, a further 1.8 billionpeople will find themselves living in regions with severe watershortages. It is no surprise, then, that TCC systems are beinginstalled in America and North Africa. If this technology canbe introduced globally, the world’s most precious resourcecan be used properly – to improve lives.www.maxonmotor.co.uk30INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY • June/July 2010

Breatheeasy.In a chemical strike, you havemere seconds to react.That’s why the compact LCD(Lightweight Chemical Detector)unit from Smiths Detection stayson duty – continually checking theair for traces of harmful vapours.NEW2010/11CATALOGUEAND DVDSilent and trustworthy, even in extreme environments,it’s no surprise the LCD is powered by maxon <strong>motors</strong>.But you don’t need to be in the SAS to have total faith inyour technology.Every motor, drive, gearhead and controller in themaxon catalogue is painstakingly tested and approved.You might even say they’ll give you an air ofconfidence...See for yourself – for your FREEcopy call us on 01189 733 337or visit www.maxonmotor.co.ukThe LCD 3.3relies on robustbrushed <strong>motors</strong>from maxon’sRE Programmaxon motor uk, Maxon House,Hogwood Lane, Finchampstead,Berkshire RG40 4QW31

DRIVES, MOTORS & CONTROLSHigh efficiency <strong>motors</strong>for bio-ethanol plantWEG motor technology iscontributing to the productionof sustainable fuel in EuropeThe first W22 high efficiency <strong>motors</strong> supplied byWEG in Europe – three 200kW machines – are(appropriately) engaged in a ‘green’ process forthe production of sustainable bio-fuels. The4-pole 315L frame W22 <strong>motors</strong> have been supplied toBioWanze in Belgium where they are used with invertersin a mill that processes wheat and beet syrup to producebio-ethanol. With this innovative system BioWanzeintends eventually to provide half the amount of thebio-fuel consumed in Belgium.BioWanze is the first project to produce ‘newgeneration’ bio-ethanol in Europe. Begun in 2009, theplant at Wanze in Belgium is capable of producing758m 3 of ethanol per day. Bio-ethanol is produced fromagricultural feedstock – in this case wheat and beetsyrup. The process is highly efficient, the centerpiecebeing a biomass boiler with enhanced thermal efficiency,with each element of the process optimised to ensure anoverall minimal impact on the environment.The requirement for maximisedefficiency across theprocess has resulted in the use ofWEG’s new W22 high efficiency<strong>motors</strong> at the BioWanze facility.The <strong>motors</strong> are installed on thecooling tower of the mill at theplant. They were supplied byWEG’s Benelux branch inBelgium to Hamon ThermalEurope, a coolingtower manufacturer,and subcontractors toDe Smet Engineeringand Contractors, whowere partners ofBioWanze in the millconstruction project.The W22 line is anew generation of high efficiency <strong>motors</strong>. The companysays the W22 excels in energy performance due to itsability to reduce motor losses by between 10% and 40%when compared to traditional AC induction <strong>motors</strong>.Moreover, the W22 units complement their excellentenergy efficiency with low levels of noise andvibration in operation.The W22 <strong>motors</strong> offer the key advantagethat they already comply with and (in somecases) exceed all the requirements ofIEC60034-30, the new harmonised IE(International Efficiency) grading standard for electric<strong>motors</strong>, which will be standard worldwide from June2011. The design that enables them to achieveconformity includes an aerodynamic frame, whichincreases the air flow and reduces temperature. Inaddition, the terminal box of the motor is positioned toimprove air flow over the motor. In practical terms thismeans less hot-spots and, consequently, improvedreliability.The reliability and operating life of W22 <strong>motors</strong> isalso extended by WEG’s innovative WSeal system. Thishas a W-ring with a metal cover, which protects therubber sealing from harmful ultra-violet rays. The samedesign also ensures that the interior of the motor benefitsfrom much higher levels of protectionagainst the input of external agents,such as water and dust, which maycause damage to rolling bearingswithin the motor.www.weg.netFor the very latestproduct information, most up todate industry news, plus usefulcompany profile information,visit the pages of <strong>Industrial</strong><strong>Technology</strong> online atwww.industrialtechnology.co.uk32INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY • June/July 2010

Electric MotorsThe most powerfulmotor on the marketWith 25% more torque and 30% less powerloss, stepper <strong>motors</strong> from the 80MPF seriesfrom B&R Automation are ideally suited forapplications with high clock ratesThe 60 mm 80MPF, 56mm 80MPD and 86 mm80MPH <strong>motors</strong> areamong the most powerfulstepper <strong>motors</strong> on the market inregard to holding torque. B&R nowoffers <strong>motors</strong> for the mostchallenging applications withholding torque ratings from 1.1Nm to 13.6 Nm. ACOPOSmicroas well as X20 System and X67System stepper motor modulesthat handle a current range from1 to 10 A are available forcontrolling the <strong>motors</strong>.When designing the new80MPF series, B&R says specialattention was given to ensuringthat the installation flange iscompatible with existing 56 mm<strong>motors</strong> from the 80MPD series.For this reason, the mountingholes on the two <strong>motors</strong> series areidentical. Thanks to the use ofhigh-quality materials, the newstepper <strong>motors</strong>, like all B&R<strong>motors</strong>, are extremely robust andhave a long lifespan.The new 80MPF seriesprovides IP30 protection asstandard. With an optional cover,IP65 protection is achieved.www.br-automation.comHighly efficientstainless steelservo <strong>motors</strong>Direct drive torque<strong>motors</strong> are compactInmoco has extended its highperformance servo motorrange into hygienic processingenvironments, with theintroduction of the S-Series ofstainless steel servo <strong>motors</strong> fromCleveland Motion Controls. Theenergy efficient S-Series isdesigned specifically for sterile orhigh pressure wash-downenvironments found in foodprocessing, beverage andpharmaceutical applications.The S-Series units arecompetitively priced, compact<strong>motors</strong> designed to deliver theindustry's highest available torquedensity, with stall torque 35% to40% higher than conventionaldesigns.www.inmoco.co.ukIntroduced as a completely newcategory for Kollmorgen's rangeof direct drive torque <strong>motors</strong>,the Cartridge DDR motor is nowfully available from motion <strong>controls</strong>pecialist Heason <strong>Technology</strong>.The innovative and verycompact design includes a hollowshaft rotor, a stator and highresolution feedback device, allpre-aligned in abearing-less assembly andenclosed in a durable housingcomplete with power andfeedback connectors. The motor ismounted on a prepared bolt-circleon the customers machine andthrough a special compressioncoupling engages with a solidshaft to directly drive the loadwhich is supported by its ownbearing system.The Cartridge DDR combinesthe high performance advantagesof the frameless direct drivemotor system with theconvenience of a full frametorque motor at verycompetitive pricing andwith much simplifiedinstallation.www.heason.comNew guides and brochuresMicro <strong>motors</strong>, actuators and moreHot off the press from EMS is a fulloverview of its product range. The 16page brochure highlights DCmicro<strong>motors</strong>, brushless DC <strong>motors</strong>,gear<strong>motors</strong>, low profile <strong>motors</strong>,stepper <strong>motors</strong>, drive electronics,linear actuators and custom solutions.The products meet the needs of arange of applications, includingmedical, laboratory, robotics, optics,aerospace, security, buildingautomation and industrial processes.The brochure highlights DCmicro<strong>motors</strong>, brushless DC <strong>motors</strong>,gear<strong>motors</strong>, low profile <strong>motors</strong>,stepper <strong>motors</strong>, drive electronics,linear actuators and custom solutions.www.ems-limited.co.ukHIGHLIGHTThis month’sfeaturedliteratureJune/July 2010 • INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY33

