Transcript of this meeting [PDF]

Transcript of this meeting [PDF]

Transcript of this meeting [PDF]

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Sir Paul Stephenson (Commissioner, MPS): It is a good report. I have read it.Jenny Jones (AM): Thank you. I look forward to it.Could I ask you about the stop and search as well? You know I am not a big fan <strong>of</strong> stopand search. On the Section 60 stuff it has been reported that new draft Home Officeguidance will allow police to stop and search on the basis <strong>of</strong> ethnic origin. Have youbeen, or will you be, consulted on the guidance?Sir Paul Stephenson (Commissioner, MPS): We have received a draft proposal but Ithink we need to just be clear on what, as far as we are aware, the draft proposal is. I amtold it says - and I quote - “There may be circumstances where it is appropriate for<strong>of</strong>ficers to take account <strong>of</strong> the individual’s ethnic origin in selecting persons or vehiclesto be stopped in response to a specific threat or incident”. It then goes on to stipulate that<strong>this</strong> must not be the sole reason for the stop. We then go on to say, “You have got tohave reasonable belief you are doing the right thing”.There is a commonsense thing here <strong>of</strong> course. If you have got a specific incident andsome specific information then you will base your actions on that information, not justthat it is some rather silly attempt to get some sort <strong>of</strong> proportionality when there isabsolutely no need to interfere with anybody’s liberty who does not fit a description or aparticular grouping. It is about commonsense. Actually, I do not think that what iscontained in that new proposal alters the way in which we go about our business in theMPS one iota.Jenny Jones (AM): I am sure you are aware the Press Association put out some figurestoday --Sir Paul Stephenson (Commissioner, MPS): Yes.Jenny Jones (AM): Out <strong>of</strong> 101,000 stop and searches there were no arrests forterrorism. 1 in every 200 did lead to an arrest, but not for terrorist <strong>of</strong>fences.Kit Malthouse (Chairman): You could view that either way.Jenny Jones (AM): That is a con. I think. Not by the MPS. It is a con by theGovernment. It is trampling on civil liberties.Sir Paul Stephenson (Commissioner, MPS): I think you are talking about Section 44and, as you know, we did hugely redo Section 44 and now the position is, whilst thepower is still there, we have not applied for further, effectively, warrantry(?) from theHome Secretary to use Section 44.Jenny Jones (AM): Right. Thank you.www.merrillcorp.com47

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