CONFERENCE ATTENDANCE - East Los Angeles College

CONFERENCE ATTENDANCE - East Los Angeles College

CONFERENCE ATTENDANCE - East Los Angeles College


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<strong>CONFERENCE</strong> <strong>ATTENDANCE</strong>Full Time Faculty – Up to $500.00 maximum conference reimbursement. If funds permit,up to a second $500.00 reimbursement may be possible.Adjunct Faculty - Prorated upon percentage of a full time assignment.TO ENSURE APPROVAL AND TIMELY REIMBURSEMENT,PLEASE SUBMIT YOUR REQUEST AS EARLY AS POSSIBLEAND FOLLOW THE SIMPLE APPLICATION PROCEDURE.APPLICATION PROCEDURE Complete 1) LACCD and 2) ELAC Request for Conference Attendance forms and 3) attachconference brochure or Internet flyer. Brochure or flyer MUSTinclude all of the following in as few pages as possible:• Name of Conference• Description of Conference• Registration Fees• Conference Date(s)• Conference Location Obtain the signature of your Department Chair. Do not submit receipts until asked to do so. Return completed packet to the Office of Academic Affairs, A6. If your request is not returned to you, it has been approved. Please wait for further notice fromthe President’s Office.QUESTIONS?Lydia Rudametkin323.265.8630 – Office C2-8rudamel@elac.eduC2.8CC323.265.86 rudamel@elac.eduu(Revised 3/2009)

TEEncumbrance #LOS ANGELES COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT<strong>East</strong> <strong>Los</strong> <strong>Angeles</strong> <strong>College</strong>Reference #REQUEST FOR <strong>CONFERENCE</strong> OR ACTIVITY <strong>ATTENDANCE</strong>Directions: Submit to President or Division Head. Attach conference or activity program, announcement or other descriptive document.1. Name of Employee Empl. No. <strong>College</strong>/Division ELAC2. Job Title Dept/Office Ext.3. Name of Conference or Activity4. Sponsoring Agency5. Conference/Activity Location: City State6. Conference/Activity Schedule: Opening Date Closing Date7. Dates on which employee will be traveling and attending conference or activity (include weekends and holidays):Beginning DateEnding Date8. Will a paid substitute be required? Yes No9. Purposes and anticipated value to the District which will be derived from attendance:10. Indicate additional assignments: Title Location11. Estimate amount of expense requested:Transportation $ Hotels/Meals $ Registration Fee $ Incidentals $ TOTAL $I hereby acknowledge that I will forfeit reimbursement if my claim is not submitted to the President’s Office within 10business days after attending the conference.12. Signature of Applicant: Date13. Approval of Conference (request will not be processed without approval):a. Supervisor/Dept. Chair Date:b. Vice President/Dean/Assoc.Dean Date:14. Funding Source with Account No. Amount Signature Datea. Academic Senate $b. Staff Development $c. Special Funds $d. Administrators $15. President16. This section to be completed by Chancellor or President/Division Head:e. ( ) Not RecommendedEnc. Amount ____________________________Account ________________________________CFA ___________________ Date ___________SignatureDateSEE OTHER SIDE FOR FURTHER INFORMATIONProcessing Date