DRIVES, MOTORS & CONTROLSHMIsHMIs are simple, smart andsuper energy efficientProducts4Automation has introduced the newMonitouch V8 Series of operator interfaces,extending its range of Ethernet compatibleflat panel HMIs available to the UKmarket, with power consumptionsome 40% lower than that ofconventional HMI productsDesigned to be simple to use, extremelyadaptable and highly compatible with existingcontrol and process hardware and software, theMonitouch V8 is ideal for cost sensitive HMIapplications that still require the versatility of a high-endfunction product and guaranteed quality. The V8 seriescommunicates with multiple devices – from PLCs and PCsto printers, card readers and movie cameras to sensors –including up to two factory automation (FA) networks. TheV8 can support SCADA products displaying productiondata from an entire plant at-a-glance in clear real-timeimages. It also has direct connection to the Siemens S7range using the PPI and MPI protocols, meaning there isno need for middleware connectors.Paul Hurst, Managing Director for P4A, comments:“The Monitouch V8 is ideal for anyone who needs a fastupdating, high-resolution colour or black and whitedisplay HMIat a competitive price.Its flexibility and compatibilityallows customers to connect systemstogether and visualise various production processesin great detail. The comprehensive communication andcontrol options provide a middle ground in the OperatorInterface market that is ideal for many small to mediumsized machine manufacturers and automation systemsintegrators.”The V8 range of monitors is available in screen sizesfrom 5.7 to 15in; users have the choice of monochromeor full colour displays. A two-way reinforced USB interfacemakes it possible to connect to PC peripherals and allowsPCs to write ladder programs to the HMIs, and to use PCbased management software to monitor performance. Awide range of pug and socket options are available,including additionalUSB sockets on the front of the display. The V8series is equipped with a long-life (up to 50,000 hours),environmentally friendly LED backlight which does notrequire replacement – and delivers a 40% saving in powerconsumption compared to conventional products. Thehigh-resolution display offers 65,536 colours at itsmaximum resolution.www.products4automation.comPanel PC is compact and powerfulB&R’s latest Panel PC design combines increased processing power with reduced consumptionWith the new Panel PC 725, B&R offersa cost-optimized solution for usedirectly on the machine. Installationon a support arm system permits aflexible mounting position and ergonomic operation,even in tight spaces. With IP65 protection from allsides, the housing holds up well in harshenvironmental conditions, for example with dust andsprayed water. The integrated 15in touch screendisplay provides an intuitive human machineinterface. Equipped with an Intel Atom N270processor, the Panel PC 725 is predestined for allstandard PC applications, such as SCADA systems.Through the low power loss of the Atom design, thePC housing can be smooth – without heat sink fins –and is therefore easy to clean.The combination of higher processing power andlower consumption allows the system to be fan-free.All components that require special cooling, such asprocessor and chipset, are positioned so that theheat is distributed directly over the housing. Whenusing CompactFlash cards, the Panel PC 725 doesnot have any rotating parts, which guarantees a longlifespan.The powerful Panel PC 725 provides users withextensive PC resources. With two Ethernetinterfaces, two USB 2.0 interfaces and one serialinterface, communication is ensured on the machinelevel and in the plant network. Panel PCs with IP65protection normally use expensive IP65 connectors,but the cabling on the Panel PC 725 is handled viathe flange. In this way, cost-effective standard cablescan be used. Additionally, the battery andCompactFlash cards are behind a separate cover,which makes service easier.www.br-automation.com34INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY • June/July 2010

