Transcript of this meeting [PDF]

Transcript of this meeting [PDF]

Transcript of this meeting [PDF]

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when I think we are thinking that, whilst people are being monitored, we are still safe onthe streets. Perhaps you would give us an update on that?Sir Paul Stephenson (Commissioner, MPS): It is not the MPS’ decision as to who torelease on to the streets or not. We are part <strong>of</strong> the Mullet-Agency Public ProtectionArrangements (Mapa) arrangements. I do have to say, Victoria [Borwick], that since theMapa arrangements came in, it is hugely better than anything that existed previously andthere are very, very good procedures between the various agencies to do everything theycan to monitor and try to mitigate the danger <strong>of</strong> certain people on our streets becausepeople have got to comply with the law or they go to prison. It will never be perfect.There are risks around <strong>this</strong>. We work extremely hard with local agencies.We have got to be very clear about what Mapa can do and what it cannot do. Mapa canand does mitigate risk, but it does not remove risk.Victoria Borwick (AM): I know that the Chairman is always very keen about talkingclosely about the working <strong>of</strong> the Criminal Justice System and yourselves and how to helpthat. I was concerned because, if you say it is better than it was before, God help --Sir Paul Stephenson (Commissioner, MPS): Hugely better. In the past we have usedphrases such as ‘manage these people in the community’. I am always very hesitant touse the phrase ‘manage in the community’. I think what we are doing is engaging withother agencies to do everything we can - and we can always improve it - to mitigate risk.I think there is a slight difference in the way the people would understand it.Victoria Borwick (AM): OK. We must constantly reassure the public, obviously.Kit Malthouse (Chairman): Having witnessed it firsthand, the first step has beenreaching a common understanding <strong>of</strong> risk around particular individuals, which is whatMapa does. That has aided things hugely, albeit there are, occasionally, problems anderrors. We saw that with the Sonix(?) case previously. I do think one <strong>of</strong> the things --Victoria Borwick (AM): And Warboys.Kit Malthouse (Chairman): -- that is going to come out <strong>of</strong> the CSR - which I have saidpreviously - is what other people’s budget cuts risks are going to present for us. There isa lot <strong>of</strong> work ongoing now, particularly through the London Crime Reduction Board,about drawing in those other partners and asking how we can much more collectivelymitigate those problems. I know the Commissioner and his team are very acutelyengaged in that process. OK?Victoria Borwick (AM): Thank you.Kit Malthouse (Chairman): Jennette [Arnold]?www.merrillcorp.com49

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