1. REQUEST FOR <strong>CONFERENCE</strong> <strong>ATTENDANCE</strong>-PROCEDURES. An employee making a request to attend aconference in accordance with Board Rules and Regulations shall obtain from the employee’s location the standard form,Request for Conference or Activity Attendance, prepared as directed and submit it to his/her President or Division Head nolater than 21 days prior to the requested date of attendance.10702. TRAVEL AUTHORIZATION-EMPLOYEES. The Board of Trustees hereby delegates to the Chancelloror a designee authority to authorize employees to attend conferences, conventions, meeting of committees,commissions, in-service training, and other groups, and to perform similar services or travel in theperformance of assigned duties. Reimbursement for actual and necessary expenses while performing suchservices for the District shall be in accordance with Board Rule 10704 provided that the funds budgeted forsuch purpose are available and approved for such use. Advance travel funds may be granted not to exceed 90percent of estimated expenditures excluding transportation costs for trips, or for deposits for in-service trainingfacilities. Advance must total a minimum of $100.00. A substitute may be provided in the absence of theemployees.10704. REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES. Reimbursement for actual and necessary expenses may include:Transportation to and from destinationLodging and mealsConference feesTelephone or telegraphPorterage where charged as a specified feeLocal transportation at place of meetingOther miscellaneous items directly related to District businessItems excluded:Intoxicating spiritsTips or other gratuitiesPersonal telephone calls or other expenses of a personal nature2. OTHER REIMBURSEMENTS. Any reimbursement received by a person attending a conference or performing similarservices from sources other than the <strong>Los</strong> <strong>Angeles</strong> Community <strong>College</strong> District shall be deducted from the bill for expensessubmitted for reimbursement. The following items must accompany all travel claims submitted for reimbursement: copy oftransportation ticket (or ticket stub), copy of hotel/motel statement, copy of any car rental agreement, copy of conferenceregistration fee receipt, copy of receipt for meals if daily total exceeds $25.10705. RENTAL OF MOTOR VEHICLES. Employees may, during authorized travel outside of <strong>Los</strong> <strong>Angeles</strong>County, rent a motor vehicle for use within a radius of 100 miles of the point of rental, provided that suchvehicle is needed to accomplish the purpose of the travel in the most practical manner.10711. TRANSPORTATION COSTS. When transportation is by public conveyance, allowance for air or traintravel shall be at the coach rate. First class travel accommodations shall be permitted only when coachaccommodations would be impractical. Reimbursement for travel by private automobiles to destinationsbeyond a 100 mile radius of the <strong>Los</strong> <strong>Angeles</strong> City Hall shall be at the rate of fifty cents (.50) per mile. All suchtravel shall not exceed the cost of the most appropriate available common carrier to the destination. Priority ofavailability for determination of payments shall be: 1. Air, 2. Rail, 3. Bus.7501. MILEAGE. Allowance for transportation by private automobile to and from a place or places of servicelocated within one hundred (100) miles from the <strong>Los</strong> <strong>Angeles</strong> City Hall shall be at the existing authorized ratesfor college business mileage.

EAST LOS ANGELES COLLEGEOffice of Academic AffairsREQUEST FOR <strong>CONFERENCE</strong> <strong>ATTENDANCE</strong>Name: ______________________________________________________ Employee #:___________________________Department/Discipline: ___________________________________ Extension: _______ or Cell _____________________Email Address: ELAC ____ or Other (specify) __________________________________________________________1) Faculty Status: Full-Time _____ Adjunct* _____ * # Teaching Units in Semester that Conference Occurs: ______2) Paid Substitute Required? Yes* _____ No _____*Replacement from Department? _____ or*Day-to-Day Sub? _____3) Indicate Any Additional Assignment(s): Title(s): __________________________________________________Paid Substitute Required? Yes _____ No _____<strong>CONFERENCE</strong> <strong>ATTENDANCE</strong> POLICY/PROCEDURES1) The maximum conference reimbursement is $500.00 for each full time instructor if the conference isrelated to the performance of the faculty member’s assigned duties. Allocations are made on a first-come,first-served basis but criteria such as conference recency; number of instructors requesting the sameconference; timeliness; perceived benefit to the campus and funds will be considered. If the budget permits,up to $500.00 for a second conference may be reimbursed. Adjunct faculty are reimbursed on a prorated basis.2) Submit both the LACCD and ELAC Request for Conference Attendance Forms, at least four weeks prior toyour conference, to the Office of Academic Affairs. Earlier submittals will allow for faster processing.Late submittals will be processed by the Conference/Tuition Committee and the Vice President’s Office;however, your reimbursement may be delayed or denied.3) A packet consisting of the Travel Expense Claim Form and Conference Report Evaluation Formwill be sent to the applicant, by the Office of the President, once initial processing has beencompleted. Do not submit paid receipts until requested by the Office of the President.4) The Travel Expense Claim Form, accompanied by paid receipts for all items (including food), plusthe Conference Report Evaluation Form, must be submitted to the Office of the President within tendays following conference completion.I HAVE READ THE POLICY AND AGREE WITH THE PROCEDURES ABOVE._______________________________ _________________________________ _____________________Print Name Signature Date_______________________________________________________________________________________________Committee Action: Date: _______________________ Reimbursement Amount: ______________________Signatures: _________________________________________________________________________________(Revised 7/2008)

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