SENSORS & SYSTEMSAlternative FuelsEthernet switches keyin offshore LNG terminalEthernet switches from GarrettCom Europe are playing a key role in securing future energysupplies, providing a redundant network infrastructure for a floating LNG regasification terminaloff the coast of Italy. The plant will provide up to 5% of Italy’s annual requirementThe current high prices for crude oil andpetroleum based products are helping to focusattention even more sharply on alternative fuelproducts, with LNG (liquefied natural gas) risingto the fore as a viable alternative to help meet the world’senergy needs. Cooling natural gas to –162°C at normalpressure results in the condensation of the gas into liquidform. LNG takes up about one six hundredth of thevolume of gaseous natural gas, making transportationand storage economical, so making it cost-effective to tapremote natural gas deposits.Global demand for gas has tripled in the last 30 yearsas nations look for more secure energy supplies, and theInternational Energy Agency has predicted a furtherdoubling in the next 30 years. By 2030, gas will besupplying a quarter of our energy needs. A new project toconstruct an LNG storage and regasification terminaloffshore, off the coast of Livorno, Italy will soon beginoperation, providing a total annual capacity of 3.75 billioncubic metres. The terminal is built around an LNG tankerconverted to provide both storage and regasification,anchored 12 miles off the coast of Livorno. It will receiveand store LNG from other LNG carriers, and convert it backinto gaseous form. The gas will then be transportedonshore via a subsea pipline to enter the Italian nationaldistribution network.In 2004, OLT (Offshore LNG Toscana) spa – thedevelopment company set up for the project –commissioned Golar LNG to convert the Golar Frost LNGtanker into the required floating storage and regasificationterminal. The LNG terminal conversion ship is a steelmono hull with Moss LNG tanks arranged in the middle,the regasification plant in the forward section and crewfacilities with control room and utility machinery in the aftsection. The terminal is equipped with four spherical,13cm thick aluminium LNG tanks, designed to ensureoptimum stability of the terminal and make it virtuallyimmune to any effects of the waves. The regasificationplant is the heart of the project, and is essentially a heatexchanger. Sea water passing through the heat exchangersheat up the LNG by the few degrees needed to return it togaseous form. The chilled water is returned to the sea:studies have shown that the cooler water will extend onlya few metres from the ship, and will run out completely40-50 metres from the ship.The gas is transported to the mainland through 36kmof pipeline, of which 29.5km is subsea at a maximumdepth of 120m.Fibre optic LANA vital aspect of the project was the control system, whichmanages the transfer of LNG from transportation vessels tothe terminal, the regasification process and the delivery ofgas to the mainland, and many of the terminal’s othercritical operational functions. The control system had to bebuilt around a dual-redundant network certified to Italy’sESS-SotoStazioniElettriche standards (implementations ofIEC-61850 and IEEE-1613) and offering the highest levelsof reliability. To meet these requirements, Italian systemsintegrator Fort Fibre Optic recommended a fibre optic LANbuilt around Ethernet switches from GarrettCom Europe.GarrettCom Europe offers a wide range of hardenedEthernet switches specifically designed to meet the IEC-61850 and IEEE-1613 specifications for EMI/ESDprotection. The products also carry DNV approval foroffshore use, meeting the certification’s stringenttemperature, humidity, vibration, EMC and enclosurespecifications.For the LNG terminal, GarrettCom Europe supplied6K32TRC (managed) and ES42H-2SC (unmanagedswitches), all configured for 24V DC power. The 6K32TRCis a 32-port, free-convection-cooled rack-mount Ethernetswitch. Specially designed for applications where rackspace is at a premium or where strict EMI/EMC regulationspreclude the use of conventional fan cooling, the 6K32TRCuses innovative casework design and patented thermalmanagement techniques to ensure the highest levels ofoperating safety in hazardous environments.The 6K32TRC managed switch provides 16 fixed10/100Mb copper ports plus two modular slots which canbe freely configured to best meet user requirements. Themodular slots can accommodate a mixture of 10/100Mbcopper ports, 100Mb fibre ports and Gigabit ports. Forexample, users can specify up to a further 16 10/100Mbcopper ports to give 32 in all, or between one and fourGigabit ports, mixing and matching as required. Gigabitports can be configured for a variety of fibre and coppercabling types and distances.The ES42H is a compact, hardened and rugged edgeswitch that provides a total of six Ethernet ports. Four arealways RJ-45 copper ports, and the remaining two can beuser specified as two 100Mb fibre ports, or one fibre andone copper port, or two copper ports. The ability to connectthese edge switches in either ‘star’ or ‘ring’ configurationusing non-proprietary self-healing protocols such as RSTP-2004 was one of the key strengths of the GarrettComproducts in this application.The terminal is expected to be fully operational in 2011.Its authorized capacity is 3.75 bcm, but this can beextended to 5.25 bcm. Italy has scarce natural resources ofits own, and relies on natural gas imports to cover about85% of its needs. The Livorno terminal will contribute to amore secure energy supply in the country, removing therisk of shortage of supply through traditional pipelines.www.garrettcom.co.uk36INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY • June/July 2010

DESIGN COMPONENTSGet your springsnow in a varietyof materialsEuro Springs points out that it has ahuge range of products availableon demand, and that it iscomfortable using an array of differentmaterials from the Super alloys to thebasic spring steel, thus providing youwith choice, and so ultimately enablingyou to obtain the ideal product to meetthe application requirement.Euro Springs is committed toproviding the best standards of customerservice and satisfaction and strives to doso in each and every aspect of companyorganisation. The company has a verypositive attitude and even in today’schallenging economic climate hascontinued to grow by maintaining astrong customer focus. To do so, EuroSprings ensures that it keeps up to datewith the latest spring technology as anaspect of paramount importance, andsays that this is afforded to it through itsmembership of the UK SpringManufacturers Association (IST).www.eurosprings.co.ukSprings, Gas Springs & DampersSpring maker certifiedfor nuclear applicationsIf the UK is to move to a greater reliance onnuclear energy in the future, then supply offully certified components will be vitalWith the upsurge ofinternational interest innuclear powergeneration, componentsuppliers to this market will need toensure that they have full compliancewith the latest specifications thathave moved on from those in placefor the earlier generations of plant,many of which are now approachingshut-downs and closure.Christian Bauer, the parentcompany of the UK based BauerSprings, manufactures of a widerange of individual disc springs aswell as customised spring packassemblies. The company hasachieved full certification as anapproved supplier of these products tothe nuclear industry, either direct orthrough other OEM suppliers to thismarket. The certifications include ISO9001:2000 (which is helpful but notessential), together with KTA 3204(which is a German standard coveringaspects of manufacturing, qualitycontrol, testing and inspection forapproved suppliers to the nuclearindustry). These are alsosupplemented with KTA 1401 andAVS D 100/50 (a higher certificationcovering nuclear engineering codes),which can only be achieved whenKTA 3204 has been obtained.These are government-based legalrequirements for suppliers to thenuclear industry. They have beenestablished to ensure that suchsuppliers and their personnel have thetechnology to produce parts ofappropriate quality, with theknowledge and capacity to check andverify the quality. There is no highercertification protocol currentlyavailable covering the supply ofequipment to the nuclear industry andChristian Bauer is one of the fewcompanies, and possibly the only discsprings manufacturer to date, that hasbeen certified to this level. Thecompany also has relevant ISOcertifications, together with TÜVCERT according to DIN EN ISO 2001.Disc springs, used singly or inpack form are unique in themechanical energy storage capacitythey provide after compression forshort stroke applications. This isparticularly useful where safety criticalconditions require a guaranteedmechanical force to be generated,even in the event of total powerfailure, typically for the operation ofsafety valves. Many industries, notonly power generation, rely uponthese unique and reliable, sources ofstored energy for fail-safe operations.www.bauersprings.co.ukWave spring optionsfor quick connectorIf your application requires quickconnectors, then Rotor Clipreckons it will have just the wavespring for you. Its flatwire wavesprings and retaining rings are used ina variety of quick connectors/circularplug-in connectors with threaded andbayonet locking for military, aerospaceand industrial applications.The designer has the choice ofsingle (overlapping ends save axialspace and prevent radial jamming),nested (provides a higher load than asingle turn wave spring and uses thesame radial space as a single turndesign) and multi-turn (does not clingto the bore; greater deflection whiletaking up half the space of coiledsprings) wave springs to meet theunique demands of virtually anyconnector application.Rotor Clip wave springs arecurrently manufactured from carbonsteel and 17-7 stainless.www.rotorclip.com38INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY • June/July 2010

