Transcript of this meeting [PDF]

Transcript of this meeting [PDF]

Transcript of this meeting [PDF]

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point. One <strong>of</strong> the strands <strong>of</strong> the TP Development programme is a centralisation <strong>of</strong> ourcrime recording functions for all the reasons that you have articulated. It will come withrevenue savings and data accuracy benefits.I would not agree with your analysis <strong>of</strong> the sanction detection position. You will recall,when the Commissioner gave his update at the very beginning <strong>of</strong> the <strong>meeting</strong>, he spokeabout total notifiable <strong>of</strong>fences, so that is every single <strong>of</strong>fence that is recorded in London.Aside from monitoring the individual category we do count the whole and, within thewhole, there is some proactive work that is undertaken by police <strong>of</strong>ficers. On a daily andweekly basis I personally, with my area commanders, monitor that and look for exactlywhat you are describing, which is shifts and changes between crime categories and with aview to <strong>meeting</strong> the targets.Of course it is always going to be a risk in a target regime that we hit the target and missthe point, which is why the MPS recommended a lower number <strong>of</strong> targets in the lastfinancial year that we thought would have been more meaningful. We will beencouraging the MPA to take a similar position in <strong>this</strong> forthcoming year.In terms <strong>of</strong> sanction detections, we do not have a total notifiable <strong>of</strong>fence sanctiondetection target, so what you have just described in terms <strong>of</strong> cannabis warnings forstudents would not be a target, even if your hypothesis <strong>of</strong> the situation was correct.Your final point was about bureaucracy. We completely agree with you. We arecommitted to reducing bureaucracy across the organisation, which is why we have thereview being undertaken by Mr Rodhouse, which we will report back on, on how wemight reduce it in the future.Sir Paul Stephenson (Commissioner, MPS): Could I add one thing, Tony [Arbour]?That is please do not take Lynne’s [Owens] answer to be an invite to set a target forsanction detection for (inaudible)! The other thing is the notion <strong>of</strong> sanction detections ispretty meaningless to the man and woman on the Clapham omnibus and we need to getaway from over layered, confusing and nonsensical definitions <strong>of</strong> crimes and targets toget to something that the public understand, you understand and police <strong>of</strong>ficers canunderstand, and record it more simply.Tony Arbour (AM): I welcome Lynne’s [Owens] robust defence, but I think what Ihave pointed to are very considerable flaws. Since much <strong>of</strong> what we do is dependent onhaving accurate data, can I suggest that we - and I think <strong>this</strong> is a suggestion to you,Chairman - take a leaf out <strong>of</strong> Eric Pickles’ [Secretary <strong>of</strong> State for the Department forCommunities and Local Government] book who says that, if we think that there areunnecessary regulations, then, in effect, they should be discarded? If the figure that Ihave given about the number <strong>of</strong> pieces <strong>of</strong> paper which are required to record an assault isactually required, maybe you could recommend to the Home Secretary that <strong>this</strong> issomething which could well be thinned out.www.merrillcorp.com39

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