GAS SPRINGS ANDOIL DAMPERS• Spring Forces 10–10000N• Strokes 30–1500mm• Standard and Special Sizes• Tension and Locking Types• Complete Stainless Versions• No Minimum Quantity• Mounting Brackets and End Fittings canbe sold separatelyEckold Ltd, 15 Lifford WayBinley <strong>Industrial</strong> Estate, Coventry CV3 2RNTelephone 024 7645 5580 Fax 024 7645 6931Email sales@eckold.co.uk Web www.eckold.co.uk39

MACHINE BUILDING & AUTOMATIONProduction AutomationImproved modelfor solar collectormanufactureMiniTec has applied its production systems knowledgeto automating the fabrication of solar collectorsAbout half of the total energy consumption of theEU is used to generate heat or for cooling. Thegreater part of the power needed is producedfrom fossil fuel or nuclear power. Only by usingof renewable energy sources will it be possible to staycomfortable while significantly reducing the release ofgases harmful into the atmosphere and prevent theconsumption of material reserves. Renewable energy isclearly a growth market, but there are still many risks forthe players in it. On the one hand, manufacturers of solarfacilities are dependent on grants whose availability ismore and more difficult to foresee. And on the otherhand the fabrication processes must become moreeffective and thus more cost-effective, while still beingsubject to numerous constraints.Innovative automation solutions and refined assemblyprocesses are, therefore, in demand. MiniTec has been aleading provider of innovative, efficient solutions in thisarea for over twenty years, and has been actively pursuingthe development of production facilities for photovoltaicmodules for the last 15 years. Many developments fromthis area can be transferred to the processes ofmanufacture of solar collectors for heat generation, whichstill tend to based on traditional industrial fabrication. Thisone-off style fabrication or very small series productiontends to make products more expensive, and canimpact on quality. There is a need, then, for themanufacture of solar thermal systemsto be optimised for continuous qualityassurance and cost-effective production.Greater standardisation of the componentswill of course help, but just as important is areorganised manufacturing model to deliverseries level production at the highest quality.Minitec has developed a new production model preciselyto meet thee needs.Since moving into new premises in Schönenberg-Kübelberg (Pfalz) in 2009, MiniTec has used theproduction facilities freed up in its Waldmohr plant for theconstruction of a production line for the latest generationof flat solar thermal collectors. Now the company hasturned this plant into a Solar Thermal Competence Centre(STCC) to support collector manufacturers from planningand setup of the production facility through certificationand production start-up, giving them the benefit ofpractical experience in collector fabrication and supportingthe continual improvement of assembly methods based onempirical evidence.MiniTec reckons that the development of a new solarcollector can take at least two years. This time is neededto design the collector, develop individual parts, produce aprototype, and certify the final product. The certificaterequires a series of time-consuming tests, without whichthe collector may not be installed. Moreover, productionfacilities must be procured and ready to operate by thattime, in order to produce the collectors to be tested. Andthen the product changes resulting from testing often leadto entirely different requirements for the productionfacilities, which can have expensive consequences.Significant funds are needed to finance the period fromdevelopment to certification. Recognising all theseproblems, MiniTec developed an entirely new model forcollector production. Producers who want to startmanufacturing solar collectors can obtain an unrestrictedlicence for a certified collector from MiniTec, confirmationof parts availability, and a tested production facility withthe latest state of the art equipment and processes.The setup of a production line for collectors takesabout nine months. During that time, the client can placeemployees in the STCC for training and produce the firstcollectors under their own logo, to be used for marketingand market introduction. Like all MiniTec productionfacilities, the assembly line for solar collectors is built on amodular principle. Newcomers to the market can operatethe line manually to start production of about 100 unitsper day. If necessary, the facility can then be upgraded asfar as fully automated production for the manufacture ofup to 1,000 collectors per working day.The collectors are assembled on workpiece carriersthat are automatically transported on an FMS conveyor tomachining centres integrated into the line. The absorbersare manufactured on a laser welding system (LWS) in aparallel process. This system welds copper tubing at aspeed of about 15m/min onto the aluminium absorberarea, which has a highly selective coating. Thiscombination of materials has significant cost and weightadvantages over the conventional Cu/Cu- absorbers.Fourteen LWS systems are already in use, with greatsuccess.For all preparatory processes such as pipe preparation,production of harps and meanders, leak testing, andstraightening systems, stations working in parallel areavailable so that the manufacturer can operate andcontrol all work steps internally.www.minitec.co.uk40INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY • June/July 2010

MACHINE BUILDING & AUTOMATIONFaster without wasted movementIgus is claiming a world first with its C-Chain, a continuously rotatingenergy chain. It eliminates the need to over design systems, saving bothspace and energy, allowing smaller, more efficient machines to be builtOpening up completely newdirections for machineconstruction, Igus UK hasdeveloped what it says is theworld’s first continually rotating energy.Rotating all the way around, the IgusC-Chain can supply grippers, sensorsystems and other units with energy, dataand media without superfluous start andreturn runs. Each position can now bedirectly approached in a continualmovement, where loading and unloading,adhesion, drilling, etc can then take place.“Whether it’s small units on robots,pick-and-place applications, fast pressfeeders, large shelf-operating units orclassic conveyer belts, conventionalhandling and transport applicationscannot currently manage without a wastedrun,” says Justin Leonard of Igus UK.“Igus C-Chains are not only lightweightand reliable, with speeds of up to 8 m/sthey can realise extremely fast machinecycle times.”Depending on the customerspecifications, travel of 30 metres andmore is possible. Numerous differentcarriages can be connected to thecontinuously rotating chain. These cansupply rotating grippers, suction cups orelectro magnets, for example, which canpick up work pieces, hold them, adjustthem and set them down again. Also,processing tools required for turning,clamping, adhesion or drilling can besupplied. Regulation and controltechnology can also be on the carriage,compactly supplied with data and powerfrom a stable guidance system – frombarcodes or colour detection readersthrough to RFID reading units.In operation, the chain moves easilyand with low wear in the guide housing to42

the first carriage station. There, it feedsan all-round circular line, to which allthe carriages are fixed. Each carriagecan be addressed individually usingmodern electronics and bus technology.It receives the respective signals toenable it to work as required, forexample through a pneumatic valve,electric motor or sensors. Each carriagecan be triggered individually and canperform its tasks immediately at a predefinedposition.Alongside the innovative centralconstruction, transport, pick-and-placeand other handling systems can nowalso be delivered in a slim package.Often, very large masses need to bemoved at high accelerations in order tomeet the required cycle times.“Accordingly, engineers tend to overdesign the systems to enable them toabsorb the dynamic forces that resultfrom backward and forward motion.With the Igus C-Chain system, on theother hand, space and energy can besaved thus supporting the trend towardssmaller, more efficient machines,” addsLeonard.“The Igus C-Chain system providessufficient filling space for a servo/motorcable, a control, bus or fibre optic cable,and protects and routes fluid hoses too,”says Leonard. “All the necessary cablesand hoses for load, data and media arehoused in the compactly designed guidesystem.” The Igus C-Chain system canbe used in different installationpositions, and is delivered as acomplete customised module by Igus foreasy integration into the machine,conveyer belt or production system.www.igus.co.ukLooking for aHEAVY DUTYLinearMotion System?Combined Roller BearingsEURO-BEARINGS LTDTel 01908 511733 Fax 01908 511713www.euro-bearings.com43

MACHINE BUILDING & AUTOMATIONConveyorsPlastic conveyor chainsreduce energy requirementsIwis says its plastic flat topchains and modular belts aremade of low contaminationsynthetic materials and meetindustry demand for energyefficient, low noise and lowmaintenance conveyingAt least 75% of all products in the supermarketwere conveyed with flat top chains andmodular belts in the course of their productionand packaging. Iwis now offers a new range ofplastic flat top chains and modular belts. The chains,which are sold under the Flexon brand name, can beused for most conveying tasks that require a flattransport surface. Typical applications include conveyingof glass and plastic bottles, cans, cases, casks andbarrels in bottling and packaging plants, conveyingfoodstuffs in the food industry, and conveying small andmedium-sized goods in various industrial plants.Flat top chains consist of plates that are connectedto each other with single and double hinged joints. Thisdesign allows the construction of chains with a width ofup to 305mm for both straight-line and curved tracks,onto which the products can be directly placed. Modularbelts have multiple hinged joints. A specialcharacteristic of this design is that several chain linkscan be placed side-by-side to construct a flat conveyingsurface with widths of up to 1700mm.In many applications, plastic modular belts can havedecisive advantages over their stainless steelcounterparts: Their noise level in conveying systems isup to 80% lower and the synthetic elements are up to40% lighter, which reduces the required drive power orincreases the belts’ conveying capacity. Because of theirbetter resistance to chemicals, they can be cleaned withagents that are either unsuitable for metal chains orwould require intensive maintenance. The FDAapprovedplastic has excellent mechanical load carryingcapacity, is dimensionally stable, even in humidconditions, and is low friction. With its new syntheticmodular belts, Iwis meets the industry demand forenergy-efficient, low-contamination and lowmaintenanceconveying systems.Flexon flat top chains are available in various plasticversions as well as stainless steel, for both straight andcurved conveying sections. Flexon plastic modular beltsinclude versions for both linear and curved runningbelts. All Flexon chains are made of low-contaminationmaterials, require low maintenance and offer longservice life. They boast excellent workmanship andevenness and have an especially low coefficient offriction for high energy efficiency. With their low frictionand outstanding wear resistance, the modular beltsachieve excellent performance even without lubricationand are therefore ideal for use in environments withstringent hygiene regulations, such as in the food,beverage and packaging industries.The new range of chains comprises about 300different flat top chains and more than 1,000 differentmodular belt variants. With the new range, Iwis’ productline-up now covers all drive and conveying applications.The Iwis group’s full product program includes chains forindustrial applications such as precision and highperformanceroller chains, conveyor chains,maintenance-free and corrosion-resistant chains, powerand free conveyor chains, special-purpose conveyorchains and chains for agricultural machinery, as wellas timing drive systems for the automotive industry.www.iwis.comWant more information aboutsomething you’ve read in this issue. Just Click on‘Current issue’ at www.industrialtechnology.co.uk44INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY • June/July 2010

New decentralised drivefor conveyor systemsDecentralised <strong>drives</strong> that need nopanel enclosure come into theirown in big conveyor installationssuch as airports and warehouses. It ishere that Lenze has positioned the new8400 protec frequency inverterincorporating features and performancethat match the application needs. Costsavings are achieved by reducing thetimes for installation and commissioningplus ensuring minimum downtime inoperation. Further savings are availablefrom integrated safety functionality.The Lenze 8400 protec is availablefor standard ac <strong>motors</strong> up to 4kWwhich covers 98% of conveyorinstallations. It is designed for wallmounting close to the motor and hasIP65 enclosure. Installation is madeeasier by looping power cables from oneinverter to the next and, provided theinverter is positioned close to the motor,no shielded cables are needed. Drivescan be networked by the built-in CANbus or optional Profibus and Profinet.The rugged alloy housing suits operationin ambient temperatures from -25 to+55ºC. Downtime is kept to aminimum by clear diagnostics withstatus LEDs and plug connections forpower and signals.www.lenze.co.uk45

MACHINE BUILDING & AUTOMATIONFluid PowerImproved torque controlincreases fuel efficiencyEaton says its 420 series piston pumps with hydromechanicaltorque control help compact equipmentusers meet emissions and fuel economy standardsEaton Corporation has added a hydromechanicaltorque control option and severalperformance upgrades to its 420 open circuitpiston pump product line. The 420 pump withhydro-mechanical torque control automatically sensesheavy loads and adjusts hydraulic fluid flow accordingly.It is intended for moderate-flow, medium-pressuremobile applications such as compact wheel loaders,telehandlers, rough terrain forklifts, telescopic booms,sweepers, backhoe loaders, and refuse trucks operatingup to 280 bar continuously.To accommodate the new torque control, the pumphousing was redesigned and a case-to-inlet check valvewas added to improve cold weather operation andprovide added protection to the seals and rotating group.The new torque control works in parallel with thestandard compensator, using a special mechanism toreplace the control piston. Other design changes havedecreased airborne noise to a typical 76 dBA at 1,800rpm and 207 bar, providing an environmental benefitboth to the operator and those working around thevehicle.“In compact and mid-size equipment, torque almostalways needs to be controlled,” says Eaton’s John Taylor,product manager for power products. “Limiting thetorque at the pump shaft across a wide range of enginespeeds provides operators with the benefits of increasedproductivity, greater efficiency and fewer engine stalls.The result is lower engine emissions and improved fueleconomy.” Productivity is enhanced by increasing thespeed with which the vehicle function is performed dueto flow rate changes made by the torque control system.For example, raising a heavy load with a set of forks ona telehandler places asignificant amount of demand onthe hydraulic pump and system. Toprevent engine stalls without limiting thetelehandler’s lifting capacity, manufacturersnot using torque control wouldbe forced to use a smallerdisplacement pump that significantlyslows the operationof the forks. Torquecontrol automaticallysenses heavy loadsand adjusts flowaccordingly. Limitingthe flow in highpressure situationslimits the torque thepump can apply to theengine and, as a result, avoidsthe corner horsepower point andprevents the engine from stalling. It alsoallows for higher flow and quicker operationwhen the set of forks is empty, which means higherproductivity.”Eaton says its 420 pumps offer outstanding powerdensity that is not compromised by the use of torquecontrol.Other recently launched products include the Series760 variable displacement closed circuit piston-typepump and fixed motor to its heavy-duty product offering.Intended primarily for mobile vehicle applications, thenew pumps and <strong>motors</strong> are available withdisplacements of 130cc/rev at 3200 rpm operatingspeed, and 160cc/rev at2950 rpm operating speed. Workingpressure for both displacements is 430 bar, with a highpressure relief setting of 465 bar for the pump. Bothpumps and <strong>motors</strong> have a SAE D-flange mount. Keybenefits of the new Series 760 pumps and <strong>motors</strong> are ahigh-efficiency inline axial piston design with highspeed/high-flowcapabilities, and high corner power. Afull range of features and options are included in adurable, exceptionally quiet, package. Standard featuresof the new pumps include a high displacementintegral charge pump and same-side porting.www.eaton.com/hydraulics46INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY • June/July 2010

Pumps suit hazardousarea tasksFit for any applicationJBJ Techniques has a new rangeof screw pumps particularlybeneficial for hazardous areas.The PCX Series screw pump answersmarket demand for pumps for low-tomediumpressure lubrication circuitsrequiring API 676 II ed or ATEXZone 0 or Zone 1 certification.These PCX Series screw pumpsare made from carbon steel asstandard, with other materialsavailable upon request, with ANSIin/out ports or DIN also uponrequest. A high level of versatilitycomes by virtue of both axial orradial inlet ports, making this rangeof screw pumps suitable for a widerange of lubrication applications.Advantages, such as high viscosityfluid capabilities or required noisesuppression, due to air bubblesentrapped in the pumped fluid, makethis range of screw pumpsparticularly beneficial. Benefits of thenew pumps include lowmaintenance, low noise, extremelylow pulsations in the pumped fluid,high priming capability (self priming),and optimal performances even withfluid with entrapped air. And there isno pollutant release in the pumpedmedia.www.jbj.co.ukThe modular control valves from SAMSON canbe customised to individual applications.Materials, dimensions and flanges meeting ANSI, DIN, or JIS specificationsallow the valves to be used in applications all over the world.Innovative valve accessories such as the hybrid Series 3730 Positionersoptimise valve performance.CALL 01737 766391 TODAYFOR FURTHER DETAILSSAMSON CONTROLS (LONDON) LIMITEDFax: 01737 765472. Email: Sales@samson<strong>controls</strong>.co.ukInternet: www.samson<strong>controls</strong>.co.uk47

product and service factfindersMACHINE BUILDING SYSTEMS LtdHeage Road <strong>Industrial</strong> Estate, Ripley, Derbyshire DE5 3GHe-mail: sales@mbsitem.co.uk www.mbsitem.co.ukMachine ConstructionSystemThe item MB System is a modular aluminium extrusionbasedsystem for machine construction.The item range encompasses machine frames, machineguarding, linear slides, work benches, conveyors, jigs andfixtures. Machine Building Systems is the sole distributorin the UK and Ireland for the item MB System.With an online catalogue, CAD downloads and regularnew-product updates, the website is well worth a visit.www.mbsitem.co.ukwww.automation-supplies.comAluminium profiles & modular conveyorsnetfinderswww.br-automation.comComplete automation solutions from a single sourcewww.balluff.comWorld leading sensor technologieswww.boschrexroth.comDrive & control solutionsMAYR TRANSMISSIONS LtdValley Road Business Park, Valley Road, Keighley, West Yorkshire BD21 4LZe-mail: sales@mayr.co.uk www.mayr.co.ukClutches – Couplings – BrakesTorque Limiting Clutches: • Friction Clutches • BacklashFree Ball Indent Clutches • Electromagnetic/Pneumatic ClutchesPrecision Shaft Couplings: • Element Couplings • SteelBellows Couplings • Torsionally Rigid Disc CouplingsSafety Brakes: • Electromagnetic Safety Brakes • SilentFail-Safe Brakes • Dual Circuit Brakes • Clutch/Brake UnitsClass leading designs available from UK based stocks. UK wide representatives available toassist with product selection, technical queries and after sales service.Customer service is our number one priority.www.mayr.co.ukwww.e2s.comHigh performance signalling productswww.hollinapplications.co.ukDrives, <strong>motors</strong>, <strong>controls</strong>, gears, bearings and actuatorswww.instrumentation.co.ukSensors, test and control exhibitionwww.kistler.comLeading supplier of measurement technologyOMEGA ENGINEERING LtdOne Omega Drive, River Bend <strong>Technology</strong> Centre, Northbank, Irlam, Manchester M44 5BD, UKe-mail: sales@omega.co.uk www.omega.co.ukThe Flow, Level & Environmental Handbook& Encyclopedia 8th EditionThis FREE hardbound handbook has over 1300 pages ofthe latest information on flow, level and environmentalproducts from flowmeters and valves to water test equipmentand a NEW sanitary temperature, pressure, and flow productsection. It includes an extensive technical referencesection with an overview on flow measurement, aids onselecting a complete flow measurement system, unitconversion tables and a glossary. Request your FREE copytoday from OMEGA.www.omega.co.ukwww.lg-motion.co.ukMotion control systems & supportwww.linearactuators.co.ukLinear actuators & slides from 250N to 4000Nwww.mayr.co.ukThe specialists in power transmissionswww.micro-epsilon.co.ukExtreme precision measurementsROTAFLOW FV LtdRotec House, Bingswood Trading EstateWhaley Bridge, High Peak SK23 7LYe-mail: sales@rotaflow.com www.rotaflow.comRobust and Durable SwivelJointsRotaflow FV Limited manufacture a range of robust anddurable Swivel Joints which provide 360° movementthrough a clear bore to transfer fluid under pressurewithout leakage from a static position to a moving point –ideal for loading arms or removing the twist in hoses.Single-flow, and multiport swivel joints available in carbonsteel and 316 SS. Sizes 1 ⁄4” to 24” nominal bore, with a choice of seals for maximumcompatibility.www.rotaflow.comwww.myonic.comMiniature precision ball bearingswww.omega.co.ukProcess measurement & controlwww.rittal.co.ukEnclosure & housing technologieswww.tandler.co.ukGearboxes, couplings & torque limiters48INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY • June/July 2010

Exhibition ReviewAll the fun of the fairAs automation technologies play an ever more important role inindustrial production, we look at the highlights of Automatica 2010,and how these illustrate the latest trends in the automation industryJune saw the Munich Trade Centre playing host toAutomatica, the international trade fair forautomation and mechatronics, presentinginnovations in the key technologies for handlingand assembly, machine vision, and a whole spectrum ofcomplementary technologies.The basic advantages of robot technology are a highlevel of flexibility, reliability and its use in difficult workingenvironments. In addition to this, we have been seeingtechnological innovations for many years, for example inthe area of robot safety or simpler programming andhandling. Along with decreasing prices, this has made theuse of robots more attractive and robotics has made itsway into an increasing number of new applications inindustry in general.A European premiere at Automatica was the launch byMitsubishi Electric of its compact multifunctional robotMelfa RV-2SDB. Thanks to a 2kg payload and cycle timesup to 0.6s, this multi-axis vertical articulated arm isachieving considerable increases in performance inproduction and assembly cells, which could result in usesin medical technology and other quick-runningapplications. In addition, a new system for flexibleworkpiece handling was being presented jointly withRobotics <strong>Technology</strong> Leaders. The robots will be able tomake tools which do not have to be precisely aligned orpositioned, according to manufacturer’s details, andwithout the aid of a visual system.A new generation of robot <strong>controls</strong> was the introduced byItalian company Comau. The new <strong>controls</strong> provide animpressive performance for low energy consumption due tothe APC820 industrial PC with dual core technology. Thecompact X20 input/output system and the fieldbusgeneration using Hilscher technology make a reliableinterface to customer applications possible. The exchange ofinformation between the peripheral modules and the Comaucontrol software is ensured through the Ethernet Powerlinkin real time. Spaces with different geometries can be useddynamically to restrict the robot’s outside area. In addition,integrated driver circuits are used for energy recovery.The Profinet version of Euchner’s MultifunctionalGate Box can help to significantly reduce wiringBarcode readers from Leuze Electronic work withabsolute reliability, resulting in increased efficiencyWhere control for cable robots is concerned, theTwinCAT automation software with integrated controlfrom Beckhoff supports various parallel and serialkinematics, for example as used for pick-and-place tasks.There was a live demonstration at Automatica of theextension of the TwinCAT software by 6-D kinematics forcable robots. The advantages of the cable robot for pickand-placetasks come from its mechanical structure:elaborate carbon rods are replaced by economical cables,the arrangement of the servo <strong>motors</strong> is flexible and theworkpiece gripper can be rotated and tilted further incomparison with alternative solutions.Handling and assemblyAnyone looking for assembly and handling solutionswould have seen the biggest concentration of companiesproviding turnkey assembly systems in Europe. Whilemany companies in this sector see themselves asproviders of bespoke engineering solutions, the number ofcompanies providing modular systems is increasing.The Jetwing 2010 assembly platform from Sortimatmakes assembly even more flexible. Two new sizes ofworkpiece holder expand the Jetwing range. Flexibility isalso the byword for the modular construction: betweeneight and 48 assembly stations are now possible, makingchangeovers from semi-automation to full automation andfrom small to large piece numbers run smoothly.Swiss company Montech demonstrated a wide rangeof transport solutions. For transporting larger workpiecesthe company offers a multitrack conveyor with belts ortoothed belts, that can move weights up to 100kg. It isavailable with three different <strong>drives</strong> with spur gear motor.The smooth transportation of workpieces is ensured by aselected acceleration ramp and brake ramp. The Montractransportation system meets the high standards requiredin care, precision and safety when moving objects.Machine vision has become increasingly significant inrecent years. Through developments in software and dataThe Melfa RV-2SDB from Mitsubishi boostsperformance in production and assembly cellsadministration, machine vision is increasingly enablingthe optimisation of production. A global system ofcomponents and systems has developed over the past fewyears. 2D systems and vision sensors are still dominant,but 3D applications are coming up fast.Armed against inclement conditions: Matrox GatorEyeindustrial cameras from Rauscher are armed against dust,dampness and fluctuations caused by machinery. Thestable, dust-and waterproof IP67 housing of the CCDcameras copes admirably with these conditions and so isideal for use in machine vision in wet or inclement sectorsof the automotive, food, beverage, chemical andpharmaceutical industries. Matrox GatorEye offersconnections with external devices with its optocoupledtrigger input, strobe output, eight freely programmableuser I/Os, and direct control of LED lights.A key area of vision technology is reading barcodes.The BCL 548i barcode reader with integrated Profinetfrom Leuze Electronic can be operated directly in theProfinet network with no detours. In addition, due to theintegrated switch technology, it can also be used in a linenetwork structure, which minimises cabling outlay.Depending on the requirement, the dovetail technologyand four M4x6 threaded holes make simple andconvenient fastening in the system possible. Adjustmentand parameterisation are simplified by the presentation ofthe values on a display. During operation high readingreliability is ensured by the code reconstructiontechnology (CRT) – even in fast processes.Automatica incorporates associated technologies suchas positioning systems, drive technology, sensortechnology, control technology, safety technology, utilityengineering and software into the core areas of assemblyand handling, robotics and machine vision. In additionthere are exhibitors from the service sector and fromresearch and technology. And of course, this year as ever,there were highlights. For example, the Profinet variant ofthe Multifunctional Gate Box from Euchner now alsoreduces wiring, in addition to its actual task, securing asafety door according to EN ISO 13849-1. Each functionwill no longer be wired individually, but rather thecustomer will define which element is to be integrated andwhich function is behind it. Comprehensive diagnosticsinformation in the form of Profinet reports also enablequick and targeted problem solving when needed.June/July 2010 • INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY49

EAR TO THE GROUND • Becky Silvertonbecky@itmagazine.uk.comShuffle the deck andplay the green card...Right, boys, it’s time to put social andsexual stereotypes aside, because todaywe’re going to be discussing housework.There’s a saying that love starts when yousink into his arms, and ends with your arms in hissink. And after almost 50 years of ‘women’s lib’ andat least four decades since the coining of the idiom‘New Man’ supposedly redefined the relationshipbetween the sexes, I’d be willing to bet that it’s stillwomen who bear the burden ofthe majority of the householdchores.Now don’t get all defensive, I’mnot having a go. I’m sure we’re allwell beyond thinking of certainjobs as women’s work. But thereare distinct differences in the waymen and women approachhousework. For example, for awoman vacuuming is all abouthaving a nice clean house, while for men it seems tobe more about playing with the best possible toy.When James Dyson first brought out his baglessvacuum cleaner built on cyclone technology, I’m surehe knew he had a great product, but did heanticipate the way it would become a status symbolwithin the household?Now all vacuum cleaner companies are striving tocome up with the most innovative industrial designand the most compelling sales pitch, and what wasonce a rather mundane household tool has becomea genuine boy’s toy. Could there be a better exampleof the power of good design? I rather doubt it. Whathappens, though, as we begin to reach the limits offunction, performance, design and status? Where isthere left to go?Interestingly, Electrolux has just launched the‘Vac from the Sea’ initiative. This recognises that thePacific Ocean has become polluted with the largestfloating garbage islands in the world. Some of theseplastic islands are said to be several times the sizeof the state of Texas. Electrolux intends to gatherplastic from the world’s oceans and turn it into anumber of vacuum cleaners. The initiative aims tobring attention to the issue of plastic pollution andat the same time combat the scarcity of recycledplastics needed for making sustainable homeappliances.This initiative sounds like a winner to me onseveral fronts. First, it is raising awareness of theissue of pollution, and at the same time doingsomething about it. Second, it is taking the issue ofrecycling to a whole new level. It’s a great piece ofmarketing, a great piece of design, and a greatenvironmentally-conscious move. And crucially (foryou men-folk), it turns a household appliance into adinner party conversation piece.There seems little doubt that environmentalmarketing will be the battleground for the nextdecade. The environmental credentials of suppliersare moving steadily up the order of importance onusers’ lists of requirements, and it’s not somethingthat’s going to go away. So whatever market you’rein, don’t leave it too late to show how green you are.Instrumentation ScotlandSeptember 9-13, 2010AECC, Aberdeenwww.instrumentaion.co.ukTrident Exhbitions (01822 614671)MotekMachinery Safety ZoneSeptember 13-16, 2010New Trade Fair Centre, Stuttgartwww.motek-messe.com/en/motekPE Schall GmbH (+49 7025 9206-0)Solar Power ExpoSeptember 21-23, 2010Zaragoza, Spainwww.feriazaragoza.comFeria de Zaragoza (+34 976 764 700)Health & Safety 10 NorthMachinery Safety ZoneOctober 13-14, 2010Reebok Stadium Boltonwww.healthandsafetyevents.co.ukWestern Business Exhbitions(0844 545 0046)MM Live UK 2010October 19-20, 2010Ricoh Arena, Coventrywww.micromanu.comRapid News Communications(01829 770037)Manufacturing <strong>Technology</strong>November 10-11, 2010SECC, Glasgowwww.industry.co.ukETES (01784 880890)(+49 711 61946-67)SPS/IPC/DrivesNovember 23-25, 2010Exhibition Centre, Nurembergwww.mesago.de/en/SPS/main.htmMesago Messe Management(+49 711 61946-67)Index to Advertisers June/July 2010Aerotech .................................................. 33ABB ................................................... 26-27Aerotech .................................................. 29Air Control Industries ........................... 22-23Air Control Industrie .................................. 48B&R Automation ....................................... 52Bambi Air Compressors ............................. 21Centa Transmisisons .................................. 15Eckold ..................................................... 39Elesa ....................................................... 44EMS ........................................................ 33ETA Enclosures ........................................... 3Euchner ..................................................... 9Euro Bearings ........................................... 43Euro Springs ............................................ 38Fibox ....................................................... 20Hollin Applications .................................... 48Igus ......................................................... 13IKO Nippon Thompson .............................. 13JBJ Techniques ......................................... 51Kistler Instruments .................................... 42Laidler Associates ....................................... 8Lafert Electric Motors ................................ 32Lee Products ............................................ 47Lee Spring ............................................... 39Machine Building Systems ......................... 41Machine Building Systems ......................... 48Matara ....................................................... 7Maxon Motor ............................................ 31Mayr Transmissions ................................... 48Mclennan Servo Supplies ........................... 43Myonic .................................................... 13Phoenix Mecano ....................................... 45Micro-Epsilon ........................................... 37MK Profile System .................................... 45Omega Engineering ..................................... 2Omega Engineering ................................... 48On<strong>drives</strong> .................................................. 15Poppelmann Plastics ................................... 7Proface .................................................... 35Protex Fasteners ....................................... 21RA Rodriguez ........................................... 15Reliance Precision ..................................... 16Rittal ....................................................... 18Rotaflow .................................................. 48Rotalink ................................................... 31Samson Controls ....................................... 47SEW Eurodrive ......................................... 25Spirol Industries ........................................ 39Spraying Systems ...................................... 46Stromag ................................................... 17Trident Exhibitions .................................... 37Tyco Electronics .......................................... 5WDS ....................................................... 2150INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY • June/July 2010

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